Project description:Regulation of stomatal movement is one of the effective strategies for developing resistant crops to air pollutant because stomata allows absorption of various air pollutants, such as ozone and sulfur dioxide. Transcription factor (TF) is a fascinating target of genetic manipulation for this end because TF regulates many genes simultaneously and methods of genetic manipulation are universally established. Here, we have screened transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing chimeric repressor of TFs in high-concentration of ozone and found that the chimeric repressors of GOLDEN-LIKE1 (GLK1) and GLK2 (GLK1-SRDX and GLK2-SRDX) conferred strong tolerance to ozone. These 35S:GLK1/2-SRDX plants also showed sulfur dioxide tolerance. Their leaves showed lower rate of transpiration than wild type and a remarkable closed-stomata phenotype. The expression of the genes encoding K+ and water channels, including KAT1 and AKT1, which are involved in stomatal opening, was downregulated in 35S:GLK1-SRDX plants. Consistently, expression of GLK1-SRDX driven by the GC1 promoter, which has an activity only in guard cell, also induced closed-stomata and an ozone tolerant phenotype. On the contrary, 35S:GLK1/2 plants showed hypersensitivity to ozone and an opened-stomata phenotype. These data suggested that GLK1 and GLK2 have an ability to induce transcriptional change in guard cell and regulate stomatal movement. Our findings provide an effective tool to confer resistance to air pollutant by regulating stomatal aperture and improve crop productivity in future.
Project description:Four-week-old Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) plants were fumigated for 1 h with 10 parts per million (ppm) nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to analyse leaf transcriptome changes induced by this air pollutant relative to air-fumigated control plants.
Project description:Ozone (O3) is a phytotoxic air pollutant that enters the plant through stomata and activates cell death programs leading to development of lesions in sensitive plant species. Exposure to O3 provokes the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the apoplast of plant cells. Imbalanced ROS homeostasis has deleterious toxic effects on DNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. However, ROS are not merely damaging molecules, as they also initiate signaling events that help plants acclimate to stress. Like under most abiotic and biotic stresses, apoplastic ROS signaling triggered by O3 induces massive changes in gene expression, enzyme activities and metabolic profiles. Thus, O3 is a very useful tool to study general mechanisms of ROS signaling and regulation of gene expression. Here we used a combination of transcriptome analysis and cell death assays to identify molecular mechanism initiated by apoplastic ROS signaling involved in the regulation of defense signaling and cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Project description:As the gate for gas exchange and water vapor, stomata play an essential role in plant development. It has been a long time that many research focus on how the opening and closing of stomata is controlled. Until recently, studies on how stomata are formed in Arabidopsis just emerge. With a cluster of guard cells in one stomate in flp-1/myb88 mutant, it will be great interest to understand how FLP/MYB88 control stomata development. By taking advantaging of microarray technology, we intend to study a set of genes regulated by FLP/MYB88, which will facilitate us to better explore the biological functions of FLP/MYB88 in stomata development, even in the biotic or abiotic stresses.
Project description:As the gate for gas exchange and water vapor, stomata play an essential role in plant development. It has been a long time that many research focus on how the opening and closing of stomata is controlled. Until recently, studies on how stomata are formed in Arabidopsis just emerge. With a cluster of guard cells in one stomate in flp-1/myb88 mutant, it will be great interest to understand how FLP/MYB88 control stomata development. By taking advantaging of microarray technology, we intend to study a set of genes regulated by FLP/MYB88, which will facilitate us to better explore the biological functions of FLP/MYB88 in stomata development, even in the biotic or abiotic stresses. Experiment Overall Design: By comparing the gene expression differences between the wild type and stomata mutant--flp-1/myb88, we are trying to see which genes' transcripts are affected in flp-1/myb88 mutant.
Project description:Stomata are formed by a pair of specialized guard cells that control the opening and closing of the stomatal pores on the leaf surface. These pores are the main route for microbe penetration into leaves. However, plants show a remarkable ability to close the pore when sensing the presence of microbial invaders; a phenomenon recently described as stomatal immunity. This study was initiated to understand the transcriptional regulation of this early plant defense against pathogens.
Project description:Piriformospora indica, an endophytic fungus of Sebacinales, colonizes the roots of many plant species including Arabidopsis thaliana. The symbiotic interaction promotes plant per-formance, growth and resistance/tolerance against abiotic and biotic stress. We demonstrate that exudated compounds from the fungus activate stress and defense responses in the Arabidopsis roots and shoots before the two partners are in physical contact. They induce stomata closure, stimulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, stress-related phytohormone accumulation and activate defense and stress genes in the roots and/or shoots. Once a physical contact is established, the stomata re-open, ROS and phytohormone levels decline, and the gene expression pattern indicates a shift from defense to mutualistic interaction. We propose that exudated compounds from P. indica induce stress and defense responses in the host. Root colonization results in the downregulation of defense responses and the activation of genes involved in promoting plant growth, metabolism and performance.
Project description:Many Arabidopsis thaliana accession show sensitvity to the air pollutant ozone, including the accession Cvi-0 from the Cape Verde Islands. To understand and assist in genetic mapping of loci causing the ozone sensitvity of Cvi-0, transcript profiling was performed in Cvi-0, the tolerant Col-0, and a near isogenic line (Col-S) where ozone sensitivity was introgressesed from Cvi-0 to Col-0 through eight rounds of backcrossing.
Project description:Plants continuously respond to changing environmental conditions to prevent damage and maintain optimal performance. To regulate gas exchange with the environment and to control abiotic stress relief, plants have pores in their leaf epidermis, called stomata. Multiple environmental signals affect the opening and closing of these stomata. High temperatures promote stomatal opening (to cool down), and drought induces stomatal closing (to prevent water loss). Coinciding stress conditions may evoke conflicting stomatal responses, but the cellular mechanisms to resolve these conflicts are unknown. Here we demonstrate that the high-temperature-associated kinase TARGET OF TEMPERATURE 3 directly controls the activity of plasma membrane H+-ATPases to induce stomatal opening. OPEN STOMATA 1, which regulates stomatal closure to prevent water loss during drought stress, directly inactivates TARGET OF TEMPERATURE 3 through phosphorylation. Taken together, this signalling axis harmonizes stomatal opening and closing under high temperatures and drought. In the context of global climate change, understanding how different stress signals converge on stomatal regulation allows the development of climate-change-ready crops.
Project description:Piriformospora indica, an endophytic fungus of Sebacinales, colonizes the roots of many plant species including Arabidopsis thaliana. The symbiotic interaction promotes plant per-formance, growth and resistance/tolerance against abiotic and biotic stress. We demonstrate that exudated compounds from the fungus activate stress and defense responses in the Arabidopsis roots and shoots before the two partners are in physical contact. They induce stomata closure, stimulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, stress-related phytohormone accumulation and activate defense and stress genes in the roots and/or shoots. Once a physical contact is established, the stomata re-open, ROS and phytohormone levels decline, and the gene expression pattern indicates a shift from defense to mutualistic interaction. We propose that exudated compounds from P. indica induce stress and defense responses in the host. Root colonization results in the downregulation of defense responses and the activation of genes involved in promoting plant growth, metabolism and performance. Twelve day-old (48 h cold treatment and 10 days of illumination) Arabidopsis seedlings of equal sizes were selected for co-cultivation experiments. They were transferred to PNM plates with a nylone membrane on the top (Johnson et al. 2011) and exposed to a fungal plug 5 mm in diameter or a KM plug of the same size without fungal hyphae (control). The plugs were placed 3 cm away from the closest root part . The light intensity (80 ± 5 μmol m-2 sec-1) was checked every third day to ensure that both P. indica- and mock-treated seedlings receive equal amounts of light.