Project description:Two samples, 0hr and 72hr, were used to generate tachyzoite and bradyzoite transcriptional data from tissue-cultured Toxoplasma gondii strain Prugniaud, respectively.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE11437: Expression QTL mapping of Toxoplasma gondii genes, Bradyzoite array GSE11514: Expression QTL mapping of Toxoplasma gondii genes, Tachyzoite array Keywords: SuperSeries Refer to individual Series
Project description:Two samples, 0hr and 72hr, were used to generate tachyzoite and bradyzoite transcriptional data from tissue-cultured Toxoplasma gondii strain Prugniaud, respectively. Samples are single replicates, and a subset of a larger timeseries. Non-control sample was exposed to alkaline conditions, media pH 8.2, for 72hr.
Project description:We describe the cell cycle transcriptome of the Toxoplasma gondii that has emerged as a major genetic model for the study of Apicomplexa parasites. Two distinct transcriptional waves accompany the relatively simple binary replication of tachyzoite stage (endodyogeny) functionally separating conserved gene expression in the eukaryotic G1 phase from the lineage-specific expression that predominates in the parasite S phase and mitotic periods. This division of transcriptional focus closely mirrors the intimate relationship that has evolved between mitosis and building of the daughter parasites and invasion organelles. Promoter mechanisms appear to orchestrate the induction of gene expression in dividing tachyzoites with up to two dozen cell cycle AP2 factors likely acting within a transcriptional regulatory network to coordinate the parasite cell cycle transcriptome. To characterize the cell cycle transcriptome of Toxoplasma tachyzoites, we expanded a thymidine-synchrony model to isolate sufficient RNA for microarray expression studies. The ToxoGeneChip microarray ( was used to measure mRNA expression in 13 duplicate samples (R0 to R12) covering 12 hours post-synchronization and nearly two tachyzoite replication cycles.
Project description:Recent advances in high throughput sequencing methodologies allow the opportunity to probe in depth the transcriptomes of organisms including N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. In this project, we are using Illumina sequencing technology to analyze the transcriptome (RNA-Seq) of experimentally accessible stages (e.g. tachyzoites at different times points) of T. gondii VEG strain. The aim is to make comparative transcriptional landscape maps of Neospora and Toxoplasma at different time points at different life cycle stages and compare levels of expression of orthologous genes in these two organisms.
Project description:To investigate the transcriptional effects of TgAP2XII-5 on type II Toxoplasma gondii (ME49) in the tachyzoite and bradyzoite stages. Also, to study the transcriptional role of TgAIP1 on ME49 tachyzoites.
Project description:We describe the cell cycle transcriptome of the Toxoplasma gondii that has emerged as a major genetic model for the study of Apicomplexa parasites. Two distinct transcriptional waves accompany the relatively simple binary replication of tachyzoite stage (endodyogeny) functionally separating conserved gene expression in the eukaryotic G1 phase from the lineage-specific expression that predominates in the parasite S phase and mitotic periods. This division of transcriptional focus closely mirrors the intimate relationship that has evolved between mitosis and building of the daughter parasites and invasion organelles. Promoter mechanisms appear to orchestrate the induction of gene expression in dividing tachyzoites with up to two dozen cell cycle AP2 factors likely acting within a transcriptional regulatory network to coordinate the parasite cell cycle transcriptome.
Project description:MOB1 is a conserved protein that regulates cellular proliferation versus apoptosis, centrosome duplication and cellular differentiation in multicellular eukaryotes and also cytokinesis and division axis orientation in unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes. Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite of veterinary and medical importance, presents one MOB1 protein. T. gondii interconverts between several cellular stages during its life cycle, namely between fast replicating tachyzoite and slow replicating bradyzoite stages during its asexual cycle, a key ability for its success as a parasite. Bradyzoites produce tissue cysts, establishing a chronic infection that enables recrudescence. Conversion is dependent on cell cycle regulation and involves cell differentiation and regulation of replication. This led us to select MOB1 as a strong candidate to be involved in the Toxoplasma replication process. To elucidate how MOB1 acts in T. gondii, we employed a proximity biotinylation method and identified the MOB1 interactome. Toxoplasma gondii RH tachyzoites were transfected with BirA containing plasmid vectors for random integration and two strains were isolated. The control strain expresses a FLAG-BirA recombinant protein while the test strain expresses a FLAG-BirA-MOB1 recombinant protein. Biotinylated proteins were purified using streptavidin-agarose beads. The purified proteins were trypsinized and analyzed by nanoLC-MS/MS.
Project description:Background: Considerable work has been carried out to understand the biology of the intermediate stages, the tachyzoite and bradyzoite, of Toxoplasma gondii in large part due to the accessible culturing methods for these stages. However, culturing methods for stages beyond the bradyzoite, including the merozoite and sexual stages, have not been developed hindering the ability to study a large portion of the parasite’s life cycle. We begin to unravel the molecular aspects of the merozoite stage focusing on gene expression. Results: To initiate this, we harvested merozoite parasites and hybridized mRNA to the Affymetrix Toxoplasma GeneChip. We analyzed the merozoite data in context of the life cycle by combining it with a previously published study that generated array data for the oocyst, tachyzoite, and bradyzoite stages (Fritz HM et al. PLoS One, 2012). Principal component analysis highlights the unique profile of the merozoite samples, placing them approximately half-way on a continuum between the tachyzoite/bradyzoite and oocyst samples. Prior studies have shown that antibodies to surface antigen p30 (SAG1) and many dense granule proteins do not label merozoites, and our microarray data confirms that these genes are not expressed at this stage. Also, the expression for many rhoptry and microneme proteins is drastically reduced while the expression for many surface antigens is increased at the merozoite stage. Gene Ontology and KEGG analysis reveals that genes involved in transcription/translation and many metabolic pathways are upregulated at the merozoite stage, highlighting unique growth requirements of this stage. We also show that an upstream promoter region of a merozoite specific gene is sufficient to control stage specific expression at the merozoite stage. Conclusion: The merozoite represents the first developmental stage within the gut of the definitive host. Determining the correct conditions that coax the parasite into the merozoite stage in vitro may allow the parasite to complete sexual development. The data presented here describe the global gene expression profile of merozoite stage and the creation of transgenic parasite strains that will be useful in unlocking how the parasite senses and responds to the felid gut environment to initiate coccidian development. The ToxoGeneChip microarray was used to measure both tachyzoite and merozoite mRNA expression in the type II TgNmBr1 strain.