Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE32180: MIWI catalysis is required for piRNA amplification-independent LINE1 transposon silencing [microarray] GSE32184: MIWI catalysis is required for piRNA amplification-independent LINE1 transposon silencing [deep sequencing] Refer to individual Series
Project description:Piwi proteins and piRNAs have conserved functions in transposonM- silencing. The murine Piwi proteins Mili and Miwi2 direct epigeneticM- LINE1 (L1) and intracisternal A particle (IAP) transposon silencingM- during genome reprogramming in the embryonic male germline. PiwiM- proteins are proposed to be piRNA-guided endonucleases that initiateM- secondary piRNA biogenesis . However the actual contribution of theirM- endonuclease activities to piRNA biogenesis and transposon silencingM- remain unknown. To investigate the role of Piwi-catalyzedM- endonucleolytic activity, we engineered point mutations in the mouseM- that substitute the second D to an A in the catalytic triad (DDH) ofM- Mili and Miwi2, generating the MiliDAH and Miwi2DAH alleles,M- M- respectively. Analysis of Mili-bound piRNAs from homozygous MiliDAHM- fetal gonadocytes revealed the failure of transposon piRNA amplification resulting in the stark reduction of piRNA bound withinM- Miwi2 ribonuclear particles (RNPs). We find that Mili-mediated piRNA amplification is selectively required for L1 but not IAP silencing.M- The defective piRNA pathway in MiliDAH mice results in spermatogenic failure and sterility. Surprisingly, homozygous Miwi2DAH mice areM- fertile, transposon silencing is established normally and no defectsM- in secondary piRNA biogenesis are observed. In addition, the hallmarks of piRNA amplification are observed in Miwi2-deficient gonadocytes. WeM- conclude that cycles of intra-Mili secondary piRNA biogenesis fuelM- piRNA amplification that is selectively required for L1 silencing.M-
Project description:The piRNA machinery is known for its role in mediating epigenetic silencing of transposons. Recent studies suggest that this function also involves piRNA-guided cleavage of transposon-derived transcripts. As many piRNAs also appear to have the capacity to target diverse mRNAs, this raises the intriguing possibility that piRNAs may act extensively as siRNAs to degrade specific mRNAs. To directly test this hypothesis, we compared mouse PIWI (MIWI)-associated piRNAs with experimentally identified cleaved mRNA fragments from mouse testes, and observed cleavage sites that predominantly occur at position 10 from the 5' end of putative targeting piRNAs. We also noted strong biases for U and A residues at nucleotide positions 1 and 10, respectively, in both piRNAs and mRNA fragments, features that resemble the pattern of piRNA amplification by the 'ping-pong' cycle. Through mapping of MIWI-RNA interactions by CLIP-seq and gene expression profiling, we found that many potential piRNA-targeted mRNAs directly interact with MIWI and show elevated expression levels in the testes of Miwi catalytic mutant mice. Reporter-based assays further revealed the importance of base pairing between piRNAs and mRNA targets and the requirement for both the slicer activity and piRNA-loading ability of MIWI in piRNA-mediated target repression. Importantly, we demonstrated that proper turnover of certain key piRNA targets is essential for sperm formation. Together, these findings reveal the siRNA-like function of the piRNA machinery in mouse testes and its central requirement for male germ cell development and maturation.
Project description:The piRNA machinery is known for its role in mediating epigenetic silencing of transposons. Recent studies suggest that this function also involves piRNA-guided cleavage of transposon-derived transcripts. As many piRNAs also appear to have the capacity to target diverse mRNAs, this raises the intriguing possibility that piRNAs may act extensively as siRNAs to degrade specific mRNAs. To directly test this hypothesis, we compared mouse PIWI (MIWI)-associated piRNAs with experimentally identified cleaved mRNA fragments from mouse testes, and observed cleavage sites that predominantly occur at position 10 from the 5' end of putative targeting piRNAs. We also noted strong biases for U and A residues at nucleotide positions 1 and 10, respectively, in both piRNAs and mRNA fragments, features that resemble the pattern of piRNA amplification by the 'ping-pong' cycle. Through mapping of MIWI-RNA interactions by CLIP-seq and gene expression profiling, we found that many potential piRNA-targeted mRNAs directly interact with MIWI and show elevated expression levels in the testes of Miwi catalytic mutant mice. Reporter-based assays further revealed the importance of base pairing between piRNAs and mRNA targets and the requirement for both the slicer activity and piRNA-loading ability of MIWI in piRNA-mediated target repression. Importantly, we demonstrated that proper turnover of certain key piRNA targets is essential for sperm formation. Together, these findings reveal the siRNA-like function of the piRNA machinery in mouse testes and its central requirement for male germ cell development and maturation. CLIP-Seq (Crosslinking Immunoprecipitation coupled with high-throughput sequencing) experiments targeting Miwi in isolated round spermatids from mouse testis.
Project description:Nearly half of the mammalian genome is composed of repeated sequences. In Drosophila, PIWI proteins exert control over transposons. However, mammalian PIWI proteins, Miwi and Mili, partner with piRNAs that are depleted of repeat sequences, raising questions about a role for mammalian PIWIs in transposon control. A search for murine small RNAs that might program PIWI proteins for transposon suppression revealed developmentally regulated piRNA loci, some of which resemble transposon master control loci of Drosophila. We also find evidence of an adaptive amplification loop in which PIWI catalyzes formation of piRNA 5’ ends. Mili mutants de-repress L1 and IAP and lose DNA methylation of L1 elements, demonstrating an evolutionarily conserved role for PIWI proteins in transposon suppression. Keywords: small RNA profile, piRNA
Project description:During embryonic germ cell development in mice, transposon-enriched, piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) guide MILI and MIWI2 to direct silencing of potentially active mobile element families. In contrast, we know much less about the function of the highly abundant and extremely diverse class of piRNAs, which partner with MIWI and MILI during meiosis. Both MIWI and its catalytic activity are required for successful spermatogenesis, strongly indicating that piRNA-guided cleavage is critical for germ cell development. To gain an understanding of meiotic piRNA targets, we augmented the mouse piRNA repertoire by introducing an entire human meiotic piRNA cluster. This triggered a spermatogenesis defect, presumably by inappropriately targeting the piRNA machinery to mouse RNAs essential for germ cell development. Through an analysis of such de novo targets, we derived a signature for pachytene piRNA target recognition. This enabled identification of both transposable elements and meiotically expressed protein coding genes as targets of native piRNAs. Cleavage of genic targets begins at the pachytene stage when meiotic piRNAs first appear. As such, target mRNA levels attenuate starting from the pachytene stage and are further repressed throughout meiosis. Target mRNA-piRNA pairs also show evidence of an ongoing cleavage-dependent amplification cycle, which is not normally a strong feature of meiotic piRNAs. Our data support the idea that meiotic piRNA populations must be strongly selected to enable successful spermatogenesis, both driving the response away from essential genes and directing the pathway toward mRNA targets that are regulated by small RNAs in meiotic cells. 48 samples
Project description:Piwi proteins and their associated piRNAs are essential in the germline where they repress transposition, regulate translation, and guide epigenetic programming. Little is known, however, about the molecular mechanisms through which Piwi proteins and piRNAs mediate these processes. Here, we show that an evolutionarily conserved Tudor and KH-domain containing protein, Tdrkh (a.k.a. Tdrd2), partners with Miwi and Miwi2 in mice via symmetrically dimethylated arginine residues in Miwi and Miwi2. Tdrkh is localized to pi-bodies and piP-bodies and is required for nuclear localization of Miwi2. Genetic deletion of Tdrkh arrests meiosis at the zygotene stage, demethylates Line1 DNA, and up-regulates Line1 transposition, but does not promote apoptosis. Furthermore, Tdrkh mutants have severely reduced levels of mature piRNAs. Specifically, in Tdrkh mutants, piRNAs accumulate as a distinct population of 5’U-containing 31-37nt RNA that largely complements the missing mature piRNAs. These results demonstrate that the primary piRNA biogenesis pathway involves 3à5’ processing of the 31-37nt intermediates and that Tdrkh is required for this final step of piRNA biogenesis. However, Tdrkh is not required for the secondary piRNA biogenesis pathway (i.e., the ping pong cycle). These results shed light on mechanisms underlying primary piRNA biogenesis, an area in which information is conspicuously absent.
Project description:Here we show that MIWI is a small RNA-guided ribonuclease (Slicer) that requires extensive complementarity for target cleavage in vitro. Disruption of its catalytic activity in mice by a single point mutation results in male infertility and displays increased accumulation of LINE1 transposon transcripts. Round spermatids were purified from adult mouse testes of indicated Miwi genotypes. Total RNA was extracted and subjected to microarray analysis for gene expression profiling.