ABSTRACT: Individual array-based gene expression patterns generated using total RNA prepared from whole blood of 991 participants of the SHIP-TREND cohort
Project description:The data set comprises individual array-based genome-wide gene expression data of 991 participants of the SHIP-TREND cohort generated using RNA prepared from whole blood. *** Due to privacy concerns, the SNP and phenotype data is not available with unrestricted access. Individuals wishing to obtain this data for research purposes may request access directly from the submitter (contact info below). *** Total RNA was prepared from whole-blood samples from 991 individuals belonging to the epidemiological SHIP-TREND cohort. Individual mRNA profiles were generated using the Illumina HumanHT-12 v3 Expression BeadChip.
Project description:The data set comprises individual array-based genome-wide gene expression data of 991 participants of the SHIP-TREND cohort generated using RNA prepared from whole blood. *** Due to privacy concerns, the SNP and phenotype data is not available with unrestricted access. Individuals wishing to obtain this data for research purposes may request access directly from the submitter (contact info below). ***
Project description:In a cross-sectional approach, we analyzed the influence of age, sex, body mass index (BMI), smoking, and education on salivary protein signatures in whole saliva samples of 187 individuals. Subjects were randomly selected from the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP-Trend).
Project description:In a cross-sectional approach, we analyzed the influence of age, sex, body mass index (BMI), smoking, and education on salivary protein signatures in whole saliva samples of 187 individuals. Subjects were randomly selected from the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP-Trend).
Project description:INTRODUCTION: Gain-of-function mutations in INPP5D, which encodes for the SH2-domain-containing inositol phosphatase SHIP-1, have recently been linked to an increased risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). Yet, little is currently known in regards to how SHIP-1 affects neurobiology or neurodegenerative disease pathogenesis. METHODS: To bridge this knowledge gap, we generated 5xFAD Inpp5dfl/flCx3cr1Ert2Cre mice to investigate the function of microglial SHIP-1 signaling in response to amyloid beta (Aβ)-mediated pathology. RESULTS: In our studies, we found that SHIP-1 deletion in microglia leads to substantially enhanced recruitment of microglia to Aβ plaques, altered microglial gene expression, and marked improvements in neuronal health. Further, SHIP-1 loss enhanced microglial plaque containment and Aβ engulfment when compared to microglia from Cre-negative 5xFAD Inpp5dfl/fl littermate controls. DISCUSSION: These results define SHIP-1 as a pivotal regulator of microglial responses during Aβ-driven neurological disease.
Project description:Sustained weight loss is the preferred intervention in a wide range of metabolic conditions, but the effects on an individual´s health state remain ill-defined and controversial. Here, we investigate the plasma proteomes of a cohort of 43 obese individuals that had undergone eight weeks of weight loss (average of 12%) followed by a year of weight maintenance. Using plasma proteome profiling, a mass spectrometry-based approach, we measured 1294 plasma samples to examine dynamic changes of hundreds of human plasma proteins, including the entire apolipoprotein family. Longitudinal monitoring of the cohort revealed individual-specific protein levels and functional connected proteins with correlated regulation over time. The wide-ranging effect of losing weight on the plasma proteome was reflected in 93 significantly affected proteins. The adipocyte secreted SERPINF1 and the apolipoprotein APOF1 were most significantly down and up regulated (p<10**13), although their fold-change was modest (-16% and +37%), respectively. Overall, markers of inflammation went down in nearly all study participants (39 of 42), however, there were diverse patterns of inflammation marker responses, allowing individual-specific interpretation of the effects of weight loss. Plasma proteome profiling can be used broadly to evaluate and monitor intervention in metabolic diseases.
Project description:In this study, investigators recruited the largest reported cohort of tolerant kidney transplant recipients who maintained their graft after ceasing to take their immunosuppression drug, and compared this cohort to subjects with stable allograft function while on immunosuppression and healthy non transplated, controls. Using gene expression studies, they identified genetic markers that are strong candidates for predicting kidney transplant candidates who may benefit from minimization or withdrawl of immunosuppression. Microarrays were used to detect expressed gene profiles of whole-blood total RNA from subjects in the tolerant, standard immunotherapy and healthy control participants Total of 19 Tolerant (TOL) participants, 27 Standard Immunotherapy (SI) participants, and 12 Healthy Controls (HC)
Project description:We identified a total of 2,058 GABP-regulated genes (1,067 up-regulated and 991 down-regulated genes in the GABP knockdown cells) with the threshold of Padj < 0.05 and Fold change > 1.5.
Project description:We performed RNAseq on subpopulations of mammary epithelial cells. We carried out sorting of a gradient of s-SHIP positive cells in the mammary gland (neg, low, and hi for s-SHIP eGFP). High sSHIP-eGFP populations denote a postulated stem cell population, while low and negative represent more differentiated cell types. s-SHIP eGFP hi to negative potentially represents a gradient from stem to more differentiated progeny, respectively, within the basal epithelial compartment. We FACS sorted 3 replicates for each cell type to represent s-SHIP-neg, s-SHIP-low, and s-SHIP-high.
Project description:Of our total study cohort (N=93), survey scores qualified 71% of participants as having “normal” self-esteem (NSE; N=66) and those of the remaining 29% qualified as having “low” self-esteem (LSE; N=27). DNA methylation was evaluated using Infinium MethylationEPIC v2.0 BeadChip Kit (Illumina)