Project description:This study evaluate how catabolite control protein A (CcpA) inactivation affected gene transcript levels in the group A Streptococcus serotype M1 strain MGAS5005 during growth in standard laboratory medium. Keywords: transcriptome analysis
Project description:The goal of this study were to compare the transcriptoms of CcpA and CovR in group A Streptococcus. Isogenic mutant strains were created in which CcpA and CovR were inactivated alone and in combination. The transcriptomes of the four strains (wild-type, CcpA mutant, CovR mutant, and ccpA-covR double mutant) were then compared.
Project description:This study evaluate how catabolite control protein A (CcpA) inactivation affected gene transcript levels in the group A Streptococcus serotype M1 strain MGAS5005 during growth in standard laboratory medium. Keywords: transcriptome analysis 4 replicates of strain MGAS5005 and delta_cppA were grown in THY to early and late logarithmic growth phases. The transcriptomes of each samples were then analyzed.
Project description:We sought to determine how deletion of ccpA affects the gene expression profile in three M serotype strains of group A streptococcus
Project description:The goal of this study were to compare the transcriptoms of CcpA and CovR in group A Streptococcus. Isogenic mutant strains were created in which CcpA and CovR were inactivated alone and in combination. The transcriptomes of the four strains (wild-type, CcpA mutant, CovR mutant, and ccpA-covR double mutant) were then compared. Four biological replicates of each strain were grown to the mid-exponential and stationary phases of growth in THY. Cells were harvested, RNA isolated, and converted to cDNA. cDNA was hybridized to a custom-made Affymetrix GeneChip that contains 100% of the ORFs of the wild-type strain MGAS2221.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE31815: ccpA mutant compared to D39 wild-type in Streptococcus pneumoniae in CDM + Glucose at MID-log growth phase GSE31816: ccpA mutant compared to D39 wild-type in Streptococcus pneumoniae in CDM + GLucose at transition-phase of growth (TS) GSE31817: ccpA mutant compared to D39 wild-type in Streptococcus pneumoniae in CDM + Galactose at MID-log growth phase GSE31818: ccpA mutant compared to D39 wild-type in Streptococcus pneumoniae in CDM + galactose at transition-phase of growth (TS) Refer to individual Series
Project description:Comparison of Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 ccpA mutant compared to D39 wild type in CDM with galactose as sole carbon source to define the regulon of carbon catabolite control protein CcpA under this condition Details described in Carvalho SM, Kloosterman TG, Neves AR, Kuipers OP. CcpA Ensures Optimal Metabolic Fitness of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Plos One 2011