Project description:Transcriptome analysis of Sodalis glossinidius derived from uninfected (controls) and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection self cleared Glossina palpalis gambiensis. 10 days after infectived blood meal, flies anal drop were analysed by PCR to isolate the infected self cleared flies. Then, uninfected (controls) and infection self cleared 10 days-flies midgut were dissected for RNA extraction. Total RNAs were extracted from 8 samples including: 4 control and 4 infection self-cleared flies.
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of Sodalis glossinidius derived from uninfected (controls) and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection self cleared Glossina palpalis gambiensis. 10 days after infectived blood meal, flies anal drop were analysed by PCR to isolate the infected self cleared flies. Then, uninfected (controls) and infection self cleared 10 days-flies midgut were dissected for RNA extraction.
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of Sodalis glossinidius derived from Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection self cleared and infected Glossina palpalis gambiensis. At 3 time points (3, 10 and 20 days) after infectived blood meal, flies were analysed by PCR to isolate the infected and infection self cleared flies. Then, infected and infection self cleared flies midgut were dissected for RNA extraction.
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of Sodalis glossinidius derived from Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection self cleared and infected Glossina palpalis gambiensis. At 3 time points (3, 10 and 20 days) after infectived blood meal, flies were analysed by PCR to isolate the infected and infection self cleared flies. Then, infected and infection self cleared flies midgut were dissected for RNA extraction. Total RNAs were extracted at 3 time points (3, 10 and 20 days) from 24 samples including, for each time, 4 infected and 4 infection self-cleared flies.
Project description:Do natural trypanosome infections induce transcriptomic perturbations in field tsetse flies as do experimental infections in insectary-raised flies?
| PRJNA386916 | ENA
Project description:Blood meal analysis of tsetse flies by Next-generation sequencing
Project description:Oral susceptibility of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to dengue viruses varies between different Aedes species and strains. However, the midgut-specific transcriptional profile that may produce this variation is presently obscure and was the subject of our investigation. The variation in active expression between dengue-2 susceptible (SUS) and refractory (REF) mosquitoes was investigated during the first critical 96 hours after infection Transcriptional profiles were mined from respective guts using the serial analysis of gene expression technique (SAGE) and libraries constructed from midguts obtained from mosquitoes that received a dengue-2 infected blood meal (DENV-2), a non infected blood meal (naive) or a 5% sucrose meal (SM). Here we report that variation between DENV-2 infected libraries versus respective naïve libraries revealed very few transcripts that were common and statistically significant in DENV-2 infected libraries. In addition, the expression profiles among libraries displayed up regulation of antisense transcripts especially in the SUS strain. A strong proclivity towards strain-specificity in differential expression was observed, which suggested an exclusive transcription that is likely up-regulated after DENV-2 infection Thirty Aedes aegypti female mosquitoes aged 4-5 days were transferred to 500 ml paper cups and offered a 5% sucrose meal (SM), a naïve blood meal or a dengue-2 (JAM 1409 strain) infectious blood meal, using standard artificial membrane feeders. Fully engorged females were isolated and maintained on a 5% sucrose solution ad libitum at 26oC and relative humidity till dissection