Project description:The mammary luminal cell compartment is heterogeneous. In adult virgin mice, it contains clonogenic luminal progenitors and non-clonogenic luminal cells expressing estrogen and progesterone receptors that can be discrimated by their cell surface expression of ICAM-1. We have separated ICAM1+ luminal progenitors and ICAM- non-clonogenic luminal cells and analyzed their transcriptomic profiles. After showing that the luminal progenitor population overexpressed Met, Trp53 and numerous p53 target genes, we analyzed how the p53 and Met signaling pathways cooperate to control the function and plasticity of luminal progenitors.
Project description:The mammary epithelia are mainly composed of two distinct lineages, the basal and luminal cells. In our MMTV-Cre; Brca1flox/flox mouse model, we found the Brca1 knockout mainly occurred in the luminal cells, which will lead the mammary tumorigenesis. To investigate the Brca1 deficiency mediated mammary tumorigenesis, we sorted the luminal cells from wild type mice and MMTV-Cre; Brca1flox/flox mice for RNAseq analysis.
Project description:We used a mouse strain in which one Tbx3 gene was replaced with the yellow fluorescent protein variant Venus. Luminal cells had either very high Tbx3 promoter activity or not at all. We performed an expression analysis on luminal mammary epithelial cells sorted based on their Venus expression (reporting Tbx3 promoter activity) to investigate the difference between these two cell populations. Mammary epithelial cells from 3 Tbx3-Venus-KI adult virgin female mice (FVB background) were pooled and luminal cells were sorted into a Venus-hi and a Venus-neg sample. There were no repeats for this study.
Project description:We used a mouse strain in which one Tbx3 gene was replaced with the yellow fluorescent protein variant Venus. Luminal cells had either very high Tbx3 promoter activity or not at all. We performed an expression analysis on luminal mammary epithelial cells sorted based on their Venus expression (reporting Tbx3 promoter activity) to investigate the difference between these two cell populations.
Project description:Skin-mammary specific knockout (SSKO) of Pygo2 (K14-cre; Pygo2 flox/-) , a WNT signaling co-activator, results in defective mouse mammary gland development. The FACS sorted mammary stem cell (MaSC)/basal population from Pygo2 SSKO mammary gland displays biased differentiation towards luminal/alveolar lineage in vitro, and reduced regeneration rate of new mammary gland in vivo To gain the insight into gene expression profiles in control and Pygo2 SSKO mammary epithelial cells (MECs), we sorted the freshly isolated mouse MECs into MaSC/basal (Lin-CD29hiCD24+) and mature luminal population (Lin-CD29lowCD24+CD61-), and extract total RNA for cDNA microarray analysis
Project description:To delineate epithelial subpopulations in mouse mammary tissue, hematopoietic and endothelial cells were depleted from freshly isolated cell suspensions derived from mammary glands using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. The resultant Lin- population was fractionated into four distinct subpopulations using antibodies against CD29, CD24 and CD61. Based on the immunohistochemical phenotype, and in vivo and in vitro functional assays, these subpopulations were identified as fibroblast-containing stromal (CD29loCD24-), mammary stem cell (MaSC)-enriched (CD29hiCD24+CD61+), luminal progenitor (CD29loCD24+CD61+), and mature luminal (CD29loCD24+CD61-) cell subpopulations. Microarray profiling was used to derive gene expression signatures of these 4 subpopulations. The four mammary cell subpopulations were found to have distinct gene expression profiles.
Project description:To investigate the impact of combined Rb and p53 loss in mammary tumorigenesis, we used transgenic and viral approaches to delete Rb and p53 floxed alleles specifically in the mouse mammary epithelium. Although MMTV-Cre (NLST) targets stem/bi-potent progenitors in the mammary gland, a subset of MMTV-Cre:Rbf/f;p53f/f mice developed non-mammary tumors. Thus, freshly isolated primary mammary epithelial cells from these animals were transplanted into the mammary fat pads of immunodeficient mice and monitored for tumor formation. In addition, primary MECs were isolated from Cre-negative Rbf/f;p53f/f mice, infected with Ad-Cre followed by orthotopic transplantation. In all these cases, resulting tumors shared similar spindle-shape histology, expressed high levels of vimentin, a mesenchymal marker, but not E-cadherin, a luminal marker, and were classified as adeno-sacrcomatoid/spindle-cell/mesenchymal-like breast cancer. We used microarrays to detect differentially expressed genes in the Rb/p53 double-knock-out vs p53 single deletion or normal mammary tissue.
Project description:We report here the transcriptional signature of Notch1-expressing (GFP positive) luminal mammary progenitors compared to total luminal cells (GFP negative). For each condition, 3 biological replicates were performed, by pooling the mammary glands from two mice/replicate.