Project description:The comparision between gradual ocean acidification (GC) and one way ocean acidification (HC) of physiological and molecular responses on diatom Skeletonema costatum
Project description:Acidification of seawater due to anthropogenic CO2, called as ocean acidification (OA), makes most coastal environments unfavorable for oysters. This is a serious socio-economical issue for China which is accounting for >70% of the world’s edible oyster supply. Understanding of OA effects at proteome level could lead to a better aquaculture management. Here, we present an iTRAQ based protein profiling analysis for the detection and quantification of proteome change under OA in one of the early life stages of a commercially important oyster species, Crassostrea hongkongensis. The completion of the genome sequence for oysters enabled us to confidently quantify over 1500 proteins in the larval oyster. Over 10% of proteome was altered in response to OA process at pH 7.6. Analysis of differentially expressed proteins and their associated pathways indicated that up-regulation of calcification, metabolic processes, cytoskeletal functions, oxidative stress and cell signaling processes might have been used by larvae to acclimate under OA. Although the expressions of cytoskeletal and signal transduction proteins were down-regulated in response to OA, there was no marked alternation in developmental processes such as metamorphic success. This study suggests that the estuarine edible oyster possess an adequate short-term adaptability or acclimation mechanism at proteome level to tolerate near-future OA scenario.
Project description:Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing decreased pH over vast expanses of the ocean. This decreasing pH may alter biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen via the microbial process of nitrification, a key process that couples these cycles in the ocean, but which is often sensitive to acidic conditions. Recent reports indicate a decrease in oceanic nitrification rates under experimentally lowered pH. How composition and abundance of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) assemblages respond to decreasing oceanic pH, however, is unknown. We sampled microbes from two different acidification experiments and used a combination of qPCR and functional gene microarrays for the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) to assess how acidification alters the structure of ammonia oxidizer assemblages. We show that despite widely different experimental conditions, acidification consistently altered the community composition of AOB by increasing the relative abundance of taxa related to the Nitrosomonas ureae clade. In one experiment this increase was sufficient to cause an increase in the overall abundance of AOB. There were no systematic shifts in the community structure or abundance of AOA in either experiment. These different responses to acidification underscore the important role of microbial community structure in the resiliency of marine ecosystems. amoA gene diversity from two ocean acidification experiments, Monterey Bay experiment (two time points, ambient and acidified) and Vineyard Sound experiment (ambient and acifidied, with and without nutrients) examined with 2 two-color arrays (Cy3 and Cy5): the universal standard 20-mer oligo is printed to the slide with a 70-mer oligo (an archetype). Environmental DNA sequences (fluoresced with Cy3) within 15% of the 70-mer conjugated to a 20-mer oligo (fluoresced with Cy5) complementary to the universal standard will bind to the oligo probes on the array. Signal is the ratio of Cy3 to Cy5.
Project description:Increasing atmospheric CO2 raises sea surface temperatures and results in ocean acidification, which will impact upon calcifying marine organisms, such as the commercially and ecologically important Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Larval stages of development are particularly sensitive to such stressors and may represent population bottlenecks. A two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) proteomic approach was used to investigate the response of 40 hour C. gigas larvae to ocean acidification and warming, and to relate protein expression to phenotypic variation in size and calcification. Larvae were reared at two pHs (8.1 and 7.9) and two temperatures (20°C and 22°C), and comparisons carried out between the four possible treatment combinations. In total 22 differentially expressed spots, corresponding to 18 proteins, were identified by nano-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. These proteins had roles in metabolism, biomineralisation, intra- and extra-cellular matrix formation and as molecular chaperones. Thirteen of these spots responded to acidification, of which 11 showed reduced expression during acidification. Declines in ATP synthase, arginine kinase and other metabolic proteins suggest metabolic depression occurred during acidification and reduced protein synthesis. In contrast, 6 of 7 proteins that were differentially expressed during warming showed increased expression. Among these were molecular chaperones including protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) and Grp78. Concurrent acidification and warming appeared to mitigate some proteomic changes and negative phenotypic effects observed in acidification at 20°C; however, differential expression of nine proteins and other temperature-independent effects on calcification phenotypes suggest that larval responses to multiple stressors will be complex.
Project description:The filamentous diazotrophic cyanobacteria Trichodesmium spp. supply fixed nitrogen (N) to the N-depleted oligotrophic oceans where their growth is often limited by the low availability of phosphorus(P) and/or iron. Previous studies have mostly been focused on the effects of ocean acidification on Trichodesmium under nutrient sufficient or iron-limited conditions. Only a few studies have examined the impacts of ocean acidification on Trichodesmium grown at low P concentrations using non-steady-state batch cultures. Here we cultured Trichodesmium using P-limited continuous cultures (chemostat) to mimic steady-state oceanic low P condition, and used comparative NGS-derived Trichodesmium transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) analysis to find differentially expressed genes and cellular pathways in response to acidification.
Project description:Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing decreased pH over vast expanses of the ocean. This decreasing pH may alter biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen via the microbial process of nitrification, a key process that couples these cycles in the ocean, but which is often sensitive to acidic conditions. Recent reports indicate a decrease in oceanic nitrification rates under experimentally lowered pH. How composition and abundance of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) assemblages respond to decreasing oceanic pH, however, is unknown. We sampled microbes from two different acidification experiments and used a combination of qPCR and functional gene microarrays for the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) to assess how acidification alters the structure of ammonia oxidizer assemblages. We show that despite widely different experimental conditions, acidification consistently altered the community composition of AOB by increasing the relative abundance of taxa related to the Nitrosomonas ureae clade. In one experiment this increase was sufficient to cause an increase in the overall abundance of AOB. There were no systematic shifts in the community structure or abundance of AOA in either experiment. These different responses to acidification underscore the important role of microbial community structure in the resiliency of marine ecosystems. SUBMITTER_CITATION: Title: Acidification alters the composition of ammonia oxidizing microbial assemblages in marine mesocosms Journal: Marine Ecology Progress Series Issue: 492 Pages: 1-8 DOI: 10.3354/meps 10526 Authors: Jennifer L Bowen Patrick J Kearns Michael Holcomb Bess B Ward
Project description:Coastal upwelling regions are among the most productive marine ecosystems but may be threatened by amplified ocean acidification. Increased acidification is hypothesized to reduce iron bioavailability for phytoplankton thereby expanding iron limitation and impacting primary production. Here we show from community to molecular levels that phytoplankton in an upwelling region respond to short-term acidification exposure with iron uptake pathways and strategies that reduce cellular iron demand. A combined physiological and multi-omics approach was applied to trace metal clean incubations that introduced 1200 ppm CO2 for up to four days. Although variable, molecular-level responses indicate a prioritization of iron uptake pathways that are less hindered by acidification and reductions in iron utilization. Growth, nutrient uptake, and community compositions remained largely unaffected suggesting that these mechanisms may confer short-term resistance to acidification; however, we speculate that cellular iron demand is only temporarily satisfied, and longer-term acidification exposure without increased iron inputs may result in increased iron stress.
Project description:In this study we investigated how changes in pH and ocean chemistry consistent with the scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) drive major changes in gene expression, respiration, photosynthesis and symbiosis of the coral, Acropora millepora, long before they affect biomineralization. Changes in gene expression were consistent with metabolic suppression, an increase in oxidative stress, apoptosis and symbiont loss. Other expression patterns demonstrated up-regulation of membrane transporters, as well as the regulation of genes involved in membrane cytoskeletal interactions and cytoskeletal remodeling. These widespread changes in gene expression emphasize the need to expand future studies of ocean acidification to include a wider spectrum of cellular processes, many of which may occur well before impacts on calcification. We applied a reference microarray design for the experiment outlined in the study, which was a three condition experiment of ocean acidification: control pH 8.0-8.2, medium pH 7.8-7.9 and high pH 7.6-7.7, and across three time points: time zero, day 1 and day 28. Samples from time zero and control treatments were used to generate the reference sample for the microarray hybridization experiments. A total of 27 microarrays were used in the entire experiment, 3 biological replicates per treatment and timepoint. Reference samples in each array was labeled with Cy3, and the actual experimental samples with Cy5.