Project description:Transcriptomic profilifing of the mammary luminal compartment using a refined purification strategy. This strategy uses constitutive expression of Pgr and the progenitor marker CD14.
Project description:Mammary glands of 8 adult (10 week-old) female mice were collected. Freshly sorted basal and luminal epithelial cells were submitted to a Fluidigm C1 System machine for single cell capture and cDNA synthesis. Cells were visualized under the microscope to ensure integrity of the captured single cells prior to cDNA preparation. Libraries were prepared using the Nextera XT kit and sequencing was carried out on an Illumina Hiseq 2000 to achieve 100bp paired-end reads.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below. Mammary glands were collected from female mice of various ages: pre puberty (2 weeks), pubescent (5 weeks), adult (10 weeks) and pregnant (12.5 days mid-pregnancy). Freshly sorted epithelial cells were submitted to a Fluidigm C1 System machine for single cell capture and cDNA synthesis. In some cases, cells were further sorted into basal and luminal subsets. Cells were visualized under a microscope to ensure integrity of the captured single cells prior to cDNA preparation. Libraries were sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 to achieve 100bp paired-end reads or on an Illumina NextSeq to achieve 75bp paired-end reads.
Project description:We have identified GATA-3 as a critical regulator of luminal cell differentiation in the mammary gland. Acute loss of GATA-3 in the adult mammary gland leads to an expansion of an undifferentiated luminal epithelium and the formation of a multi-layered epithelium. Here we report microarray analysis of mammary glands that have undergone acute loss of GATA-3 Keywords: genetic modification
Project description:We have identified GATA-3 as a critical regulator of luminal cell differentiation in the mammary gland. Acute loss of GATA-3 in the adult mammary gland leads to an expansion of an undifferentiated luminal epithelium and the formation of a multi-layered epithelium. Here we report microarray analysis of mammary glands that have undergone acute loss of GATA-3 Adult GATA-3flox/flox; WAP-rtTA-Cre and GATA-flox/+; WAP-rtTA-Cre mice were administered doxyxcline for 5 days and their mammary glands harvested. Total RNA was extracted by the Trizol method. Het mammary gland total RNA was labeled with Cy5 while Null mammary gland total RNA was labeled with Cy3. Microarray hybridization was performed on spotted oligonucleotide microarrays with 38,000 features. Lowess print-tip normalization and analysis was performed on the Acuity software package (V 4.0)
Project description:We used a mouse strain in which one Tbx3 gene was replaced with the yellow fluorescent protein variant Venus. Luminal cells had either very high Tbx3 promoter activity or not at all. We performed an expression analysis on luminal mammary epithelial cells sorted based on their Venus expression (reporting Tbx3 promoter activity) to investigate the difference between these two cell populations. Mammary epithelial cells from 3 Tbx3-Venus-KI adult virgin female mice (FVB background) were pooled and luminal cells were sorted into a Venus-hi and a Venus-neg sample. There were no repeats for this study.
Project description:The mammary glands of adult female mice were divided into ductal tissue and terminal end buds (TEBs). Basal and luminal epithelial cells were FACS sorted and nuclei extracted for 75bp paired-end ATAC-seq profiling using an Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer.
Project description:The mammary glands of adult female mice were divided into ductal tissue and terminal end buds (TEBs). Basal and luminal epithelial cells were FACS sorted and RNA extracted for 75bp paired-end RNA-seq profiling using an Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer.
Project description:RUNX1 encodes a RUNX family transcription factor (TF) and was recently identified as a novel mutated gene in human luminal breast cancers. We found that Runx1 is expressed in all subpopulations of murine mammary epithelial cells (MECs) except the secretory alveolar luminal cells. Conditional knockout of Runx1 in MECs by MMTV-Cre led to a decrease in luminal MECs, largely due to a profound reduction in the estrogen receptor (ER)-positive mature luminal subpopulation, a phenotype that could be rescued by loss of either Trp53 or Rb1. Mechanistically RUNX1 represses Elf5, a master regulatory TF gene for alveolar cells, and activates Foxa1, a key mature luminal TF gene involved in the ER program. Collectively, our data identified a key regulator of the ER+ luminal lineage whose disruption may contribute to development of ER+ luminal breast cancer when under the background of either TP53 or RB1 loss. Thoracic and inguinal mammary glands from 3 MMTV-Cre;Runx1L/L;R26Y and 3 MMTV-Cre;Runx1+/+;R26Y adult virgin females were dissected out, minced and digested to single cell suspension. Runx1L is the floxed conditional knockout allele of Runx1. R26Y is a conditional YFP reporter that would be turned on upon Cre-mediated recombination. FACSaria machine was used to sort out the YFP-marked luminal epithelial cell population of each of these 6 mice. Total RNA was isolated with Qiagen RNeasy kit and subsequently amplified by Nugen V2 and applied to Affymetrix mouse genome 430 2.0 arrays.
Project description:We report here the transcriptional signature of Notch1-expressing (GFP positive) luminal mammary progenitors compared to total luminal cells (GFP negative). For each condition, 3 biological replicates were performed, by pooling the mammary glands from two mice/replicate.