Project description:Iron plays an important role in epigenome regulation by acting as a cofactor.We developed a method to enrich pre-Sertoli (Nr5a1 positive(+)) cells from mouse embryonic gonads carrying Nr5a1-hCD271 transgene. To examine mRNA expression in pre-Sertoli cells treated with the iron chelator Deferoxamine (Dfo), pre-Sertoli cells were purified and introduced into RNA seq analyses. As a result, we found that the expression of many genes, including Sry, changes due to iron deficiency.
Project description:Following sex determination, XY and XX gonads develop into a testis and an ovary, respectively. Depending on the sex of the gonad, resident germ cells will subsequently be committed to either spermatogenesis or oogenesis. In this study we took advantage of the Wv/Wv mouse genetic model, in which gonads are almost devoided of germ cells, to uncover gene expression underlying fetal germ cell development.
Project description:Gonadal sex determining (GSD) genes that initiate fetal ovarian and testicular development and differentiation are expressed in the cells of the urogenital ridge that differentiate as somatic support cells (SSCs), i.e., granulosa cells of the ovary and Sertoli cells of the testis. To identify potential new mammalian GSD genes, we analyzed the gene expression differences between XX and XY SSCs cells isolated from the gonads of embryonic day (E) 13 mouse fetuses carrying an EGFP reporter transgene expressed specifically in SSCs. In addition, genome wide expression differences between XX and XY E13 whole gonads were examined. Newly identified differentially expressed transcripts are potential GSD genes involved in unexplained human sex reversal cases. Experiment Overall Design: Two seperate RNA samples were obtained from E13 XX and XY sorted EGFP+ cells, and two seperate RNA samples were obtained from E13 XX and XY pooled gonads. Approximately 20ng of total RNA from each sample was used to generate biotin-labelled cDNA. Approximately 2.5ug biotin labelled cDNA of each sample was used for each Mouse Genome 430v2.0 GeneChip array (Affymetrix). Significantly differentially expressed transcripts were identified using R/maanova. Statistical significance was determined at a false discovery rate value of equal to or less than 1%.
Project description:Following sex determination, XY and XX gonads develop into a testis and an ovary, respectively. Depending on the sex of the gonad, resident germ cells will subsequently be committed to either spermatogenesis or oogenesis. In this study we took advantage of the Wv/Wv mouse genetic model, in which gonads are almost devoided of germ cells, to uncover gene expression underlying fetal germ cell development. Male and Female gonads were collected at 12, 14 and 16 days post coitum (dpc) from wild-type and Wv/Wv mouse embryos. Total RNAs were extracted and hybridized on Affymetrix microarrays. Expression signals from male and female gonads or from wild-type and mutant gonads were compared to identify sexually dimorphic genes as well as genes expressed in germ cell during fetal gonad development.
Project description:In mammals, gonadal differentiation is the first step of sex determination, and the transcription factor Sox9 promotes testis differentiation. Here we used the XY Sox9flox/flox; Sf1:creTr/+ mouse model and show that the lack of Sox9 expression induces a full sex reversal of E13.5 XY Sox9flox/flox; Sf1:creTr/+ gonads compared to XY Sox9flox/flox. Keywords: gonads gene expression profiling in WT and Sox9flox/flox; Sf1:creTr/+ mice
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of individual mouse embryonic (e11.5) XY gonads comparing inbred strains that are sensitive (C57BL/6J) and resistant (129S1/SvImJ) to XY sex reversal, and their reciprocal F1 hybrids.
Project description:In mammals, gonadal differentiation is the first step of sex determination, and the transcription factor Sox9 promotes testis differentiation. Here we used the XY Sox9flox/flox; Sf1:creTr/+ mouse model and show that the lack of Sox9 expression induces a full sex reversal of E13.5 XY Sox9flox/flox; Sf1:creTr/+ gonads compared to XY Sox9flox/flox. Keywords: gonads gene expression profiling in WT and Sox9flox/flox; Sf1:creTr/+ mice 3 WT versus 3 Sox9flox/flox; Sf1:creTr/+ mice.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of individual mouse embryonic (e11.5) XY gonads comparing inbred strains that are sensitive (C57BL/6J) and resistant (129S1/SvImJ) to XY sex reversal, and their reciprocal F1 hybrids. Experiment Overall Design: Two-color Agilent microarray profiles of 20 individual pairs of e11.5 XY gonads, including 5- C57BL/6J, 5- 129S1/SvImJ, 5- (B6x129S1)F1, and 5- (129S1xB6)F1 samples. Within each strain, samples were collected from multiple litters to account for potential litter biases. All samples were processed following the same protocol.
Project description:Gonadal sex determining (GSD) genes that initiate fetal ovarian and testicular development and differentiation are expressed in the cells of the urogenital ridge that differentiate as somatic support cells (SSCs), i.e., granulosa cells of the ovary and Sertoli cells of the testis. To identify potential new mammalian GSD genes, we analyzed the gene expression differences between XX and XY SSCs cells isolated from the gonads of embryonic day (E) 13 mouse fetuses carrying an EGFP reporter transgene expressed specifically in SSCs. In addition, genome wide expression differences between XX and XY E13 whole gonads were examined. Newly identified differentially expressed transcripts are potential GSD genes involved in unexplained human sex reversal cases. Keywords: microarray, mouse fetal gonadal somatic support cells, sex determination
Project description:This gene set contains skin fibroblasts from either labia majora of 46,XY sex reversed females having complete androgen insensitivity syndrome due to inactivation mutations of the androgen receptor gene and from the scrotum of normal males. Both, labia majora and scrotum origin from the same embryological anlagen, the labioscrotal swellings. The phenotypic difference is due to androgen dependent virilization in males. This is not possible in 46,XY patients with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome because the androgen receptor pathway is knocked out. A cell type comparison design experiment design type compares cells of different type for example different cell lines. Cell Line: genital skin fibroblasts from different locations mutant line: normal 46,XY male and 46,XY sex reversed female due to inactivating mutations of the androgen receptor gene Keywords: cell_type_comparison_design