Project description:To identify genes that may facilitate early steps of ErbB2/Neu-mediated mammary tumorigenesis, we performed comparative microarray analysis of 5- and 10-week bitransgenic mammary glands (LHxMMTV-neu) in triplicate. Keywords: transgenic mouse, erbB2, MMTV-neu, HER2, mammary tumor, breast cancer
Project description:Purpose: We generated extensive transcriptional and proteomic profiles from a Her2-driven mouse model of breast cancer that closely recapitulates human breast cancer. This report makes these data publicly available in raw and processed forms, as a resource to the community. Importantly, we previously made biospecimens from this same mouse model freely available through a sample repository, so researchers can obtain samples to test biological hypotheses without the need of breeding animals and collecting biospecimens. Experimental design: Twelve datasets are available, encompassing 841 LC-MS/MS experiments (plasma and tissues) and 255 microarray analyses of multiple tissues (thymus, spleen, liver, blood cells, and breast). Cases and controls were rigorously paired to avoid bias. Results: In total, 18,880 unique peptides were identified (PeptideProphet peptide error rate â¤1%), with 3884 and 1659 non-redundant protein groups identified in plasma and tissue datasets, respectively. Sixty-one of these protein groups overlapped between cancer plasma and cancer tissue. Conclusions and clinical relevance: These data are of use for advancing our understanding of cancer biology, for software and quality control tool development, investigations of analytical variation in MS/MS data, and selection of proteotypic peptides for MRM-MS. The availability of these datasets will contribute positively to clinical proteomics. Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome 430 2.0 microarrays were used to profile whole tissues from 5 different tissue types of 25 tumor-bearing and 25 control mice of the Her2/Neu breast cancer mouse model. The 5 tissues tested were from breast, liver, spleen, blood cell, and thymus. The tumor-bearing mice were bitransgenic for MMTV-rtTA/TetO-NeuNT, and the control mice were transgenic for TetO-NeuNT only. The control mice were age- and cage-matched to the tumor-bearing mice. All samples were lysed and total RNA isolated and amplified prior to hybridization.
Project description:Purpose: We generated extensive transcriptional and proteomic profiles from a Her2-driven mouse model of breast cancer that closely recapitulates human breast cancer. This report makes these data publicly available in raw and processed forms, as a resource to the community. Importantly, we previously made biospecimens from this same mouse model freely available through a sample repository, so researchers can obtain samples to test biological hypotheses without the need of breeding animals and collecting biospecimens. Experimental design: Twelve datasets are available, encompassing 841 LC-MS/MS experiments (plasma and tissues) and 255 microarray analyses of multiple tissues (thymus, spleen, liver, blood cells, and breast). Cases and controls were rigorously paired to avoid bias. Results: In total, 18,880 unique peptides were identified (PeptideProphet peptide error rate â¤1%), with 3884 and 1659 non-redundant protein groups identified in plasma and tissue datasets, respectively. Sixty-one of these protein groups overlapped between cancer plasma and cancer tissue. Conclusions and clinical relevance: These data are of use for advancing our understanding of cancer biology, for software and quality control tool development, investigations of analytical variation in MS/MS data, and selection of proteotypic peptides for MRM-MS. The availability of these datasets will contribute positively to clinical proteomics. Custom Agilent 44K whole mouse genome expression oligonucleotide microarrays were used to profile breast tumors from three Her2/Neu mice compared to normal breast epithelium from two control mice transgenic for TetO-NeuNT only and littermates of the bitransgenic mice. All samples were laser-capture microdissected and total RNA isolated and amplified prior to hybridization against a reference pool of normal adult mouse tissues.
Project description:Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease encompassing a number of phenotypically diverse tumours. Expression levels of the estrogen, progesterone and HER2/neu receptors which characterise clinically distinct breast tumors have been shown to change during disease progression and in response to systemic therapies. Mi(cro)RNAs play critical roles in diverse biological processes and are aberrantly expressed in several human neoplasms including breast cancer, where they function as regulators of tumour behaviour and progression. The aims of this study were to identify miRNA signatures that accurately predict the oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu receptor status of breast cancer patients to provide insight into the regulation of breast cancer phenotypes and progression. Expression profiling of 353 microRNAs was performed in 29 early stage breast cancer specimens. MiRNA signatures associated with ER, PR and HER2/neu status were generated using artificial neural networks (ANN) and expression of specific microRNAs was validated using RQ-PCR. Results: Stepwise artificial neural network (ANN) analysis identified predictive miRNA signatures corresponding with estrogen (miR-342, miR-299, miR-217, miR -190, miR-135b, miR-218), progesterone (miR-520g, miR-377, miR-527-518a, miR-520f-520c) and HER2/neu (miR-520d, miR-181c, miR-302c, miR-376b, miR-30e) receptor status. MiR-342 and miR-520g expression was further analysed in 95 breast tumours. MiR-342 expression was highest in ER and HER2/neu positive luminal B tumours and lowest in triple-negative tumours. MiR-520g expression was elevated in ER and PR negative tumours.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding, endogenous RNAs involved in many human diseases including breast cancer. miRNA expression profiling of human breast cancers has identified miRNAs related to the clinical diversity of the disease and potentially provides novel diagnostic and prognostic tools for breast cancer therapy. In order to further understand the roles of miRNAs in association with oncogenic drivers and in specifying sub-types of breast cancer, we performed miRNAexpression profiling on mammary tumors from eight well-characterized genetically -engineered Mouse (GEM) models of human breast cancer including MMTV–H-Ras, -Her2/neu, -c-Myc, -PymT, –Wnt1 and C3(1)/SV40 T/t-antigen transgenic mice, BRCA1fl/fl;p53+/-;MMTV-cre and the p53fl/fl ;MMTV-cre transplant model. miRNA expression data for 41 mouse primary mammary tumors and 5 mouse normal mammary glands
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding, endogenous RNAs involved in many human diseases including breast cancer. miRNA expression profiling of human breast cancers has identified miRNAs related to the clinical diversity of the disease and potentially provides novel diagnostic and prognostic tools for breast cancer therapy. In order to further understand the roles of miRNAs in association with oncogenic drivers and in specifying sub-types of breast cancer, we performed miRNAexpression profiling on mammary tumors from eight well-characterized genetically -engineered Mouse (GEM) models of human breast cancer including MMTV–H-Ras, -Her2/neu, -c-Myc, -PymT, –Wnt1 and C3(1)/SV40 T/t-antigen transgenic mice, BRCA1fl/fl;p53+/-;MMTV-cre and the p53fl/fl ;MMTV-cre transplant model. As supplementary data miRNA expression data for 3 mouse primary mammary tumors and 8 mouse normal mammary glands from different mouse strains
Project description:Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease encompassing a number of phenotypically diverse tumours. Expression levels of the estrogen, progesterone and HER2/neu receptors which characterise clinically distinct breast tumors have been shown to change during disease progression and in response to systemic therapies. Mi(cro)RNAs play critical roles in diverse biological processes and are aberrantly expressed in several human neoplasms including breast cancer, where they function as regulators of tumour behaviour and progression. The aims of this study were to identify miRNA signatures that accurately predict the oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu receptor status of breast cancer patients to provide insight into the regulation of breast cancer phenotypes and progression.
Project description:Murine models of mammary cancers have proven to be highly informative on numerous fronts including individual gene causation, microenvironmental analyses, and chemoprevention studies. The MMTV-Neu transgenic model of mammary cancer has proven to be a useful model and has been employed in several prevention studies. However, there are certain practical drawbacks to its use including long tumor latencies and a tendency to develop mutations in the transmembrane domain of Neu (unlike human HER2/Neu overexpressing breast cancers). Here we report modifications that were made in an attempt to optimize this mouse model for chemopreventive screening. First, homozygous MMTV-Neu and homozygous P53 KO mice were crossed to create a MMTV-Neu/P53+/- strain (which more closely approximates the genetic make-up of most HER2+ human patients). Second, to overcome the drawback of long tumor latencies, the mice were treated with DMBA for eight weeks. DMBA treatment greatly decreased the latency of mammary carcinomas in the MMTV-Neu mice although the resulting tumors remained histopathologically similar to those from MMTV-Neu control mice. Next, we examined gene expression in tumors derived from MMTV-Neu, MMTV-Neu/p53+/-, and DMBA treated mice. It was found that the characteristic MMTV-Neu tumor-defined expression pattern was still the most prevalent feature of all the MMTV-Neu tumors despite their being crossed to the p53 null allele, treated with DMBA, or both. However, tumors from the DMBA treated animals exhibited many unique gene expression changes including the high expression of stress response, defense, and inflammation genes. Finally, we demonstrated that the RXR agonists UAB30 and Targretin, both inhibited mammary cancer formation in MMTV-Neu mice, including those treated with DMBA. These results demonstrate the potential utility of this murine model for additional chemoprevention studies.