Project description:Sorghum is an important cereal crop, which requires large quantities of nitrogen fertilizer for achieving commercial yields. Identification of the genes responsible for low-N tolerance in sorghum will facilitate understanding of the molecular mechanisms of low-N tolerance, and also facilitate the genetic improvement of sorghum through marker-assisted selection or gene transformation. In this study we compared the transcriptomes of root tissues from seven sorghum genotypes having different genetic backgrounds with contrasting low-N tolerance by the RNAseq deep sequencing data. Several genes were found which are common differentially expressed genes between four low-N tolerant sorghum genotypes (San Chi San, China17, KS78 and high-NUE bulk) and three sensitive genotypes (CK60, BTx623 and low-NUE bulk).
Project description:Sorghum is an important cereal crop, which requires large quantities of nitrogen fertilizer for achieving commercial yields. Identification of the genes responsible for low-N tolerance in sorghum will facilitate understanding of the molecular mechanisms of low-N tolerance, and also facilitate the genetic improvement of sorghum through marker-assisted selection or gene transformation. In this study we compared the transcriptomes of root tissues from seven sorghum genotypes having different genetic backgrounds with contrasting low-N tolerance by the RNAseq deep sequencing data. Several genes were found which are common differentially expressed genes between four low-N tolerant sorghum genotypes (San Chi San, China17, KS78 and high-NUE bulk) and three sensitive genotypes (CK60, BTx623 and low-NUE bulk). RNAseq deep sequencing
Project description:To verify whether phosphorus deficiency can induce sorghum to produce and secrete SLs, we conducted RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses in sorghum plants grown under phosphorus deficiency conditions; to verify which genes induced by SL treatment, we conducted RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses in sorghum plants grown under SL treatment.
Project description:Identification and relative quantification of proteins present during sorghum malting and in a sorghum malt and barley malt mash and boil measured by SWATH-MS.
Project description:This study used with RNA-Seq to examine the tissue specific expression data within sorghum plants for improving the Sorghum bicolor gene annotation. We examined the RNA from tissues (spikelet, seed and stem) in Sorghum bicolor (BTx623).Total RNAs form each tissues were extracted using SDS/phenol method followed by LiCl purification
Project description:This study utilized next generation sequencing technology (RNA-Seq and BS-Seq) to examine the transcriptome and methylome of various tissues within sorghum plants with the ultimate goal of improving the Sorghum bicolor annotation We examined the mRNA of various Sorghum bicolor (BTx623) tissues (flowers, vegitative and floral meristems, embryos, roots and shoots) and bisulfite treated DNA from two root samples
Project description:This study utilized next generation sequencing technology (RNA-Seq and BS-Seq) to examine the transcriptome and methylome of various tissues within sorghum plants with the ultimate goal of improving the Sorghum bicolor annotation
Project description:This experiment contains the subset of data corresponding to sorghum RNA-Seq data from experiment E-GEOD-50464 (, which goal is to examine the transcriptome of various Sorghum bicolor (BTx623) tissues: flowers, vegetative and floral meristems, embryos, roots and shoots. Thus, we expanded the existing transcriptome atlas for sorghum by conducting RNA-Seq analysis on meristematic tissues, florets, and embryos, and these data sets have been used to improve on the existing community structural annotations.
Project description:Sorghum is multipurpose crop worldwide serving as food, feed, and feedstock for biofuels, whose floral transition and vegetative growth heavily depend on photoperiod. Although multiple sorghum maturity loci (Ma1-Ma6) have been associated with photoperiod sensitivity in previous QTL studies, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. By functional characterizing sorghum SbGhd7 (Ma6) and integrating RNA-seq analysis of Ghd7 overexpression sorghum, ChIP-seq analysis of SbGhd7 binding sites in protoplasts and molecular studies, we discovered that SbEhd1 and SbFT10 are the direct targets of SbGhd7. SbGhd7 is a transcriptional repressor and inhibits florigen-induced floral transition by repressing SbEhd1 and SbFT10 expression.
Project description:To identify novel miRNA and NAT-siRNAs that are associated with abiotic stresses in sorghum, we generated small RNA sequences from sorghum seedlings that grew under control and under dought, salt, and cold stress treatments.