Project description:We performed gene expression pofiling of of optic nerve from Tcf7l2 mutant and control mice and identified significantly changed genes in mutant. RNA-seq of P12 optic nerve from control and mutant mice.
Project description:We performed gene expression pofiling of of optic nerve from Tcf7l2 mutant and control mice and identified significantly changed genes in mutant.
Project description:We used two groups of C57BL/6J mice, one with optic nerve crush on one eye, and another with no crush as control. Three mice were subjected to optic nerve crush, with sample names 121, 113, 114 and two were used as control with sample names 118 and 119. For the optic nerve crush, a surgical peritomy was made behind and above the eyeball and the eye muscles were gently retracted to expose the optic nerve. Dumont #5 forceps (FST) were used to crush the optic nerve approximately 0.5-1 mm behind the globe without damaging retinal vessels or affecting the blood supply.
Project description:Reactive gliosis is a complex process that involves profound changes in gene expression. We used microarray to indentify differentially expressed genes and to investigate the molecular mechanisms of reactive gliosis in optic nerve head in response to optic nerve crush injury. C57Bl/6 female mice were 6-8 weeks old at the time of optic nerve crush surgery. The optic nerve in the left eye was crush 1 mm behind the globe for 10 seconds and the right eye served as contralateral control. The animals were allowed to recover for 1 day, 3 day, 1 week, 3 weeks and 3 months before the optic nerve heads were collected. The naive control mice did not receive any surgery in either eye. Due to the small tissue size of the mouse optic nerve head, two optic nerve heads were pooled together for each microarray chip. The left eyes and the right eyes of two mice were combined respectively to form one pair of experiment and control samples. There were five biological replicates (10 mice) for each condition.
Project description:EAE mice were injected with LPC 18:1 at the optic nerve when they exhibited a clinical score of 2. Visual function was assessed via pattern electroretinogram and optic nerves were harvested 12 days post optic nerve injection. Three different visual recovery pathways were observed: 1) No-injection control (no recovery in visual function), 2) Low recovery visual function, 3) High recovery visual function and 4) No change in visual function.