ABSTRACT: Down modulation of miR-99a/let-7c/miR-125b miRNA cluster predicts clinical outcome in patients with unresected malignant pleural mesothelioma
Project description:Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive tumor with a dismal overall survival (OS) and to date few molecular markers are available to guide patient management. This study aimed to identify a prognostic miRNA signature in MPM patients who did not undergo tumor resection. Whole miRNA profiling using a microarray platform was performed on 26 unresected MPM with distinct clinical outcome: 15 patients had aggressive disease (OS<12 months) and 11 patients indolent disease (OS>36 months). Three prognostic miRNAs (mir-99a, let-7c and miR-125b) encoded at the same cluster (21q21) were selected for further validation and tested on publicly available miRNA sequencing data (TCGA) from 72 MPM patients with survival data. A risk model was built based on these 3 miRNAs that was validated by quantitative PCR in an independent set of 30 MPM patients. High risk patients had shorter median OS (7.6 months) as compared with low-risk patients (median not reached). In the multivariate Cox model, a high risk score was an independently associated with shorter OS (HR=3.14; 95% CI, 1.18–8.34; P=0.022). Our study identified that the downregulation of the miR-99a/let-7/miR-125b miRNA cluster predicts poor outcome in unresected MPM.
Project description:Although regulation of stem cell homeostasis by miRNAs is well studied, it is unclear how individual miRNAs, genomically encoded within an organized polycistron, can interact to induce an integrated phenotype. miR-99a/100, let-7 and miR-125b paralogues are encoded in two tricistrons on human chromosome 11 and 21. They are highly expressed in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL), an aggressive form of leukemia with poor prognosis. Integrative analysis of global gene expression profiling, miRNA target prediction and pathway architecture revealed that miR-99a/100, let-7 and miR-125b functionally converge at the combinatorial block of the TGFM-NM-2 pathway by targeting four receptor subunits and two SMAD signaling transducers. In addition, downregulation of tumor suppressor genes APC/APC2 stabilizes active M-NM-2-Catenin and enhances Wnt signaling. By switching the balance between Wnt and TGFM-NM-2 signaling the concerted action of these tricistronic miRNAs promoted sustained expansion of murine and human HSCs in vitro or in vivo, while favoring megakaryocytic differentiation. We lentivirally transduced cord blood CD34+-hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (CB-HSPCs) to ectopically express miR-125b-2, miR-99a, let-7c or miR-99a~125b-2 and cultured them in megakaryocytic differentiation medium for 7 days.
Project description:To investigate the function of miR99a/let-7c miRNAs during cardiomyogenesis, we decided to perturb their expression using transgenic mES cell lines the corresponding precursors (pre-miRNA) of the two miRNAs. We used the ROSA-TET system (EB3 tet off), in which the transgene is inserted in Rosa26 locus by Cre recombinase. We generated three different clones both miRNAs let-7c/miR-99a and those only one miRNA, namely the let-7cdeletedmiR-99a and the miR-99adeletedlet-7c.
Project description:Combined overexpression of miR-125b with miR-99a and/or miR-100 induced VCR resistance in ETV6-RUNX1-positive leukemic cells Reh. We used microarrays to detail the global changes in gene expression of Reh cells upon enforced expression of miR-125 per se compared with combination of overexpression of miR-125b, miR-100 and/or miR-99a
Project description:Combined overexpression of miR-125b with miR-99a and/or miR-100 induced VCR resistance in ETV6-RUNX1-positive leukemic cells Reh. We used microarrays to detail the global changes in gene expression of Reh cells upon enforced expression of miR-125 per se compared with combination of overexpression of miR-125b, miR-100 and/or miR-99a MiR-99a and/or miR-100 were transiently overexpressed in stable miR-125b-expressing and stable scrambled miR-control-expressing Reh cells. Cellular resistance to VCR was determined by MTT assay after incubating the cells with 9 ng/mL VCR for 3 days. Changes in the gene expression pattern of Reh cells induced by miRNAs overexpression were measured using Affymetrix Arrays.
Project description:We surveyed miRNA expression in intact airway smooth muscle tissue to evaluate candidate miRNA for further studies. We found 60 miRNA expressed at a detectable level in all four donors and another 118 miRNA expressed in three of the four donors. There were 18 miRNAs with expression levels > 2-fold above normalized expression values. These consisted of 12 described human miRNA, including let-7c, miR-16, -23b, -24, -26a, -125b, -143, -145, -200c and -205; 3 mouse miRNAs including miR-99a, -140* and -370; and 3 novel miRNA termed abi-13143, -13232 and -13268.
Project description:Background: Accurate classification of breast cancer using gene expression profiles has contributed to a better understanding of the biological mechanisms behind the disease and has paved the way for better prognostication and treatment prediction. Results: We found that miRNA profiles largely recapitulate intrinsic subtypes. In the case of HER2-enriched tumors a small set of miRNAs including the HER2-encoded mir-4728 identifies the group with very high specificity. We also identified differential expression of the miR-99a/let-7c/miR-125b miRNA cluster as a marker for separation of the Luminal A and B subtypes. High expression of this miRNA cluster is linked to better overall survival among patients with Luminal A tumors. Correlation between the miRNA cluster and their precursor LINC00478 is highly significant suggesting that its expression could help improve the accuracy of present day’s signatures. Conclusions: We show here that miRNA expression can be translated into mRNA profiles and that the inclusion of miRNA information facilitates the molecular diagnosis of specific subtypes, in particular the clinically relevant sub-classification of luminal tumors.
Project description:Regional delivery of oncolytic viruses has been shown to promote immune responses. Malignant pleural effusions comprise an immunosuppressive microenvironment, and the ability of oncolytic viruses to generate immune responses following regional delivery in patients with malignant pleural effusions is unknown. We conducted a phase I clinical trial that studied the intrapleural administration of oncolytic vaccinia virus to establish the safety and feasibility in patients with malignant pleural effusion due to malignant pleural mesothelioma or metastatic disease. In patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma, by correlative analysis of pre- and post-treatment tumor biopsies, we provide insight into tumor-specific viral uptake and associated immune responses.
Project description:We screened pleural effusion proteomes of mesothelioma and lung adenocarcinoma patients to identify novel soluble mesothelioma biomarkers. We performed quantitative mass spectrometry-(MS-) based proteomics using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) and used narrow range immobilized pH gradient/high resolution isoelectric focusing (IPG/HiRIEF; pH 4 to 4.25) prior to analysis by nano liquid chromatography-coupled MS/MS. Pleural effusions from patients with malignant mesothelioma (n=6), lung adenocarcinoma (n=6), or benign mesotheliosis (n=7) were analyzed, and more than 1,300 proteins were identified.