Project description:CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) is a powerful new tool used in different organisms that provides a fast, specific, and reliable way to knockdown gene expression. Caulobacter crescentus is a well-studied model bacterium, and although a variety of genetic tools have been developed, it currently takes several weeks to delete or deplete individual genes, which significantly limits genetic studies. Here, we optimized a CRISPRi approach to specifically downregulate the expression of genes in C. crescentus. Although the Streptococcus pyogenes CRISPRi system commonly used in other organisms does not work efficiently in Caulobacter, we demonstrate that a catalytically-dead version of Cas9 (dCas9) derived from the type II CRISPR3 module of Streptococcus thermophilus or from Streptococcus pasteurianus can each be effectively used in Caulobacter. We show that these CRISPRi systems can be used to rapidly and inducibly deplete ctrA or gcrA, two essential well-studied genes in Caulobacter, in either asynchronous or synchronized populations of cells. Additionally, we demonstrate the ability to multiplex CRISPRi-based gene knockdowns, opening new possibilities for systematic genetic interaction studies in Caulobacter.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE25996: Expression data from Caulobacter crescentus starved for carbon GSE25997: Expression data from Caulobacter crescentus (syn. C. vibrioides) swarmer and stalked cells starved for carbon GSE25998: Expression data from WT, DSigT and DSigU Caulobacter crescentus (syn. C. vibrioides) starved for carbon Refer to individual Series
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Caulonacter crescentus NA1000 Plac::CCNA_00382 (ccrM) mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. The mutations engineered into this strain cause the CcrM DNA methyltransferase to be overexpressed and the chromosome to be constitutively methylated at the adenine at GANTC motifs. References of strains: CcrMOE: Collier, J. and Shapiro, L. (2009) Feedback control of DnaA-mediated replication initiation by replisome-associated HdaA protein in Caulobacter. J Bacteriol, 191, 5706-5716. WT: Marks, M.E., Castro-Rojas, C.M., Teiling, C., Du, L., Kapatral, V., Walunas, T.L. and Crosson, S. (2010) The genetic basis of laboratory adaptation in Caulobacter crescentus. J Bacteriol, 192, 3678-3688; Collier, J. and Shapiro, L. (2009) Feedback control of DnaA-mediated replication initiation by replisome-associated HdaA protein in Caulobacter. J Bacteriol, 191, 5706-5716. A six chip study using total RNA recovered from three separate wild-type cultures of Caulonacter crescentus NA1000 and three separate cultures of a triple mutant strain, Caulonacter crescentus NA1000 Plac::CCNA_00382 (ccrM), in which the ccrM gene coding for a DNA methyltransferase methylating the adenine in GANTC motifs is truncated and its product inactive. Each chip measures the expression level of 3933 genes from Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 with 3 probes per gene and with three-fold technical redundancy.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 delta-CCNA_00382 (ccrM) mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. The mutations engineered into this strain render it incapable of methylating its genome on the adenine at GANTC motifs. References for strains : WT: Marks, M.E., Castro-Rojas, C.M., Teiling, C., Du, L., Kapatral, V., Walunas, T.L. and Crosson, S. (2010) The genetic basis of laboratory adaptation in Caulobacter crescentus. J Bacteriol, 192, 3678-3688; Collier, J. and Shapiro, L. (2009) Feedback control of DnaA-mediated replication initiation by replisome-associated HdaA protein in Caulobacter. J Bacteriol, 191, 5706-5716. DccrM: Gonzalez, D. and Collier, J. (2013) DNA methylation by CcrM activates the transcription of two genes required for the division of Caulobacter crescentus. Mol Microbiol, 88, 203-218. A six chip study using total RNA recovered from three separate wild-type cultures of Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 and three separate cultures of a triple mutant strain, Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 delta-CCNA_00382 (ccrM), in which the ccrM gene coding for a DNA methyltransferase methylating the adenine in GANTC motifs is truncated and its product inactive. Each chip measures the expression level of 3933 genes from Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 with 3 probes per gene and with three-fold technical redundancy.
Project description:Caulobacter crescentus is an alphaproteobacterium that divides assymetrically. Each cell cycle results in the production of a motile flagellated cell and a sessile cell called the swamer cell and the stalked cell, respectively. The flagellar filament is composed of thousands polymerized flagellins. We showed that glycosylation of flagellins is required for the assembly of the flagellum. This glycosylation is performed by soluble FlmG glycosyltransferases that transfer nonulosonic acids (pseudaminic acid or legionaminic acid) directly to the flagellins. Such glycosylation system is also present in a close relative of Caulobacter crescentus, Brevundimonas subvibrioides. The project is to identify the site of glycosylation and the potential sugar added on this site.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 dcdnL mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. In bacteria, transcription of housekeeping genes required for metabolic homeostasis and cell proliferation is guided by the sigma factor σ70. The conserved CarD-like transcriptional regulator, CdnL, associates with promoter regions where σ70 localizes and stabilizes the open promoter complex. Caulobacter crescentus cells lacking CdnL have severe morphological and growth defects. Our microarray experiment demonstrates how cdnL deletion affects the transcriptome of Caulobacter crescentus.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 delta-CCNA_00382 (ccrM) mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. The mutations engineered into this strain render it incapable of methylating its genome on the adenine at GANTC motifs. References for strains : WT: Marks, M.E., Castro-Rojas, C.M., Teiling, C., Du, L., Kapatral, V., Walunas, T.L. and Crosson, S. (2010) The genetic basis of laboratory adaptation in Caulobacter crescentus. J Bacteriol, 192, 3678-3688; Collier, J. and Shapiro, L. (2009) Feedback control of DnaA-mediated replication initiation by replisome-associated HdaA protein in Caulobacter. J Bacteriol, 191, 5706-5716. DccrM: Gonzalez, D. and Collier, J. (2013) DNA methylation by CcrM activates the transcription of two genes required for the division of Caulobacter crescentus. Mol Microbiol, 88, 203-218.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Caulonacter crescentus NA1000 Plac::CCNA_00382 (ccrM) mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. The mutations engineered into this strain cause the CcrM DNA methyltransferase to be overexpressed and the chromosome to be constitutively methylated at the adenine at GANTC motifs. References of strains: CcrMOE: Collier, J. and Shapiro, L. (2009) Feedback control of DnaA-mediated replication initiation by replisome-associated HdaA protein in Caulobacter. J Bacteriol, 191, 5706-5716. WT: Marks, M.E., Castro-Rojas, C.M., Teiling, C., Du, L., Kapatral, V., Walunas, T.L. and Crosson, S. (2010) The genetic basis of laboratory adaptation in Caulobacter crescentus. J Bacteriol, 192, 3678-3688; Collier, J. and Shapiro, L. (2009) Feedback control of DnaA-mediated replication initiation by replisome-associated HdaA protein in Caulobacter. J Bacteriol, 191, 5706-5716.
Project description:In order to elucidate the global regulatory effects of the sRNA, GsrN, in Caulobacter crescentus, we submitted soluble lysates from a gsrN knockout and over-expression stain for analysis, as well as, a wild-type sample for LC-MS/MS
Project description:In order to better define the global regulatory effects of the sRNA, GsrN, in Caulobacter crescentus during hyperosmotic stress, we submitted soluble lysates from a gsrN over-expression stain , as well as, a wild-type sample for LC-MS/MS analysis.