Project description:The yeast Dekkera bruxellensis is as ethanol tolerant as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and may be found in bottled wine. It causes the spoilage of wine, beer, cider and soft drinks. In wines, the metabolic products responsible for spoilage by Dekkera bruxellensis are mainly volatile phenols. These chemical compounds are responsible for the taints described as ‘‘medicinal’’ in white wines (due to vinyl phenols) and as ‘‘leather’’, ‘‘horse sweat’’ and ‘‘stable’’ in red wines (due to ethyl phenols mainly 4-ethylphenol). Apart from the negative aroma nuances imparted by these yeasts, positive aromas such as ‘smoky’, ‘spicy’ and ‘toffee’ are also cited. Our goal was to identify the impact that the wine spoilage yeast Dekkera bruxellensis has on fermenting S. cerevisiae cells, especially on its gene expression level. To this end we co-inoculated both yeast species at the start of fermentation in a synthetic wine must, using S. cerevisiae-only fermentations without Dekkera bruxellensis as a control. All fermentations were employed in special membrane reactors (1.2 um pore size cut-off) physically separating Dekkera bruxellensis from wine yeast S. cerevisiae. Biomass separation with this membrane was done to abolish the possibility of hybridizing also D. bruxellensis probes on Agilent V2 (8x15K format) G4813 DNA microarrays designed just for S. cerevisiae ORF targets. The 1.2 um pore membrane separating both yeasts allowed the exchange of ethanol, metabolites and sugars during the fermentation.
Project description:Industrial wine yeast strains possess specific abilities to ferment under stressing conditions and give a suitable aromatic outcome. Although the fermentations properties of Saccharomyces cervisiae wine yeasts are well documented little is known on the genetic basis underlying the fermentation traits. Besides, although strain differences in gene expression has been reported, their relationships with gene expression variations and fermentation phenotypic variations is unknown. To both identify the genetic basis of fermentation traits and get insight on their relationships with gene expression variations, we combined fermentation traits QTL mapping and expression profiling in a segregating population from a cross between a wine yeast derivative and a laboratory strain.
Project description:In this work, we used a functional gene microarray approach (GeoChip) to assess the soil microbial community functional potential related to the different wine quality. In order to minimize the soil variability, this work was conducted at a “within-vineyard” scale, comparing two similar soils (BRO11 and BRO12) previously identified with respect to pedological and hydrological properties within a single vineyard in Central Tuscany and that yielded highly contrasting wine quality upon cultivation of the same Sangiovese cultivar
2020-03-04 | GSE146289 | GEO
Project description:Distinct domestication trajectories in top-fermenting beer yeasts and wine yeasts
Project description:The goal of this study was to compare the expression level of the whole genome of two wine yeast strains highly differing in their sulfite production (High producer strain: 10281A; Low producer strain: 1764A). Conditions maximizing SO2 production were selected: nitrogen rich media (425 mg/l assimilable nitrogen) and low temperature (16°C). This transcriptomic analysis was performed during the sulfite production phase, just after the entry in stationary phase. This analysis is part of a global work, aiming at the identification of the molecular basis of sulfite production by wine yeasts through physiologic, transcriptomic and genetic studies.
2015-05-14 | GSE55083 | GEO
Project description:Wine yeasts of organic and conventional samples