Project description:Terminal differentiation of epidermal cells in Drosophila embryos requires the activity of a transcription factor. Svb is necessary and sufficient to induce this process. pri is a regulator of Svb activity, converting it from a repressor into an activator. To characterize the downstream Svb and pri effectors in cell morphogenesis, we performed microarrays in wt, svb -/- (no gene) and pri -/- (svb repressor) mutant conditions.
Project description:Absolute (molar) quantification determines proteins stoichiometry in complexes, networks and metabolic pathways. We employed MS Western workflow to determine molar abundances of proteins critical for morphogenesis and phototransduction (PT) in eyes of Drosophila melanogaster using a single chimeric 264 kDa protein standard that covers, in total, 197 peptides from 43 proteins. Each protein was independently quantified with 2 to 4 proteotypic peptides with the coefficient of variation of less than 15 %, better than 1000-fold dynamic range and sub-femtomole sensitivity. We determined molar abundances and stoichiometric ratios of the components of the PT machinery and the rhabdomere, and how they are changing when rhabdomere morphogenesis is perturbed by genetic manipulation of the evolutionary conserved gene crumbs (crb).
Project description:Terminal differentiation of epidermal cells in Drosophila embryos requires the activity of a transcription factor. Svb is necessary and sufficient to induce this process. pri is a regulator of Svb activity, converting it from a repressor into an activator. To characterize the downstream Svb and pri effectors in cell morphogenesis, we performed microarrays in wt, svb -/- (no gene) and pri -/- (svb repressor) mutant conditions. Embryos were selected at a precise 13-15h (after egg laying) stage of development, and manually genotyped for each condition: wt (W samples), svb -/- (R samples) and pri -/- (P samples). 5 independent replicates of 200 embryos are used for each condition. RNA were extracted and hybridized on Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:An embryonic system to assess Wnt transcriptional targets: Comparing opposing Wnt pathways and transcriptional activation and repression.