Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE3461: Gene expression in miscellaneous human tissues and cell lines GSE3462: Triiodothyronine Treatment: Effects on vastus lateralis skeletal muscle Abstract: Thyroid hormones are key regulators of metabolism that modulate transcription via nuclear receptors. Hyperthyroidism is associated with increased metabolic rate, protein breakdown, and weight loss. Although the molecular actions of thyroid hormones have been studied thoroughly, their pleiotropic effects are mediated by complex changes in expression of an unknown number of target genes. Here, we measured patterns of skeletal muscle gene expression in five healthy men treated for 14 days with 75 µg of triiodothyronine, using 24,000 cDNA element microarrays. To analyze the data, we used a new statistical method that identifies significant changes in expression and estimates the false discovery rate. The 381 up-regulated genes were involved in a wide range of cellular functions including transcriptional control, mRNA maturation, protein turnover, signal transduction, cellular trafficking, and energy metabolism. Only two genes were down-regulated. Most of the genes are novel targets of thyroid hormone. Cluster analysis of triiodothyronine-regulated gene expression among 19 different human tissues or cell lines revealed sets of coregulated genes that serve similar biologic functions. These results define molecular signatures that help to understand the physiology and pathophysiology of thyroid hormone action. Refer to individual Series
Project description:To define the skeletal muscle adaptations induced by exercise performed at high altitude hypoxia, we investigated if the gene expression profile of Vastus lateralis muscle was affected by 5000 m-above-sl-expedition. Two-condition experiment, Vastus lateralis muscle biopsy post-expedition vs Vastus lateralis muscle biopsy pre-expedition. Five volunteers/climbers. Biological replicates: 1 pre-expedition sample, 1 post-expedition sample.
Project description:RNA from skeletal muscle of mice over-expressing selectively in the skeletal muscle the gene FRG1, a candidate of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, was compared to RNA from skeletal muscle of WT mice. Total RNA obtained from isolated vastus lateralis muscles of 4 weeks old females WT mice and vastus lateralis muscles of 4 weeks old mice over-expressing FRG1, FSHD region gene 1.
Project description:The goal of these studies was to determine the effects of fasting on skeletal muscle mRNA levels in healthy human subjects. Seven healthy adult human subjects fasted for 40 hours and then a muscle biopsy (fasting sample) was obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle. Immediately after the first muscle biospy, subjects then ate a mixed meal. Six hours after the first muscle biopsy, a second muscle biopsy (fed sample) was obtained from the contralateral vastus lateralis muscle. In each subject, mRNA levels under fasting conditions were normalized to mRNA levels under fed conditions, which were set at 1.
Project description:MBD-Seq in Vastus Lateralis from male Subjects before and after GBP surgery Skeletal muscle samples were obtained from subjects immediately before and 6 months after Gastric Bypass surgery
Project description:Muscle biopsies taken from vastus lateralis muscle of 30 normal subjects and 19 FSHD subjects (see PubMed ID 17151338) Affymetrix U133A and U133B arrays were scanned both before (S1) and after (S2) antibody enhancement. Effects of age and sex in normal subjects reported previously under GSE362, GSE674, and GSE9676. Keywords: facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, skeletal muscle
Project description:Long RNAseq was performed on vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, tensor fascia latae, or gluteus maximus muscle samples from patients with end-stage OA. The primary study utilized single target differential gene expression analyses coupled with network biology to determine molecular circuits in the skeletal muscle overlaying a diseased joint.
Project description:To define the skeletal muscle adaptations induced by exercise performed at high altitude hypoxia, we investigated if the gene expression profile of Vastus lateralis muscle was affected by 5000 m-above-sl-expedition.
Project description:Recreationally-trained college aged males underwent 10 weeks of moderate volume, high-load resistance exercise with PRE and POST vastus lateralis skeletal muscle biopsies. Protein isolation was performed on tissue samples and the sarcoplasmic protein fraction was analyzed to evaluate changes PRE to POST.