Project description:Fribourg2014 - Dynamics of viral antagonism and innate immune response (H1N1 influenza A virus - NC/99)
The dynamics of the interplay between the viral antagonism and the innate immune response has been studied using modelling approaches. The responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells infected by two influenza A H1N1 strains (the pandemic swine-origin A/California/4/2009 (Cal/09) and the seasonal A/New Caledonia/20/1999 (NC/99)) that have different clinical outcomes have been modelled. From the time course gene expression measurements of a set of selected genes, the dynamic features of viral antagonism and innate immune response are extracted. It is found that the strength and the time scale of action of viral antagonism is significantly different between the two viruses. This model describes the viral infection by seasonal NC/99.
This model is described in the article:
Model of influenza A virus infection: Dynamics of viral antagonism and innate immune response.
Fribourg M, Hartmann B, Schmolke M, Marjanovic N, Albrecht RA, García-Sastre A, Sealfon SC, Jayaprakash C, Hayot F.
J Theor Biol. 2014 Mar 2;351C:47-57.
Viral antagonism of host responses is an essential component of virus pathogenicity. The study of the interplay between immune response and viral antagonism is challenging due to the involvement of many processes acting at multiple time scales. Here we develop an ordinary differential equation model to investigate the early, experimentally measured, responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells to infection by two H1N1 influenza A viruses of different clinical outcomes: pandemic A/California/4/2009 and seasonal A/New Caledonia/20/1999. Our results reveal how the strength of virus antagonism, and the time scale over which it acts to thwart the innate immune response, differs significantly between the two viruses, as is made clear by their impact on the temporal behavior of a number of measured genes. The model thus sheds light on the mechanisms that underlie the variability of innate immune responses to different H1N1 viruses.
This model is hosted on BioModels Database and identified
by: MODEL1403310001.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource
for published quantitative kinetic models.
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public
domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain
Dedication for more information.
Project description:Fribourg2014 - Dynamics of viral antagonism and innate immune response (H1N1 influenza A virus - Cal/09)
The dynamics of the interplay between the viral antagonism and the innate immune response has been studied using modelling approaches. The responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells infected by two influenza A H1N1 strains (the pandemic swine-origin A/California/4/2009 (Cal/09) and the seasonal A/New Caledonia/20/1999 (NC/99)) that have different clinical outcomes have been modelled. From the time course gene expression measurements of a set of selected genes, the dynamic features of viral antagonism and innate immune response are extracted. It is found that the strength and the time scale of action of viral antagonism is significantly different between the two viruses. This model describes the viral infection by seasonal Cal/09.
This model is described in the article:
Model of influenza A virus infection: Dynamics of viral antagonism and innate immune response.
Fribourg M, Hartmann B, Schmolke M, Marjanovic N, Albrecht RA, García-Sastre A, Sealfon SC, Jayaprakash C, Hayot F.
J Theor Biol. 2014 Mar 2;351C:47-57.
Viral antagonism of host responses is an essential component of virus pathogenicity. The study of the interplay between immune response and viral antagonism is challenging due to the involvement of many processes acting at multiple time scales. Here we develop an ordinary differential equation model to investigate the early, experimentally measured, responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells to infection by two H1N1 influenza A viruses of different clinical outcomes: pandemic A/California/4/2009 and seasonal A/New Caledonia/20/1999. Our results reveal how the strength of virus antagonism, and the time scale over which it acts to thwart the innate immune response, differs significantly between the two viruses, as is made clear by their impact on the temporal behavior of a number of measured genes. The model thus sheds light on the mechanisms that underlie the variability of innate immune responses to different H1N1 viruses.
This model is hosted on BioModels Database and identified
by: MODEL1403310002.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource
for published quantitative kinetic models.
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public
domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain
Dedication for more information.
Project description:Innate sensing of viruses by dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the initiation of anti-viral adaptive immune responses. Virus, however, have evolved to suppress immune activation in infected cells. We now analyze the susceptibility of different populations of dendritic cells to viral infections. We find that circulating human CD1c+ DCs support infection by HIV and influenza virus. Viral infection of CD1c+ DCs is essential for virus-specific CD8+ T cell activation and cytosolic sensing of the virus. In contrast, circulating human CD141+ DCs and pDCs constitutively limit viral fusion. The small GTPase RAB15 mediates this differential viral resistance in DC subsets through selective expression in CD141+ DCs and pDCs. Therefore, dendritic cell sub-populations evolved constitutive resistance mechanisms to mitigate viral infection during induction of antiviral immune response.
Project description:This is an ordinary differential equation mathematical model investigating the early responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells to infection by two H1N1 influenza A viruses of different clinical outcomes: pandemic A/California/4/2009 and seasonal A/New Caledonia/20/1999.
Project description:Acute respiratory tract viral infections (ARTI) cause significant morbidity and mortality. While CD8 T cells are fundamental to the host response, the transcriptional alterations underlying anti-viral mechanisms within these cells, and the links to clinical characteristics, remain unclear. The transcriptional circuitry in CD8 T cells from acutely ill pediatric patients with influenza-like illness was distinct for different viral pathogens. We used microarray analysis to profile sorted CD8 T cells from PBMCs of various influenza-like illness patients.
Project description:Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a cytokine that acts directly on CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells to promote progression of asthma, atopic dermatitis, and allergic inflammation. However, a direct role for TSLP in CD8+ T-cell primary responses remains controversial and its role in memory CD8+ T-cell responses to secondary viral infection is unknown. Here, we investigate the role of TSLP in both primary and recall responses using two different viral systems. Interestingly, TSLP limited the primary CD8+ T cell response to influenza but did not affect T cell function nor significantly alter the number of memory CD8+ T cells generated after influenza infection. However, TSLP inhibited memory CD8+ T cell responses to secondary viral infection with influenza or acute systemic LCMV infection. These data reveal a previously unappreciated role for TSLP on recall CD8+ T cell responses in response to viral infection, findings with potential translational implications.
Project description:Airway epithelial cells are the initial site of infection with influenza viruses. The innate immune responses of airway epithelial cells to infection have the potential to limit virus replication and induce effective adaptive immune responses. However, relatively little is known about the importance of this innate anti-viral response to infection. Avian influenza viruses are a potential source of future pandemics, therefore it is critical to examine the effectiveness of the host anti-viral system to different influenza viruses. We used a human influenza (H3N2) and a low pathogenic avian influenza (H11N9) to assess and compare the anti-viral responses of bronchial epithelial cells (BECs). After infection, the H3N2 virus replicated more effectively than the H11N9 strain in BECs. This was not due to differential expression of different sialic acid residues on BECs but was attributed to the interference of the host anti-viral responses by H3N2. The H3N2 strain induced a delay in anti-viral signaling and impaired release of type I and type III interferons (IFNs) compared to the H11N9 virus. We then transfected the gene encoding for non-structural (NS) 1 protein into the BECs and the H3N2 NS1 induced a greater inhibition of anti-viral responses compared to the H11N9 NS1. While the low pathogenic avian influenza virus was capable of infecting BECs, the human influenza virus replicated more effectively than avian influenza virus in BECs and this may be at least in part due to a differential ability of the two NS1 proteins to inhibit anti-viral responses. This suggests that the subversion of human anti-viral responses may be an important requirement for influenza viruses to adapt to the human host and induce disease.
Project description:Viral infections facilitate bacterial trafficking to the lower respiratory tract resulting in bacterial viral co infections. Bacterial dissemination to the lower respiratory tract is enhanced by influenza A virus induced epithelial cell damage and dysregulation of immune responses. Epithelial cells act as the first line of defense and detect pathogens by a high variety of pattern recognition receptors. The post translational modification ubiquitin is involved in almost every cellular process. Moreover, ubiquitination contributes to the regulation of host immune responses, influenza A virus uncoating and transport within host cells. We applied proteomics with a special focus on ubiquitination to assess the impact of single bacterial and viral as well as bacterial viral co-infections on bronchial epithelial cells. We used Tandem Ubiquitin Binding Entities to enrich polyubiquitinated proteins and assess changes in the ubiquitinome. Infecting 16HBE cells with Streptococcus pyogenes led to an increased abundance of proteins related to mitochondrial translation and energy metabolism in proteome and ubiquitinome. In contrast, influenza A virus infection mainly altered the ubiquitinome. Co-infections had no additional impact on protein abundances or affected pathways. Changes in protein abundance and enriched pathways were assigned to imprints of both infecting pathogens.
Project description:Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are key components of the innate immune response that are capable of synthesizing and rapidly releasing vast amounts of type I interferons (IFNs), particularly IFN-alpha. Here we investigated whether pDCs, often regarded as a mere source of IFN, discriminate between various functionally discrete stimuli and to what extent this reflects differences in pDC responses other than IFN-alpha release. To examine the ability of pDCs to differentially respond to various doses of intact and infectious HIV, hepatitis C virus, and H1N1 influenza virus, whole-genome gene expression analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, and flow cytometry were used to investigate pDC responses at the transcriptional, protein, and cellular levels. Our data demonstrate that pDCs respond differentially to various viral stimuli with significant changes in gene expression, including those involved in pDC activation, migration, viral endocytosis, survival, or apoptosis. In some cases, the expression of these genes was induced even at levels comparable to that of IFN-alpha. Interestingly, we also found that depending on the viral entity and the viral titer used for stimulation, induction of IFN-alpha gene expression and the actual release of IFN-alpha are not necessarily temporally coordinated. In addition, our data suggest that high-titer influenza A (H1N1) virus infection can stimulate rapid pDC apoptosis.