Project description:To investigate the differences of STAT3-mediated DNA methylation in gastric cancer patient samples, genome wide DNA methylation profiling for STAT3-positive/negative patient samples
Project description:To investigate the knockdown effect of STAT3 on DNA methylation on gastric cancer cells, genome wide DNA methylation profiling of AGS transfected with pLKO.1-puro-shGFP or shSTAT3 generated from Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC.
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of normal gastric epuithelial cells and gastric cancer cell lines. The Illumina Infinium 450k Human DNA methylation Beadchip v1.2 was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across approximately 450,000 CpGs. Samples included 2 normal gastric epithelial cells and 14 gastric cancer cells.
Project description:Examine methylation changes in gene promoters in gastric cancers and matched normal control gastric epithelium, using Nimblegen arrays. Direct comparison of gastric cancers and matched normal control gastric epithelium
Project description:Next generation sequencing platforms were used to identify STAT3 targets in the background of EGFRvIII expresssion mRNA of 3 EGFRvIII positive brain tumor stem cell lines (BTSC #68, 73, and 90) were compared to an EGFRvIII negative line (#41) to identify EGFRvIII-regulated targets in human BTSC. EGFRvIII-dependent targets in mouse astrocytes were identified by mRNA-seq analyses of EGFRvIII- or MSCV-expressing astrocytes. STAT3-differentially regulated genes in EGFRvIII expressing mouse astrocytes were obtained by subjecting EGFRvIII,STAT3f/f and EGFRvIII, STAT3-/- astrocytes to mRNA-Seq analyses. Sites of STAT3 occupancy in EGFRvIII expressing astrocytes were identified by ChIP-Seq using a STAT3 antibody or IgG control. We identified OSMR as a direct target of STAT3 in both EGFRvIII-expressing human BTSC and mouse astrocytes. Therefore to identify OSMR-regulated genes, we used a lentiviral mediated RNAi system to knockdown OSMR in EGFRvIII-expressing astrocytes. OSMR-dependent differentially expressed genes were obtained by comparison of OSMR knockdown (KD1 and KD2) astrocytes to control groups (ShRNA control and Vector control)
Project description:Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of gastric tumors and matched gastric non-malignant samples. The Illumina HumanMethylation27 BeadChip was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across 27,578 CpGs in 203 gastric tumors and 94 matched non-malignant gastric samples. Bisulphite-converted DNA from the 203 gastric tumors and 94 matched gastric non-malignant samples was hybridized to the Illumina HumanMethylation27 BeadChip.
Project description:Examine methylation changes in gene promoters in gastric cancers and matched normal control gastric epithelium, using Nimblegen arrays.
Project description:This study using 293T cells transfected with plasmids enconding HA-Stat3 with jmjd1c or jmjd1cH2326A aims to figure out the methylation site of Stat3 by Jmjd1c.