Project description:To identify CD24 signaling pathway Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus GeneChip 2.0 shRNA CD24 (knockdown) or non-target control (NTC) was stably transduced into Huh7 HCC cells by lentiviral approach
Project description:We use lentivirus carrying shRNA for THADA to evaluate the efect of THADA knockdown in Huh7 cells. The pGIPZ shRNA plasmid specific to human THADA (clone ID V3LHS_318037 Open Biosystems, Inc.) or the pGIPZ non-silencing shRNAmir lentiviral plasmid (as a control) was cotransfected with the pPACKH1 plasmid mix in HEK 293 cells. Stable clones of Huh7 cells with THADA knockdown were routinely maintained in a medium containing of puromycin (500ng/ml)
Project description:To identify down-stream target genes of BRIP1 during acinar morphogenesis of human mammary epithelial cells, we carried out microarray analysis of BRIP1 knockdown cells. Changes in gene expression in 3D culture of non-target and BRIP1 shRNA-transduced cells were analyzed. Samples were harvested from three different clones of non-target and BRIP1 shRNA-transduced cells at three time points, 4, 8, and 12 days, after cell seeding in Matrigel.
Project description:Stable knockdown of NET1, a RhoGEF, was achieved in AGS Gastric Cancer cells. This gene is known to be overexpressed in the disease. Knockdown was achieved using lentiviral shRNA particles. Gene expression was compared between knockdown and scrambled shRNA treated control cells. Cells were treated with and without LPA, a known activator of RhoA. Three distinct cell lines were used in this study (all AGS cells); (i) Non Target cell (NT) stably expressing non targetting shRNA (ii) 63 and (iii) 65; the latter two are stable NET1 knockdown cells and are seperatly transduced with separate NET1 targetting shRNA particles. Cells were treated with and without 10microM LPA for 4 hr. Experimental replicates were performed for each treatment (A & B), RNA was prepared from each and seperatly hybridised to U133A arrays.
Project description:Human Burkitt's lymphoma ST486 cells were transduced with non-target control shRNA lentiviral vectors, FOXM1 shRNA, and MYB shRNA lentiviral vectors. Total RNA was isolated 24h later. cRNA was produced with the standard one-step IVT protocol (Affymetix) and hybridized in U95Av2 gene chips (Affymetrix).
Project description:Microarray gene expression analysis was performed in MCF7 cells transduced with a non-specific shRNA or PDEF-targeting shRNA, and both subjected to hormone depletion for 48 hours. Analyses of differentially expressed genes combined with gene ontology revealed a downregulation of cell cycle related-genes and an upregulation of apoptosis-related genes in PDEF knockdown cells. These target genes constitute potential effectors of the pro-survival role of PDEF. Four samples were harvested after lentiviral infection with either non-specific shRNA control or PDEF-targetting shRNA. All samples were subjected to hormone depletion for 48 hours. Each condition was performed in duplicate
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma cell line Mac-1 cells transduced with lenti-virus vector harboring shRNA against SATB1 gene comparing control untreated Mac-1 cells and Mac-1 cells transduced with scrambled shRNA, in which SATB1 expression is not affected.