Project description:Transcriptional profiling of developmentally staged D. mel. Embryos for three genotypes: wild type, eve3 and ftz11 For additional information, please see Liu et al., 2009. Abstract: We constructed a large-scale functional network model in Drosophila melanogaster built around two key transcription factors involved in the process of embryonic segmentation. Analysis of the model allowed the identification of a new role for the ubiquitin E3 ligase complex factor SPOP. In Drosophila, the gene encoding SPOP is a target of segmentation transcription factors. Drosophila SPOP mediates degradation of the Jun-kinase phosphatase Puckered thereby inducing TNF/Eiger dependent apoptosis. In humans we found that SPOP plays a conserved role in TNF-mediated JNK signaling and was highly expressed in 99% of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the most prevalent form of kidney cancer. SPOP expression distinguished histological subtypes of RCC and facilitated identification of clear cell RCC as the primary tumor for metastatic lesions. Keywords: 2 channel transcription timecourse
Project description:Here we improved BiTS-ChIP (Bonn et al, Nature Protocols 7, 978-994 (2012)) to identify active enhancer and promoter elements genome wide in the 104 cardiomyocytes that constitute the Drosophila heart tube and represents only ~0.5% of the total cell content of the embryo. A transgenic Drosophila strain expressing nuclear GFP under the control of a cardiac specific enhancer (TinC*>GFP) was used for staged embryo collections at stages 13-14 (10-13h of development). After embryo fixation and dissociation, intact fixed nuclei were fluorescent labelling. Purification of this rare nuclear population was achieved by a two-step sorting procedure, yielding ~98% purity. Chromatin was extracted and used for immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) to analyze chromatin modifications at promoters (H3K4me3 and H3K27ac) and enhancers (H3K27ac). Two independent biological replicates (from FACS sorting, chromatin preparations and ChIP-Seq) were performed for each mark and sequenced using Illumina HiSeq.
Project description:Here we improved BiTS-ChIP (Bonn et al, Nature Protocols 7, 978-994 (2012)) to identify active enhancer and promoter elements genome wide in the 104 cardiomyocytes that constitute the Drosophila heart tube and represents only ~0.5% of the total cell content of the embryo. A transgenic Drosophila strain expressing nuclear GFP under the control of a cardiac specific enhancer (TinC*>GFP) was used for staged embryo collections at stages 13-14 (10-13h of development). After embryo fixation and dissociation, intact fixed nuclei were fluorescent labelling.  Purification of this rare nuclear population was achieved by a two-step sorting procedure, yielding ~98% purity. Chromatin was extracted and used for immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) to analyze chromatin modifications at promoters (H3K4me3 and H3K27ac) and enhancers (H3K27ac).  Two independent biological replicates (from FACS sorting, chromatin preparations and ChIP-Seq) were performed for each mark and sequenced using Illumina HiSeq.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of developmentally staged D. mel. Embryos for three genotypes: wild type, eve3 and ftz11 For additional information, please see Liu et al., 2009. Abstract: We constructed a large-scale functional network model in Drosophila melanogaster built around two key transcription factors involved in the process of embryonic segmentation. Analysis of the model allowed the identification of a new role for the ubiquitin E3 ligase complex factor SPOP. In Drosophila, the gene encoding SPOP is a target of segmentation transcription factors. Drosophila SPOP mediates degradation of the Jun-kinase phosphatase Puckered thereby inducing TNF/Eiger dependent apoptosis. In humans we found that SPOP plays a conserved role in TNF-mediated JNK signaling and was highly expressed in 99% of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the most prevalent form of kidney cancer. SPOP expression distinguished histological subtypes of RCC and facilitated identification of clear cell RCC as the primary tumor for metastatic lesions. Keywords: 2 channel transcription timecourse Developmental timecourse, 3 genotypes, experimental sample vs. common reference.
Project description:HPLC MS/MS confirmation of lipids found to be heterogeneously distributed between rested and sleep-deprived Drosophila melanogaster brain samples by MALDI MSI. Data belongs to publication "Kv Channels Integrate Sleep Pressure in a Voltage-Gated Lipid Peroxidation Memory"
Project description:we performed proteome sequencing in Drosophila at day 7 (young) and day 42 (old) under dietary restriction (DR)and ad libitum (AL) conditions.
Project description:The innate immune response of insects relies on several humoral and cellular mechanisms that require the activation of circulating proteases in the hemolymph to be functional. Here, we analyzed the gelatinase and caseinase activities of Drosophila larval hemolymph under normal and pathogenic conditions (bacterial lipopolysaccharides or endoparasitoid Leptopilina boulardi) using in gel zymography. Gelatinase activity was more intense than caseinase activity and qualitative and quantitative variations were observed between D. melanogaster strains and Drosophila species. Mass spectrometry identified a large number of serine proteases in gel bands equivalent to the major gelatinase and caseinase bands and of these, the most abundant and redundant were Tequila and members of the Jonah and Trypsin protease families. However, hemolymph from Tequila null mutant larvae showed no obvious changes in zymographic bands. Nor did we observe any significant changes in hemolymph gelatinases activity 24 h after injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharides or after oviposition by endoparasitoid wasps. These data confirmed that many serine proteases are present in Drosophila larval hemolymph but those with gelatinase and caseinase activity may not change drastically during the immune response.