Project description:The fate of the carbon stocked in permafrost soils following global warming and permafrost thaw is of major concern in view of the potential for increased CH4 and CO2 emissions from these soils. Complex carbon compound degradation and greenhouse gas emissions are due to soil microbial communities, but their composition and functional potential in permafrost soils are largely unknown. Here, a 2 m deep permafrost and its overlying active layer soil were subjected to metagenome sequencing, quantitative PCR, and microarray analyses. The active layer soil and 2 m permafrost soil microbial community structures were very similar, with Actinobacteria being the dominant phylum. The two soils also possessed a highly similar spectrum of functional genes, especially when compared to other already published metagenomes. Key genes related to methane generation, methane oxidation and organic matter degradation were highly diverse for both soils in the metagenomic libraries and some (e.g. pmoA) showed relatively high abundance in qPCR assays. Genes related to nitrogen fixation and ammonia oxidation, which could have important roles following climatic change in these nitrogen-limited environments, showed low diversity but high abundance. The 2 m permafrost soil showed lower abundance and diversity for all the assessed genes and taxa. Experimental biases were also evaluated and showed that the whole community genome amplification technique used caused large representational biases in the metagenomic libraries. This study described for the first time the detailed functional potential of permafrost-affected soils and detected several genes and microorganisms that could have crucial importance following permafrost thaw. A 2m deep permafrost sample and it overlying active layer were sampled and their metagenome analysed. For microarray analyses, 8 other soil samples from the same region were used for comparison purposes.
Project description:Samples of oil and production water were collected from five wells of the Qinghai Oilfield, China, and subjected to GeoChip hybridization experiments for microbial functional diversity profiling. Unexpectedly, a remarkable microbial diversity in oil samples, which was higher than that in the corresponding water samples, was observed, thus challenging previously believed assumptions about the microbial diversity in this ecosystem. Hierarchical clustering separated oil and water samples, thereby indicating distinct functional structures in the samples. Genes involved in the degradation of hydrocarbons, organic remediation, stress response, and carbon cycling were significantly abundant in crude oil, which is consistent with their important roles in residing in oil. Association analysis with environmental variables suggested that oil components comprising aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and a polar fraction with nitrogen-, sulfur-, and oxygen-containing compounds were mainly influential on the structure of the microbial community. Furthermore, a comparison of microbial communities in oil samples indicated that the structures were depth/temperature-dependent. To our knowledge, this is the first thorough study to profile microbial functional diversity in crude oil samples.
Project description:Samples of oil and production water were collected from five wells of the Qinghai Oilfield, China, and subjected to GeoChip hybridization experiments for microbial functional diversity profiling. Unexpectedly, a remarkable microbial diversity in oil samples, which was higher than that in the corresponding water samples, was observed, thus challenging previously believed assumptions about the microbial diversity in this ecosystem. Hierarchical clustering separated oil and water samples, thereby indicating distinct functional structures in the samples. Genes involved in the degradation of hydrocarbons, organic remediation, stress response, and carbon cycling were significantly abundant in crude oil, which is consistent with their important roles in residing in oil. Association analysis with environmental variables suggested that oil components comprising aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and a polar fraction with nitrogen-, sulfur-, and oxygen-containing compounds were mainly influential on the structure of the microbial community. Furthermore, a comparison of microbial communities in oil samples indicated that the structures were depth/temperature-dependent. To our knowledge, this is the first thorough study to profile microbial functional diversity in crude oil samples. From the Qinghai Oilfield located in the Tibetan Plateau, northwest China, oil production mixtures were taken from four oil production wells (No. 813, 516, 48 and 27) and one injection well (No. 517) in the Yue-II block. The floating oil and water phases of the production mixtures were separated overnight by gravitational separation. Subsequently, the microbial community and the characteristics of the water solution (W813, W516, W48, and W27) and floating crude oil (O813, O516, O48, and O27) samples were analyzed. A similar analysis was performed with the injection water solution (W517).
Project description:Fats and oils play important roles in maintaining human nutrition and health through providing energy, essential fatty acids, and acting as modulators of many biological processes (signal transduction, immunity and inflammation). Due to differences in the fatty acid composition and content of antioxidants of individual cooking oils, the degree of oxidative and thermolytic reactions may vary oil by oil. It is lack of human feeding study to investigate the molecular mechanisms on how and which deep-fried oil exerts its adverse effects. The investigators are also lack of biomarkers for monitoring deep-fried oil exposure. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare how human body responds differently to several popular uncooked and deep-fried oils with varied fatty acid compositions with respect of oxylipin profile, inflammatory markers, non-targeted metabolomics, and transcriptomics. The investigators will recruit 20 volunteers, provided them once a week the milk shakes prepared from 60g of olive oil, soybean oil, palm oil, camellia oil, tallow (butter), and deep-fried oils of the last 4, respectively; in comparison with a no-fat milk shake control. The experiments lasted for 10 weeks.。Each time; serum, plasma, whole blood and urine samples were collected at baseline, after 2 hours, and after 4 hours. The investigators anticipate to find biomarker(s) for deep-frying, and contribute to the understanding of molecular mechanisms on how deep-fried oils exert adverse effects toward health through integrative omics or so-called system biology approaches.
Project description:The fate of the carbon stocked in permafrost soils following global warming and permafrost thaw is of major concern in view of the potential for increased CH4 and CO2 emissions from these soils. Complex carbon compound degradation and greenhouse gas emissions are due to soil microbial communities, but their composition and functional potential in permafrost soils are largely unknown. Here, a 2 m deep permafrost and its overlying active layer soil were subjected to metagenome sequencing, quantitative PCR, and microarray analyses. The active layer soil and 2 m permafrost soil microbial community structures were very similar, with Actinobacteria being the dominant phylum. The two soils also possessed a highly similar spectrum of functional genes, especially when compared to other already published metagenomes. Key genes related to methane generation, methane oxidation and organic matter degradation were highly diverse for both soils in the metagenomic libraries and some (e.g. pmoA) showed relatively high abundance in qPCR assays. Genes related to nitrogen fixation and ammonia oxidation, which could have important roles following climatic change in these nitrogen-limited environments, showed low diversity but high abundance. The 2 m permafrost soil showed lower abundance and diversity for all the assessed genes and taxa. Experimental biases were also evaluated and showed that the whole community genome amplification technique used caused large representational biases in the metagenomic libraries. This study described for the first time the detailed functional potential of permafrost-affected soils and detected several genes and microorganisms that could have crucial importance following permafrost thaw.
Project description:Metaproteomics is gaining momentum in microbiome research due to the multi-dimensional information it provides. However, current approaches have reached their detection limits. We present a highly-sensitive metaproteomic workflow using the extra information captured by Parallel Accumulation-Serial Fragmentation (PASEF) technology. The comparison of different acquisition modes and data analysis software packages showed that DIA-PASEF and DIA-NN doubled protein identifications in the mouse gut microbiota and, importantly, also in the host proteome compared to DDA-PASEF. DIA-PASEF significantly improved peptide detection reproducibility and quantification accuracy, which resulted in more than twofold identified taxa, reaching depths comparable to metagenomic studies. Consequently, DIA-PASEF exhibited improved coverage of functional networks revealing 131 additional pathways compared to DDA-PASEF. We applied our optimized workflow to a pre-clinical mouse model of chronic pain, in which we deciphered novel host-microbiome interactions. In summary, we present here a metaproteomic approach that paves the way for increasing the functional characterization of microbiome ecosystems and is applicable to diverse fields of biological research.