Project description:In other bacteria, arginine induces the expression of genes involved in arginine catabolism. This study obtained the identification of genes involved in the arginine metabolism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was cultured with arginine or ammonium chloride as sole nitrogen source. In the log phase of growth, RNA was isolated and whole genome expression was determined. The study contains three biological replicates.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE36341: mRNA degradation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis under aerobic conditions GSE36342: mRNA degradation in Mycobacterium smegmatis under aerobic conditions GSE36343: mRNA degradation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis during cold and hypoxic stress GSE36344: mRNA degradation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis with DosR ectopically induced Refer to individual Series
Project description:In other bacteria, arginine induces the expression of genes involved in arginine catabolism. This study obtained the identification of genes involved in the arginine metabolism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Project description:Comparison of gene expression profile of the whiB4 mutant strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with the wild type Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RV Mtb WhiB4 mutant mRNA was compared with the mRNA of wtMtb H37RV under aerobic conditons
Project description:Comparison of gene expression profile of the whiB4 mutant strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with the wild type Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RV Mtb WhiB4 mutant mRNA was compared with the mRNA of wtMtb H37RV under aerobic conditons Aerbic conditions OD600 nm of 0.4, MtbWhiB4KO vs wtMtb, biological replicates: 3 wt Mtb H37RV and 3 MtbWhiB4 KO
Project description:Time -course transcriptional profiling of arginine starved Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv ΔargB or ΔargF realtive to day 0 of starvation
Project description:The purpose of this study was to identify genes that are differentially expressed under conditions of potassium limitation, to elucidate how Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) senses and responds to ionic changes, and the role of these responses in host colonization.
Project description:The present study reports the gene expression data of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and H37RvΔdosSΔdosT (DKO) grown on 0.2 % acetate/glucose under aerobic/hypoxic conditions. Acetate was reported to be present in granulomas of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected guinea pigs which are also hypoxic. By exposing Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and H37RvΔdosSΔdosT to different combinations of granulomatous stresses (acetate/glucose and aerobic/hypoxic conditions) alongwith other experimental data, we were able to delineate a new signaling pathway that activates DevR (DosR) regulon through Acetyl phosphate. The presence of two pathways highlights the importance of targeting DevR and not DevS/DosT for intercepting DevRST signalling cascade.
Project description:Lysates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv auxotroph mc(2)6020) grown under various conditions (normoxia, hypoxia, reactivation from hypoxia) probed the serine hydrolase probe with ActivX-desthiobiotin FP.
Project description:M. tuberculosis H37Rv was grown in vitro in five different conditions, including four stress conditions that could mimic what M. tuberculosis may experience in macrophages. The gene expression profiling was studied. Methods: Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv strain was grown under 5 different conditions, in duplicate. RNAseq was performed. The gene expression was compared and Differential Expression was analyzed. Results: The gene expression profiling in microaerophilic and stationary phase conditions were the most similar while the profiling in acidic condition was the closest to exponential phase condition. An average 1050 genes were differentially transcribed in each stress condition except for the acidic stress, which had less than 200 genes differentially regulated.