Project description:To further unravel the potential molecular mechanisms involved in the loss of muscle function during an acute exacerbation, a cross-sectional microarray study was designed to compare the gene expression profile of the vastus lateralis muscle in patients with an acute COPD exacerbation and in stable COPD patients. Keywords: cross-sectional patient study A cross-sectional microarray study was designed. The microarray screening was performed on a vastus lateralis biopsy obtained from 4 patients with an acute COPD exacerbation and 5 stable COPD patients. No replicates or dye-swaps were included.
Project description:To further unravel the potential molecular mechanisms involved in the loss of muscle function during an acute exacerbation, a cross-sectional microarray study was designed to compare the gene expression profile of the vastus lateralis muscle in patients with an acute COPD exacerbation and in stable COPD patients. Keywords: cross-sectional patient study
Project description:Transcriptional profiling comparing muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis in patients with COPD Patients randomised in cross over study to 3months of air and 3months oxygen therapy with muscle biopies taken at baseline and following each intervention.
Project description:Study the effects of 3 weeks training exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and healthy individuals. Skeletal muscle biopsies of 5 COPD patients (aged 63±2 year) and 3 age-matched healthy individuals were studied before and after 3 weeks of a supervised endurance training program. Samples were collected from open muscle biopsies of the vastus lateralis of 5 COPD patients and 3 age-matched healthy individuals before and after 3 weeks of a supervised endurance training program. Patients and controls underwent an endurance exercise program on a cycloergometer 5 days a week for three consecutive weeks. One 1 h session/day was established in all subjects, with effective exercise periods of at least 30 min in each case.
Project description:Study the training exercise effects in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and aged-matched healthy individuals. Skeletal muscle biopsies from 9 stable COPD patients with normal fat free mass index (FFMI, 21Kg/m2) (COPDN), 6 COPD patients with low FFMI (16Kg/m2) (COPL), and 12 healthy sedentary subjects (FFMI 21Kg/m2) before and after 8 weeks of a supervised endurance exercise program were analyzed. Samples were collected from open biopsies from the musculus vastus lateralis of COPD patients and healthy individuals before and after 8 weeks of exercise training. Constant-work rate exercise at 70% of pre-training Watts peak (Wpeak) (CardiO2 cycle Medical Graphics Corporation, USA) was carried out before and after 8 weeks of supervised interval training with a cycloergometer until pre-training endurance time exhaustion. Measurements before and after training were obtained at isowork-rate and iso-time.