Project description:To explore the molecular mechanisms of leaf development mediated by OsPIN1c, OsPIN1d, and OsPID, we established ospin1c ospin1d and ospid mutant lines, and then examined the gene expression profiles in vegetative leaf primordia of WT, ospin1c ospin1d, ospid C1, and ospid C2.
Project description:SlJMJ4 is a positive regulator of leaf senescence in tomato and mediates ABA-induced leaf senescence by activating the transcription of many genes related to ABA synthesis and signaling, and transcription regulation via removal of their H3K27me3 levels.
Project description:The occurrence of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) disease seriously damages tomato growth and yield, and there is no effective way to control ToCV transmission. So far, no studies have reported exploring the interaction between ToCV and tomato at the single cellular level. In this study, single cell RNA sequence was performed on a total of 26720 individual cells from healthy and ToCV-infected tomato leaves. We through identifying cell types, the first tomato leaf cell atlas was successfully constructed. In situ hybridization experiments identified specific marker genes that can be used to identify tomato cell types. Moreover, we have characterized transcription factors that may play a key role in tomato response to ToCV infection, and described the trichome differentiation trajectory during ToCV infection through pseudotime analysis. In conclusion, we proved the feasibility of single-cell sequencing to study the response of plants to biotic stress, and put forward new insights into the interaction between ToCV and tomato from the cellular level. Our data will lay the foundation for following studies between ToCV and plants, and will also provide a valuable reference for future research on non-model plant single cells.
Project description:In order to find the specific promoter of tomato exocarp, we extracted RNA extraction from the red ripe exocarp, red ripe mesocarp, mature green exocarp, mature green exocarp and leaf cells, and then performed RNA seq to find the differential genes from the Transcriptome data. Our data provides gene expression data for three tissues of tomato during the red ripe and mature green stages, laying the foundation for the search for differential genes
Project description:TMV-resistant (N), -susceptible (n), and enhanced susceptible mutant sun1-1 (N) tomato were grown in asceptic conditions in growth chambers (25º, 16hr/8hr light dark). 4-5 week old tomato were treated with TMV leaf sap or mock leaf sap, and leaf tissue was collected after 3, 9, and 27 hours. RNA was isolated from each sample (leaf tissue from one plant/one treatment/one timepoint), using standard TIGR protocols, and 25ug of total RNA was labeled using TIGR indirect labeling protocols. The experiment was repeated three times. Keywords: Direct comparison
Project description:Sl2183 is an updated version of the previous tomato metabolic model (iHY3410), with additional reactions and metabolites, IDs converted into the BiGG nomenclature and biomass reactions for leaf, stem and root, allowing to generate a multi-organ model (see Gerlin et al., Plant Physiol. for additional information).
Project description:We profiled small RNAs obtained from B. cinerea-infected tomato leaf and fruit during a time course. Examination of small RNAs from B. cinerea-treated tomato leaf and fruit tissue over a time course.