Project description:Fourty RNA samples from the liver of lean and fat line chickens were organized in 10 pools, 4 by 4 and in the order of chicken adiposity. Expression in these pools were compared Keywords: animals with different genetic background comparison
Project description:RNA was prepared from subcutaneous adipose tissue from 4 mice each of: 1. genetically lean mice, control diet; 2. genetically fat mice, control diet; 3. genetically lean mice, high fat diet; 4. genetically fat mice, high fat diet. RNAs were processed and hybridised on Affymetrix Mouse Exon 1.0 GeneChips.
Project description:The aim of this study was to identify genes involved in the variation of the muscle glycogen content at death (estimated through the glycolytic potential, GP), a determining factor of meat quality in chicken. Gene expression profiles of Pectoralis major muscle were established using microarrays. We compared Fat and Lean chickens issued from two lines divergently selected for abdominal fatness and also differed for muscle GP. A total of 197 genes were differentially expressed between Fat and Lean pure chickens. Several of these genes were validated by qRT-PCR. For the genes with human orthologs, annotation analyses were performed and mainly revealed pathways involved carbohydrate, fatty-acid, and protein metabolism. The relationship between gene expression and meat quality has to now be validated by further e-QTL studies on the F2 population. 8 samples from Fat chickens were compared to 8 samples from Lean chickens, 4 of these were dye-swapped.
Project description:This study aimed to identify molecular basis of obesity-resistant mechanisms in the Lean line with the emphasis on lipid homeostasis. Expression profiling using custom Steroltalk v2 microarray demonstrated that Lean mice exhibit a higher hepatic expression of cholesterol synthesis genes compared to the Fat line. A significant difference between the strains was also found in the bile acid metabolism. We identified novel candidate molecular targets by which we can at least in part explain resistance to obesity development in the Lean line. Direct comparison of 10 Lean and 10 Fat mouse samples. For 7 out of 10 comparisons dye-swap technical replication were performed.
Project description:Chickens divergently selected for either high abdominal fat content (fat genotype) or low abdominal fat content (lean genotype) at SRA-INRA, France were used to profile pituitary gland gene expression during juvenile development (1 to 7 weeks of age) and to identify differentially expressed genes associated with genotype and age. The fat line (FL) and lean line (LL) chickens are different in various phenotypic and metabolic measurements, including abdominal fatness, plasma glycemia, and T3. The FL and LL chickens represent unique models for characterizing biomedical and agricultural traits. The Del-Mar 14K Chicken Integrated Systems microarrays were used for a transcriptional scan in the pituitary gland during juvenile development using a reference design for the hybridization of total RNA from the pituitary gland. A reference RNA pool was made from an equal amount of high-quality total RNA extracted from all of the samples. Each of the microarrays was co-hybridized with Cy3-labeled cDNA targets from one of the pituitary samples and Cy5-labled cDNA targets from the reference pituitary RNA pool. Log2-transformed fluorescence intensities were analyzed with a mixed model. Two-way ANOVA (SAS) of log2 ratios was used to detect significant (p<0.05) differences by line, age, and the line-by-age interaction. There were 1150 significantly different genes between the two lines, and 339 of these genes exhibited greater than 0.68-fold differences in their log2 ratios (highest group mean at least 160% of the lowest group mean). One thousand four hundred twenty nine genes were significantly different by age and of these, 583 exhibited fold changes greater than 0.68 in the log2 ratio. There were 145 genes that significantly differed in their line-by-age interaction, and 62 of these exhibited greater than 0.68-fold differences. There were 386 genes with significant differences by line or for line-by-age interaction with at least a 0.68-fold change in log2 ratio and n ≥ 2 for each experimental group. Four biological replicates were analyzed, each consisting of a complete set of individual samples from pituitary glands of Fat and Lean line chickens at week 1, week 3, week 5, or week 7 of age. Amplified antisense RNA from each sample was analyzed using Del-Mar 14 K array in a reference design. Each experimental sample (Fat and Lean Weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7) was labeled with Cy3 and hybridized with an aliquot of the Cy5 reference pool, which was generated from all 32 RNA samples.
Project description:This study aimed to identify molecular basis of obesity-resistant mechanisms in the Lean line with the emphasis on lipid homeostasis. Expression profiling using custom Steroltalk v2 microarray demonstrated that Lean mice exhibit a higher hepatic expression of cholesterol synthesis genes compared to the Fat line. A significant difference between the strains was also found in the bile acid metabolism. We identified novel candidate molecular targets by which we can at least in part explain resistance to obesity development in the Lean line.