Project description:Loss of Myc corrects abrrant transcription in Rb KO villi, while these genetic manipulation does not lead to major gene expression changes in crypts. We used Affymetrix microarrays to profile the global gene expression changes caused by loss of Rb and Rb/Myc.
Project description:To understand molecular mechanisms underlying the synergy of Rb loss and E2F8 loss, we used gene expression profiling to assess molecular changes in Mx1-Cre-mediated knockout (KO) mice using RNA isolated from sorted Ter119+CD71high Erythroblasts. The top four upregulated and enriched pathways in the DKO mice included DNA replication, DNA damage response, DNA repair, and RNA processing. Interestingly, the majority of upregulated genes in the enriched sections of the four shared pathways contain E2f binding site(s) in their promoters, suggesting that Rb and E2F8 largely repress those genes through the E2f binding sites. Collectively, our data suggest that Rb and E2F8 co-regulate E2F-responsive genes. Spleen Ter119+CD71high cells were sorted from WT, E2f8 KO, Rb KO and E2f8;Rb DKO mice
Project description:DIGE results of mouse models of colon cancer. Tissue harvested from small intestines of Apc1638N+/- and p21-/- mice as per the method developed by Wieser et al. (1973). Spots identified as significant (alpha<0.05) in the comparison of mutant mouse crypts and villi to WT crypts and villi, respectively.
Project description:These data include RNA Seq data generated from wild type and Ring1a Ring1b dKO Villi from Rosa26-CreERT2 Cdkn2a-/- and Rosa26-CreERT2 Cdkn2a-/- Ring1a-/- Ring1bf/f mice. Total RNA extracted from wild type and Ring1a Ring1b dKO Villi.
Project description:Rb and E2F are thought to play antagonistic roles in celll proliferation. However, this model is based mostly from in vitro cell culture systems. We used small intestines to test this model in vivo. We found that deletion of E2f1-3 in the small intestine of mice suppressed the ectopic expression of E2F targets and cell proliferation caused by Rb-deficiency. Surprisingly, E2f1-3 deletion failed to arrest the proliferation of intestinal cells containing an intact Rb gene, and instead led to E2F target derepression and apoptosis. Experiment Overall Design: Total RNA of crypts and villi from wild-type, Rb-/-, E2f1-/-, E2f2-/-, E2f3-/-, E2f1-/-, E2f2-/-, and E2f3-/- small intestines. Small intestines were harvested 7 days after mice were injected intraperitoneally with beta-napthoflavone.
Project description:Alcohol induced damages to teh crypts and villi of mouse small intestine revealed by laser capture microdissection (LCM)-based sample collection, DIA-based untargeted proteomics