Project description:LC-MS of yeast strain that maintained high viability during bottle conditioning compared to strain that had poor viability during bottle conditioning.
Project description:This dataset constitutes the first Sono-Seq study of chromatin accessibility following contextual fear conditioning in the mouse hippocampus.
Project description:Npas4 CUT&Tag dataset, Adult male WT C57BL/6J mice underwent discriminative fear conditioning and immediately injected saline. 90 minutes after fear conditioning, The amygdala tissue was extracted for further experiment. Npas4 CUT&Tag was performed to elucidate possible downstream targets which contributes regulation of fear expression during fear retreival.
Project description:This dataset constitutes the first RNA-seq study of gene expression following contextual fear conditioning in the mouse hippocampus.
Project description:To develop a successful, reliable and scalable method for establishing primary cultures of adult neurons from all regions of the brain. Using adult motor cortex cultures, we identify a CNS "conditioning" effect after spinal cord injury. In vivo conditioning was administered 24hrs prior to cultures.
Project description:Meniscus fibrochondrocytes (MFCs) experience simultaneous hypoxia and mechanical loading in the knee, conditions that have promising applications in human meniscus tissue engineering. We hypothesized that “mechano-hypoxia conditioning,” using mechanical loading such as dynamic compression (DC) and cyclic hydrostatic pressure (CHP), would enhance development of human meniscus fibrocartilage extracellular matrix in vitro. MFCs from inner human meniscus surgical discards were pre-cultured on porous type I collagen scaffolds with TGF-β3 supplementation to form baseline tissues with newly-formed matrix. They were then treated with DC or CHP under hypoxia (HYP, 3% O2) for 5 days. DC was the more effective load regime, and combined HYP/DC enhanced gene expression of fibrocartilage precursors. The individual treatments of DC and HYP regulated thousands of genes and combined in an overwhelmingly additive rather than synergistic manner. Baseline tissues were then treated with a short course of DC (5 vs 60 minutes, 10-20% vs 30-40% strain) with different pre-culture durations (3 vs 6 weeks). Longer courses of loading had diminishing returns in terms of gene regulation. There was a dose-effect for higher DC strains, whereas outcomes were mixed for different MFC donors in pre-culture durations. Finally, baseline tissues were conditioned for 3 weeks with mechano-hypoxia conditioning to assess mechanical and protein-level outcomes. There were 1.8 to 5.1-fold gains in the dynamic modulus relative to baseline in HYP/DC, but matrix outcomes were equal or inferior to static controls. Long-term mechano-hypoxia conditioning was effective in suppressing hypertrophic markers (e.g., COL10A1 10-fold suppression vs static/normoxia). Applied appropriately, mechano-hypoxia conditioning can support meniscus fibrocartilage development in vitro and may be useful as a strategy for developing non-hypertrophic articular cartilage using mesenchymal stem cells.
Project description:Fear conditioning induces immediate changes in the mouse hippocampal transcriptome profile. Here, we performed RNA sequqencing in mice hippocampi at 15 minutes, 1 hour and 3 hours post-fear conditioning in addition to non-conditioned mice. Tob gene has been shown to affect cellular stress and behavior. In order to understand the role of Tob gene in the hippocampal stress and fear machinery, we compared hippocampi of Tob WT and KO mice. This dataset shows the temporal transcriptomic changes in mouse hippocampus induced by fear conditioning. Also, it shows the changes occurred after Tob deletion.
Project description:This dataset constitutes the first RNA-seq study of gene expression following contextual fear conditioning in the mouse hippocampus. 15 total samples were analyzed, including animals trained in a contexual conditioning paradigm (FC) and controls. Tissue was collected at 30 minutes (FC), as well as 30 minutes after testing for retrieval of the memory (RT). Testing was performed at 24 hours after training over a 5-minute interval. Animals that were handled but not trained were dissected at the same time of day to control for variations due to circadian rhythms (CC3). The protocol was repeated over the course of 5 days to obtain 9 animals (2 hippocampi) per group, so that 5 independent FC experiments were represented in each time point and all animals for each group were dissected at the exactly the same time of day.
Project description:This experiment examined K63 polyubiquitin protein targets in the male and female hippocampus after contextual fear conditioning. Samples were the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus collected from male and female Sprague-Dawley rats that were 8-9 weeks old. Samples were collected 1 hour after contextual fear conditioning (Trained) or from non-stimulated controls (Naïve).