Project description:Meditation and other alternative practices have long been known to promote various health benefits, presumably by fostering a blood and tissue environment that enhances resilience to stress. Here, we used an integrated, multidisciplinary approach that couples quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG), biometrics, molecular, and biochemical data at multiple time points to investigate the impact of mind-based interventions on the body in a cohort of twins during an intensive week-long meditation retreat. We aim to show the feasibility of a novel design aimed to address individual changes controlling for intersubject trait variation (via twin control) and explore the role of genetic background on multi-omic factors during meditation. Interestingly, twin pairs showed significant spectral power correlations while in separate rooms and only one twin was meditating. These similarities were not observed in mismatched twin pairs. Heart rate dynamics assessments showed alignment among twin pairs that were absent between unmatched pairs. In addition, changes in gene expression, metabolites, and cytokines in blood plasma associated with specific meditative states showed patterns of change related to time points. Twin sets were similar in multiple domains before the start of the retreat, showed considerable divergence at the mid-point, and looked more similar by the end of the retreat. To our knowledge, this study is novel within the twin research paradigm and is a first step toward exploring the effects of meditation in twins.
Project description:Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an immune-mediated peripheral neuropathy that debilitates the voluntary and autonomous response of the patient. In this study the transcriptome of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a GBS patient and her healthy twin were compared to discover possible correlates of disease progression and recovery. Blood samples were collected simultaneously from the Guillain-Barré patient (A) and from her control healthy twin (B) at three different time points during disease progression from hospitalization in the intensive care unit (T1), passing to intermediate care (T2), and at conclusion of locomotion rehabilitation program when the patient was close to abandon the hospital (T3).
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and normal peripheral blood samples. The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip v1.1 was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across 482,421 CpGs in peripheral blood samples. Samples came from 17 Crohn's disease affected, 11 ulcerative colitis affected, and 20 normal individuals. Within these samples were three twin sets discordant for Crohn's disease and three twin sets discordant for ulcerative colitis.
Project description:Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a ketone body synthesized during fasting or strenuous exercise. Our previous study demonstrated that a cyclic ketogenic diet (KD), which induces BHB levels similar to fasting every other week, reduces midlife mortality and improves memory in aging mice. BHB actively regulates gene expression and inflammatory activation through non-energetic signaling pathways. Neither of these activities has been well-characterized in the brain and they may represent mechanisms by which BHB affects brain function during aging. First, we analyzed hepatic gene expression in an aging KD-treated mouse cohort using bulk RNA-seq. In addition to the downregulation of TOR pathway activity, cyclic KD reduces inflammatory gene expression in the liver. We observed via flow cytometry that KD also modulates age-related systemic T cell functions. Next, we investigated whether BHB affects brain cells transcriptionallyin vitro. Gene expression analysis in primary human brain cells (microglia, astrocytes, neurons) using RNA-seq shows that BHB causes a mild level of inflammation in all three cell types. However, BHB inhibits the more pronounced LPS-induced inflammatory gene activation in microglia. Furthermore, we confirmed that BHB similarly reduces LPS-induced inflammation in primary mouse microglia and bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). BHB is recognized as an inhibitor of histone deacetylase (HDAC), an inhibitor of NLRP3 inflammasome, and an agonist of the GPCR Hcar2. Nevertheless, in microglia, BHB's anti-inflammatory effects are independent of these known mechanisms. Finally, we examined the brain gene expression of 12-month-old male mice fed with one-week and one-year cyclic KD. While a one-week KD increases inflammatory signaling, a one-year cyclic KD reduces neuroinflammation induced by aging. In summary, our findings demonstrate that BHB mitigates the microglial response to inflammatory stimuli, like LPS, possibly leading to decreased chronic inflammation in the brain after long-term KD treatment in aging mice.
Project description:In the fetal sheep during late gestation sulfoconjugated estrogens in plasma reach a concentration 40-100 times greater than unconjugated estrogens. The objective of the present study was to determine the genomics of estradiol-3-sulfate (E2S) action in the fetal brain. The hypothesis was that E2S stimulates genes involved in the neuroendocrine pathways in the hypothalamus that direct or facilitate fetal development at the end of gestation. Four sets of chronically-catheterized ovine twin fetuses were studied (gestational age: 120-127 days gestation) with one infused with E2S intracerebroventricularly (1 mg/day) and the other remained untreated (control). After euthanasia, mRNA samples were extracted from the 8 hypothalami, corresponding to the four treatment and four control fetuses. Microarray analysis was performed following the Agilent protocol for 1-color 8x15 microarrays, designed for Ovis aries. A total of 4 sets of chronically-catheterized ovine twin fetuses were studied with one infused with estradiol-3-sulfate intracerebroventricularly (1 mg/day) for 7-12 days, using an osmotic mini-pump implanted in the fetus, and the other served as an untreated control. The gestational age at the time of surgery was 120-127 days of gestation. Twin fetuses were randomly assigned to the two groups at the time of surgery. After 7-12 days of infusion, twin fetuses of known gestational age (130 to 134 days) were euthanized and mRNA samples were extracted from the 8 hypothalami, corresponding to the four treatment and four control fetuses.
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study was to characterized the transcriptome profiles of whole-blood cells from 388 specimens obtained from 106 individuals before and after the meditation retreat at four-time points (T1–T4) by RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq). T1 samples were collected 5-8 weeks before the retreat, T2 samples were collected on the day of retreat before starting the meditation method, T3 samples were collected immediately after the retreat, and T4 samples were collected three months after the retreat. Methods: The human blood samples were collected into PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes and stored at -80°C freezer. Before RNA extraction the samples were removed from -80°C and incubated overnight at room temperature. The samples were randomized before RNA extraction to eliminate any time point or age or sex or batch effect. Manufacturer’s protocol of manual purification of total RNA from human whole blood was followed (Qiagen, cat #762164). RNA was reverse transcribed to complementary DNA (Lexogen QuantSeq 3′ FWD), and sequenced on a HiSeq 4000 instrument (Illumina). Results: We applied a comprehensive systems biology approach starting with whole blood gene expression profiling combined with multi-level bioinformatic analyses to characterize the co-expression, transcriptional, and protein-protein interaction networks to identify meditation-specific core network after an advanced eight-day Inner Engineering retreat program. We found the response to oxidative stress, detoxification, and cell cycle regulation pathways were downregulated after meditation. Strikingly, 220 genes directly associated with immune response, including 68 genes related to interferon (IFN) signaling were upregulated, with no significant expression changes in the inflammatory genes. This robust meditation-specific immune response network is significantly dysregulated in multiple sclerosis and severe COVID-19 patients. Conclusions: The present proof-of-principle study demonstrates that the immune system can be voluntarily influenced by non-pharmaceutical interventions like yoga and meditation. This suggests that meditation as a behavioral intervention could have important implications for treating various conditions associated with excessive or persistent inflammation with a dampened immune system profile.
2021-10-01 | GSE174083 | GEO
Project description:Multidimensional analysis of DEL
Project description:Objective: To identify genes involved in idiopathic absence epilepsies by analysing gene expression using a monozygotic (MZ) twin design. Methods: Genome-wide gene expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines was determined using microarrays derived from five discordant and four concordant MZ twin pairs with idiopathic absence epilepsies and five unaffected MZ twin pairs. Gene expression was analysed using three strategies: discordant MZ twins were compared as matched pairs, MZ twins concordant for epilepsy were compared to control MZ twins, and a singleton design of affected versus unaffected MZ twin individuals was used irrespective of twin pairing. An overlapping gene list was generated from these analyses. Dysregulation of genes recognised from the microarray experiment were validated using quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) in the twin sample and in an independent sample of 18 sporadic absence cases and 24 healthy controls. Results: Sixty-five probe sets were identified from the microarray analysis strategies. Sixteen genes were chosen for validation and nine of these genes confirmed by qRT-PCR in the twin sample. Differential expression of the immediate early gene EGR1 and RCN2, coding for the calcium-binding protein Reticulocalbin 2, was re-confirmed by qRT-PCR in the independent sample. Interpretation: Using a unique sample of discordant MZ twins, our study identified genes with altered expression, which suggest novel mechanisms in idiopathic absence epilepsy. Dysregulation of EGR1 and RCN2 might represent common transcriptional alterations in idiopathic absence epilepsy. Keywords: Childhood Absence Epilepsy, Juvenile Absence Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy, gene expression, twin study, monozygotic twins
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and normal peripheral blood samples. The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip v1.1 was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across 482,421 CpGs in peripheral blood samples. Samples came from 17 Crohn's disease affected, 11 ulcerative colitis affected, and 20 normal individuals. Within these samples were three twin sets discordant for Crohn's disease and three twin sets discordant for ulcerative colitis. Bisulfite converted DNA from the 48 samples were hybridized to the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip v1.1
Project description:The expression level for 15 887 transcripts in lymphoblastoid cell lines from 19 monozygotic twin pairs (10 male, 9 female) were analysed for the effects of genotype and sex. On an average, the effect of twin pairs explained 31% of the variance in normalized gene expression levels, consistent with previous broad sense heritability estimates. The effect of sex on gene expression levels was most noticeable on the X chromosome, which contained 15 of the 20 significantly differentially expressed genes. A high concordance was observed between the sex difference test statistics and surveys of genes escaping X chromosome inactivation. Notably, several autosomal genes showed significant differences in gene expression between the sexes despite much of the cellular environment differences being effectively removed in the cell lines. A publicly available gene expression data set from the CEPH families was used to validate the results. The heritability of gene expression levels as estimated from the two data sets showed a highly significant positive correlation, particularly when both estimates were close to one and thus had the smallest standard error. There was a large concordance between the genes significantly differentially expressed between the sexes in the two data sets. Analysis of the variability of probe binding intensities within a probe set indicated that results are robust to the possible presence of polymorphisms in the target sequences. Keywords: Monozygotic twin pair Expression Profiles Genome-wide gene expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines was determined using microarrays derived from 15 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs (10 male, 9 female). 10 twin pair are discordant, 4 are concordant for a disease phenotype and their are 5 controls which have no disease phenotype. This data set was analyzed to interrupt replicated effects of sex and genotype, not disease characteristics. Subsets of these samples have been analyzed separately for disease characteristics, (GSE7036 M-bM-^@M-^S 3 MZ twins discordant for bipolar disorder) and (GSE7486 - 5 discordant and 4 concordant MZ twin pairs with idiopathic absence epilepsies and 5 unaffected MZ twin pairs).