Project description:This study examines genomic copy-number variation between two African cichlid species through array comparative genomic hybridization. Probe level hybridization ratios were compared to copy number variation identified in Illumina and Pacific Biosciences genome assemblies from both species. Array comparative genomic hybridization was performed with 3 samples (1 replicate array setup) of genomic DNA from Maylandia zebra vs. Orechromis niloticus XX clone genomic DNA from University of Stirling clonal lines.
Project description:The human genome shares a remarkable amount of genomic sequence with our closest living primate relatives. Researchers have long sought to understand what regions of the genome are responsible for unique species-specific traits. Previous studies have shown that many genes are differentially expressed between species, but the regulatory elements contributing to these differences are largely unknown. Here we report a genome-wide comparison of active gene regulatory elements in human, chimpanzee, and macaque, and we identify hundreds of regulatory elements that have been gained or lost in the human or chimpanzee genomes since their evolutionary divergence. These elements contain evidence of natural selection and correlate with species-specific changes in gene expression. Polymorphic DNA bases in transcription factor motifs that we found in these regulatory elements may be responsible for the varied biological functions across species. This study directly links phenotypic and transcriptional differences between species with changes in chromatin structure. One biological replicate was analyzed for each of the 15 primate samples using DNase-seq.
Project description:The human genome shares a remarkable amount of genomic sequence with our closest living primate relatives. Researchers have long sought to understand what regions of the genome are responsible for unique species-specific traits. Previous studies have shown that many genes are differentially expressed between species, but the regulatory elements contributing to these differences are largely unknown. Here we report a genome-wide comparison of active gene regulatory elements in human, chimpanzee, and macaque, and we identify hundreds of regulatory elements that have been gained or lost in the human or chimpanzee genomes since their evolutionary divergence. These elements contain evidence of natural selection and correlate with species-specific changes in gene expression. Polymorphic DNA bases in transcription factor motifs that we found in these regulatory elements may be responsible for the varied biological functions across species. This study directly links phenotypic and transcriptional differences between species with changes in chromatin structure.
Project description:PFGRC has developed a cost effective alternative to complete genome sequencing in order to study the genetic differences between closely related species and/or strains. The comparative genomics approach combines Gene Discovery (GD) and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) techniques, resulting in the design and production of species microarrays that represent the diversity of a species beyond just the sequenced reference strain(s) used in the initial microarray design. These species arrays may then be used to interrogate hundreds of closely related strains in order to further unravel their evolutionary relationships. The Neissiria are among most deadly pathogens world-wide. The infections and outbreaks caused by this pathogens is quite frequent despite existing diagnostic network and therapeutic means. Therefore, developing reliable diagnostic tools and efficient (broad-spectrum) therapeutics for Neisseria meningitidis remain a public health priority for every country in world today. The comparative genomics study will provide the largest hitherto genomic data sets regarding this pathogen.These large data sets will enable us as well as other members of scientific community to conduct comprehensive data mining in the form of gene association studies with statistical power and significance.
Project description:PFGRC has developed a cost effective alternative to complete genome sequencing in order to study the genetic differences between closely related species and/or strains. The comparative genomics approach combines Gene Discovery (GD) and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) techniques, resulting in the design and production of species microarrays that represent the diversity of a species beyond just the sequenced reference strain(s) used in the initial microarray design. These species arrays may then be used to interrogate hundreds of closely related strains in order to further unravel their evolutionary relationships. The Pneumococcus are among most deadly pathogens world-wide. The infections and outbreaks caused by this pathogens is quite frequent despite existing diagnostic network and therapeutic means. Therefore, developing reliable diagnostic tools and efficient (broad-spectrum) therapeutics for Streptococcus pneumoniae remain a public health priority for every country in world today. The comparative genomics study will provide the largest hitherto genomic data sets regarding this pathogen.These large data sets will enable us as well as other members of scientific community to conduct comprehensive data mining in the form of gene association studies with statistical power and significance.
Project description:Comparative Genomic Hybridization. Analysis of genomic content of closely related Bacillus species. Refer to individual records for strain information. Refer to platform and individual sample records for experimental protocols. Keywords: other
Project description:Herein we i) identify Coccidioides spp.-specific CAZymes by bioinformatically comparing the CAZyme repertoire (CAZome) of Coccidioides spp. to other common fungal lung pathogens and a non-pathogenic close fungal relative, ii) experimentally evaluate Coccidioides spp. CAZyme abundance in vivo and in vitro, and iii) identify Coccidioides genus-specific N-glycans by experimentally determining the N-glycan population (N-glycome) of Coccidioides-infected lung tissues using tandem mass spectrometry. As far as we are aware, this is the first use of mass spectrometry to compare the N-glycomes and CAZomes of different fungal genera during infection in human hosts.
Project description:The aims of this study were to present modifications to the annotations of the genome of C. posadasii, one of two closely related species of Coccidioides, a dimorphic fungal pathogen that causes coccidioidomycosis, also called Valley Fever. Proteins present in lysates and filtrates of in vitro grown mycelia and parasitic phase spherules from C. posadasii strain Silveira were analyzed using a GeLC-MS/MS method.