Project description:Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a series of sterol hormones in plants, which play important physiological roles in many aspects of plant growth and development processes. Exogenous application of BR and its inhibitors PPZ to investigated the roles of BR in soybean root growth and development. Transcriptome sequencing analysis was performed to identified lots number of differential expression genes(DEGs) by eBL (2,4-epicastasterone, 24-epiCS) and PPZ (propiconazole) treatment of soybean root tips(1 cm).
Project description:Alkali stress is one of the most severe abiotic stresses affecting agricultural production worldwide. To understand the phosphorylation events in soybean in response to alkali stress, we performed the TMT labeling-based quantitative phosphoproteomic analyses on soybean leaf and root tissues under 50 mM NaHCO3 treatment.
Project description:Two Near Isogenic soybean (Glycine max) lines were grown in hydroponic conditions with either 50uM ferric nitrate or 100uM ferric nitrate. After 10 days, half the plants were harvested (total root tissue). At 12 days after planting, iron was added to plants grown in low iron conditions bringing them up to sufficient iron growth conditions. Root tissue was harvested for the remaining plants at 14 days after planting. Gene expression analysis from root tissue of two Near Isogenic Lines (NILs), Clark (PI548553) and IsoClark (PI547430), grown in iron stress or iron stress recovered conditions.
Project description:RNA-seq was used to characterize gene expression in soybean from a wide range of tissues. The primary focus of the project was small RNAs, and the identification of microRNAs and phased siRNA-generating loci, but RNA-seq data were generated from the same samples. This project was supported by the United Soybean Board.
Project description:Two Near Isogenic soybean (Glycine max) lines were grown in hydroponic conditions with either 50uM ferric nitrate or 100uM ferric nitrate. After 10 days, half the plants were harvested (total root tissue). At 12 days after planting, iron was added to plants grown in low iron conditions bringing them up to sufficient iron growth conditions. Root tissue was harvested for the remaining plants at 14 days after planting. Gene expression analysis from root tissue of two Near Isogenic Lines (NILs), Clark (PI548553) and IsoClark (PI547430), grown in iron stress or iron stress recovered conditions. A total of 24 samples from four growth conditions, three biological replicates per treatment