Project description:Investigation of partial genome gene expression level changes in a Desulfovibrio africanus during exponential and stationary phase growth in the presence and absence of 5 ug/L Hg2+ (as HgNO3). Desulfovibrio africanus is a known mercury methylating bacteria A 3 chip study using total RNA recovered from three separate cultures of Desulfovibrio africanus with 5 ug/L Hg during exponential phase growth, three seperate cultures of Desulfovibrio africanus with 5 ug/L Hg during stationary phase growth, three cultures of Desulfovibrio africanus without Hg during exponential phase growth, and Desulfovibrio africanus without Hg during stationary phase growth. Each chip measures the expression level of 4,585 genes and intergenic regions from Desulfovibrio africanus strain Walvis Bay on a custom Nimblegen format with 75-mer probes with tiled in 4-plex format.
Project description:Investigation of partial genome gene expression level changes in a Desulfovibrio africanus during exponential and stationary phase growth in the presence and absence of 5 ug/L Hg2+ (as HgNO3). Desulfovibrio africanus is a known mercury methylating bacteria
Project description:Investigating the role of carbon monoxide and a CO sensor protein CooA in the physiology of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough using whole genome expression analysis Comparison of whole genome expression changes in the wild type and a strain deleted for CooA (DVU2097) in the presence and absence of carbon monoxide
Project description:Investigating the role of carbon monoxide and a CO sensor protein CooA in the physiology of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough using whole genome expression analysis
Project description:The syntrophic growth of strain 195 with Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (DVH) and/or Methanobacterium congolense (MC) enhanced TCE dechlorination process by faster dechlorination rate and more robust growth. Transcriptomes of strain 195 grown in isolation, co- and tri-cultures were obtained by microarray experiments to find out the differential expressed genes corresponding to the syntrophic growth. Thus we can better understand the role of DVH and MC within this syntrophy.