Project description:Whole genome sequencing of 10 HCLc tumor and matched-germline T cells. Genomic DNA from highly purified HCLc tumor and T cell populations were utilized for library preparation using NEBNext Ultra DNA library prep kit. Sequencing was performed as 150 bp paired end sequencing using four lanes of an Illumina HiSeq4000 to an average depth of 12X. Reads from each library were aligned to the human reference genome GRCh37 using BWA-MEM (v0.7.12). The analysis of somatic genetic alterations in WGS data from tumor-germline pair HCLc samples was divided based on the nature of the mutation, as follow: single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), indels, CNAs and SVs. Moreover, COSMIC mutational signatures and subclonal architecture was inferred for each tumor.
Project description:We compared 3 small RNA library prep kits (CleanTag, NEXTflex, QIAseq) and two RNA extraction methods (miRNeasy and MagnaZol) on plasma. We report that library preparation has a significant effect upon the miRNA profile detected, with QIAseq libraries exhibiting the least sequencing bias of the three library kits. RNA extraction methods also contribute, to a lesser extent, to the miRNA profile detected, with MagnaZol RNA extraction increasing the percentage of reads mapping to miRNAs and the number of individual miRNAs detected.
Project description:<p>Exome sequencing of matched pairs of tumor / normal genomic DNA was performed from high risk localized prostate cancer or lethal, metastatic, castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Exome libraries were prepared using Illumina Paired_End Genome DNA Sample Prep Kit and captured using Agilent SureSelect Capture Library or Roche EZ Exome capture library. Sequencing was performed on Illumina GAII and HiSeq 2000 platforms in paired end mde, with 80 base pair reads from the final library fragments. Copy number alterations and somatic mutations were identified.</p>
Project description:To investigate whether Aramchol might reduce liver fibrosis in part directly inhibiting HSCs, we treated LX-2 cells with Aramchol, 10 µM for 24 or 48 hours, then performed RNA sequencing. Sequencing libraries were made with the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep Kit by manufacturers suggestions. Sequencing parameters are as follows: poly-A RNA enrichment, 175 bp paired reads ran on HiSeq2500 Illumina instrument. Mapping of raw sequencing reads was performed using STAR (2.4.0c) to the UCSC GRCh37/hg19 reference genome.
Project description:Massively parallel DNA sequencing of thousands of samples in a single machine-run is now possible, but the preparation of the individual sequencing libraries is expensive and time-consuming. Tagmentation-based library construction, using the Tn5 transposase, is efficient for generating sequencing libraries but currently relies on undisclosed reagents, which severely limits development of novel applications and the execution of large scale projects. Here, we present simple and robust procedures for Tn5 transposase production and optimized reaction conditions for tagmentation-based sequencing library construction. We further show how molecular crowding agents both modulate library lengths and enable efficient tagmentation from sub-picogram amounts of cDNA. Comparison of single-cell RNA-sequencing libraries generated using produced and commercial Tn5 demonstrated equal performances in terms of gene detection and library characteristics. Finally, as naked Tn5 can be annealed to any oligonucleotide of choice, for example molecular barcodes in single-cell assays or methylated oligonucleotides for bisulfite sequencing, custom Tn5 production and tagmentation enables innovation in sequencing-based applications.
Project description:The experiment was designed to look into changes in key transcription factors (TFs) binding sites during cell cycle progression in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). For this, 1 million FUCCI hESCs are sorted in Early G1 (EG1), Late G1 (LG1), and S/G2/M phases in duplicates for each experiment, and chromatin immunoprecipitation was performed for the TFs CTCF, OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, RING1B. Library preparation and sequencing were performed at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute next-generation sequencing facility. Size selection was applied, and fragments between 100bp and 400bp (average length of 200bp) were used to prepare barcoded sequencing libraries using NEBNext Sample Prep Kit1 (NEB) following manufacturer’s instructions. Equimolar amounts of each library were pooled, and 10 samples/lane were multiplexed on Illumina HiSeq 2000, 2 X 75bp paired-end reads.
Project description:To better understand the mechanism by which MAGEA3 contributes to HCC progression, we conducted RNA sequencing in the PLC5 HCC cell line after 72 hours of treatment with scramble or sh8375 in triplicate. RNA-sequencing was conducted on poly-A enriched RNA, 100 bp single reads using an Illumina HiSeq2500 instrument. Libraries were constructed using the TruSeq RNA Library Prep Kit v2. Raw sequencing reads were mapped to the GRCh38 reference genome (USCS) using STAR (2.4.2g1). Aligned reads were mapped to GRCh38 genetic features using featureCounts from the subRead package with default settings. Data analysis included differential gene expression between conditions and gene set enrichment analysis.
Project description:We provide raw gene sequences of 174 flowering time regulatory genes and gene othologs across a large barley population (895 barley lines) selected from a collection of landrace, cultivated barley, and research varieties of diverse origin. This set represents the whole variety of cultivated barley lifeforms, namely two- and six-row genotypes with winter, spring, and facultative growth habits. We applied a target capture method based on in-solution hybridization using the myBaits® technology (Arbor Biosciences, Ann Arbour, MI, USA) which is based on in-solution biotinylated RNA probes. Baits were designed for flowering time regulatory genes and gene othologs, and used for production of 80mer capture oligonucleotides for hybridization. Genomic DNA was extracted from leaves of a single two-week old barley plant per variety using the cetyl-trimethyl-ammonium bromide (CTAB) method. Physical shearing of genomic DNA was performed with an average size of 275 bp. Library preparation was conducted with KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (KAPA Biosystems, Wilmington, MA). Hybridization of customised RNA baits with capture pools was performed at 65°C for 24 hours. Each pooled sequence capture library was sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq3000 instrument using three lanes to generate paired-end reads per sample. Genome sequencing was conducted at AgriBio, (Centre for AgriBioscience, Bundoora, VIC, Australia).
Project description:We report the application of MeRIP sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of RNA m6A modifications in wide-type and knock-down METTL3 or WTAP Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs). Both the input samples without immunoprecipitation and the m6A IP samples were used for RNA-seq library generation with NEBNext® Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit (New England Biolabs, Inc., USA). Library sequencing was performed on an illumina Hiseq instrument with 150bp paired-end reads. Clean reads of all libraries were aligned to the reference genome (HG19) by Hisat2 software (v2.0.4). Methylated sites on RNAs (peaks) were identified by MACS software. Differentially methylated sites were identified by diffReps. And, guided by the Ensembl gtf gene annotation file, cuffdiff software (part of cufflinks) was used to get the gene level FPKM as the expression profiles of mRNA, and fold change and p-value were calculated based on FPKM, differentially expressed mRNA were identified. qRT-PCR validation was performed using SYBR Green assays. Finally, we find that METTL3/WTAP can regulate the expression level of target genes through m6A modification in HUVECs. This study provides a framework for applying MeRIP sequencing profiles to characterize vascular endothelial cells.
Project description:In recent years, tagmentation-based library preparation using a hyperactive version of the Tn5 transposase gained more and more popularity. The limited hands-on time, robustness and high efficiency of the method are essential for the processing of next-generation sequencing libraries form little input material like single cells or the processing of hundreds of samples simultaneously. The hyperactive Tn5 is commercially available (Nextera XT DNA library preparation kit), however, high-throughput experiments with hundreds of samples are costly. Here, we present a highly reproducible Tn5 transposase purification strategy via an N-terminal His6-Sumo3 tag and the workflow for the tagmentation-based NGS library preparation. We demonstrate that NGS libraries processed with the in-house produced Tn5 are of the same quality like those processed with the Nextera XT DNA library preparation kit and that the purification of the transposase is reproducible across institutes. Producing the Tn5 transposase in-house allows for customized experimental design and reduces costs of large-scale experiments dramatically. We describe a novel single cell polyadenylation site mapping protocol that benefits from the fact that the in-house produced Tn5 can be loaded with any desired linker oligonucleotide for tagmentation.