Project description:Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) is a pervasive flame retardant that has been identified as a chemical of concern given its health effects and therefore its use has since been tightly regulated. Tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP), an analogue of TCEP, is believed to be its replacement. However, compared to TCEP, little is known of the toxicological impacts of TCIPP. We used RNA sequencing as unbiased and sensitive tool to identify and compare effects on a transcriptome level of TCEP and TCIPP in the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HepG2. We identified that compared to other flame retardants, TCEP and TCIPP had little cytotoxicity. Treatment with sub-cytotoxic concentrations of the two compounds revealed that both chemicals elicited similar effects; both compounds were found to affect genes involved in immune responses and steroid hormone biosynthesis, while also affecting xenobiotic metabolism pathways in a similar manner. Specifically for effects on immune responses, both compounds were shown to alter the expression of the receptor of the potent and pleiotropic complement component, C5a. Additionally, expression of genes encoding for effector proteins involved in the complement cascade along with other potent inflammatory regulators were found altered in response to TCEP and TCIPP, further emphasizing their potential effects on immune function. Taken together, given that TCIPP elicited similar effects compared to TCEP, and at lower concentrations, the potential health effects of TCIPP need to be further studied for a complete risk assessment of the compound.
Project description:The present study investigated whether maternal periodontal disease modifies the microRNA expression profile in adult offspring. *************************************************************** This study was supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [grant #2019/04183-9; #2022/08872-6; #2023/03786-7; #2023/12488-0; #2023/01400-4] and CNPq [grant 151151/2023-7], São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The grants #2019/04183-9; #2023/12488-0; #2023/01400-4 and 151151/2023-7 were awarded to the author Maria Sara de Lima Coutinho Mattera. The grant #2022/08872-6 was awarded to Heloisa Macedo Sampaio. The grant #2023/03786-7 was awarded to Gabriele Fernandes Baliero. ***************************************************************
Project description:Abstract: Wallerian degeneration (WD) is a process of autonomous distal degeneration of axons upon injury. Macrophages (MP) of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are main cellular agent controlling this process. Some evidences suggest that resident PNS-MP along with MP of hematogenous origin may be involved but whether these two subsets exert distinct functions is unknown. Combining MP-designed fluorescent reporters mice, and coherent anti-stoke raman scattering (CARS) imaging of the sciatic nerve, we deciphered the spatio-temporal choreography of resident and recently recruited MP after injury and unveiled distinct functions of these subsets with recruited MP responsible of efficient myelin stripping and clearance while resident MP were involved in axonal regrowth. This work provides clues to tackle selectively cellular processes involved in neurodegenerative diseases. Methods: (relevant for this GEO dataset): RNAseq of sciatic nerve macrophages from mice after CCI: Sorted cells were lysed in 100µl of RA1/TCEP buffer (NucleoSpin RNA XS, Macherey-Nagel), snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80C until RNA extraction. All samples were processed in parallel and RNA extraction (without Carrier RNA but with on-column DNase treatment) was performed according to manufacturer's instructions (NucleoSpin RNA XS, Macherey-Nagel). RNA was eluted in RNAse-free water. Preparation of cDNA libraries for RNAseq was done using the SmartSeq method according to manufacturer's instructions (SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, Clontech/TaKaRa). Due to the low number of cells, the total amount of eluted RNA was used as starting material for reverse transcription, followed by 18 cycles of pre-amplification. 1ng of cDNA were used for RNAseq sequencing library preparation, according to manufacturer's instructions (Nextera XT DNA Library Preparation, Illumina). Final samples pooled library prep were sequenced on a Nextseq 500 ILLUMINA with MidOutPut cartridge (2x130Millions of 75 bases reads) with 2 runs (4plex and 5plex), corresponding to 2x30Millions of (paired-end) reads per sample after demultiplexing.