Project description:We performed RNA sequencing and smallRNA sequencing experiments on visual cortex tissues from three groups of animals: wildtype mice postnatal day 10 (P10-WT), wildtype mice postnatal day 28 (P28-WT), and miR-132/212 null mice postnatal day 28 (P28-KO).
Project description:Analysis of thalamus and hypothalamus under conditions of visual deprivation by dark-rearing (DR). Animals subjected to DR from birth till postnatal day (P) 14. Results provide insight into the role of visual inputs in the regulation of gene expression in thalamus and hypothalamus during development. RNA sample was taken from thalamus and hypothalamus of 14-day-old mouse reared in standard or dark condition. Comparisons among groups were made by one-color method with normalized data from Cy3 channels for data analysis.
Project description:Mouse whisker somatosensory cortex (wS1) is a major model system to study the experience-dependent plasticity of cortical neuron physiology, morphology, and sensory coding. However, the role of sensory experience in regulating neuronal cell type development and gene expression in wS1 remains poorly understood. We assembled and annotated a transcriptomic atlas of wS1 during postnatal development comprising 45 molecularly distinct neuronal types that can be grouped into eight subclasses of excitatory neurons and four subclasses of inhibitory neurons. Using this atlas, we examined the influence of whisker experience between postnatal day (P) 12, the onset of active whisking, to P22, on the maturation of molecularly distinct cell types. During this developmental period, when whisker experience was normal, ~250 genes were regulated in a neuronal subclass-specific fashion. At the resolution of neuronal types, we found that only the composition of layer (L) 2/3 glutamatergic neuronal types, but not other neuronal types, changed substantially between P12 and P22. These compositional changes resemble those observed previously in the primary visual cortex (V1), and the temporal gene expression changes were also highly conserved between the two regions. In contrast to V1, however, cell type maturation in wS1 is likely independent of sensory experience, as 10-day full-face whisker deprivation had no influence on the transcriptomic identity and composition of L2/3 neuronal types. A one-day competitive whisker deprivation protocol also did not affect cell type identity but induced moderate changes in plasticity-related gene expression. Thus, developmental maturation of cell types is similar in V1 and wS1, but sensory deprivation has a minimal effect on cell type development in wS1.
Project description:Reverse Crosslink Control ChIP-seq on postnatal 0 day mouse liver (fragmentation date 05-28-14) For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:Reverse Crosslink Control ChIP-seq on postnatal 0 day mouse lung (fragmentation date 05-28-14) For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:Analysis of astrocyte gene expression across postnatal development in the mouse visual cortex, spanning the time of synaptogenesis and synapse maturation.
Project description:In our research, applying a two-dimensional differential in gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and the tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) method to investigate the differential expression of proteins of rats' cortex in the sham group, 3 day post sipnal cord transection, 14 day post sipnal cord transection, and 28 day post sipnal cord transection.
Project description:Unified visual perception relies on the integration of bottom-up and top-down inputs in the primary visual cortex (V1), with top-down inputs known to provide behavior-related modulation on visual processing. However, the organization of top-down inputs in V1 remains unclear. Here, using optogenetics-assisted circuit mapping, we characterized how multiple top-down inputs from higher-order cortical and thalamic areas engage excitatory and inhibitory neurons in V1. Systematic layer- and cell-type-specific profiling of the innervation properties of top-down inputs ultimately revealed that each top-down input employs a unique laminar profile when innervating V1. These profiles partially overlap in superficial layers, bypass layer 4 (L4), and clearly segregate upon reaching deep layers. Specifically, inputs from the medial secondary visual cortex (V2M) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACA) preferentially activate L6 neurons, while inputs from the ventrolateral orbitofrontal cortex (ORBvl) and lateral posterior thalamic nucleus (LP) activate L5 neurons. Having defined the inputs, we conducted independent optogenetic activation studies and discovered that ORBvl and LP inputs selectively activate two types of pyramidal neurons (Pyrs) in L5: Pyr <-- ORBvl and Pyr <-- LP neurons, each with specific electrophysiological properties and gene expression profiles. Retrograde mapping subsequently revealed that Pyr <-- ORBvl neurons preferentially innervate subcortical areas and Pyr <-- LP neurons innervate cortical areas, indicating parallel processing of ORBvl and LP inputs in Pyr-type-specific subnetworks. Further, we found mutual inhibition between these two subnetworks, as LP inputs indirectly inhibit Pyr <-- ORBvl neurons and ORBvl inputs inhibit Pyr <-- LP neurons through local inhibitory neurons. Our study thus deepens understanding of the neuronal mechanisms involved in top-down modulation of visual processing by providing a valuable resource characterizing the layer- and cell-type-specific organization of top-down inputs in V1 and by revealing that L5 Pyr-type-specific subnetworks engage in parallel processing of corticocortical and thalamocortical top-down inputs.
Project description:Analysis of thalamus and hypothalamus under conditions of visual deprivation by dark-rearing (DR). Animals subjected to DR from birth till postnatal day (P) 14. Results provide insight into the role of visual inputs in the regulation of gene expression in thalamus and hypothalamus during development.