Project description:Comprehensive DNA methylation analysis in malignant melanoma clinical samples and primary melanocyte culture. Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles. Samples included 8 malignant melanoma cases and primary melanocyte culture.
Project description:Comprehensive DNA methylation analysis in malignant melanoma clinical samples. Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across 485,577 CpG sites. Samples included 54 malignant melanoma cases and primary melanocyte culture.
Project description:Epigenetic alterations play significant roles in the melanoma tumorigenesis and malignant progression. We profiled genome-wide promoter DNA methylation patterns of melanoma cells deribed from primary lesions of Radial Growrth phase (RGP) and Vertical Growth Phase (VGP), metastatic lesions, and primary normal melanocytes by interrogating 14,495 genes using Illumina bead chip technology. By comparative analysis of the promoter methylation profiles, we identified epigenetically silenced gene signatures that potentially associated with malignant melanoma progression. Bisulphite converted genomic DNA from a group of melanoma cells representing pathologic stages of melanoma progression (3 cell lines derived from RGP melanoma lesions, 4 cell lines derived from VGP lesions, and 3 melastatic melanomas) and normal human primary melanocytes isolated from lightly pigmented adult skin were hybridized to Illumina's Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChips
Project description:Epigenetic alterations play significant roles in the melanoma tumorigenesis and malignant progression. We profiled genome-wide promoter DNA methylation patterns of melanoma cells deribed from primary lesions of Radial Growrth phase (RGP) and Vertical Growth Phase (VGP), metastatic lesions, and primary normal melanocytes by interrogating 14,495 genes using Illumina bead chip technology. By comparative analysis of the promoter methylation profiles, we identified epigenetically silenced gene signatures that potentially associated with malignant melanoma progression.
Project description:A number of melanoma specific genes were identified to differentiate clinical relevant tissue samples containing benign from malignant melanocytes. Experiment Overall Design: 7 normal skin, 18 nevi and 45 melanoma samples
Project description:A number of melanoma specific genes were identified to differentiate clinical relevant tissue samples containing benign from malignant melanocytes. Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:Malignant melanoma is a highly metastatic disease disseminating to several distant sites. This potential is also of great clinical impact for patient survival and therapeutic success. Knowledge about melanoma genomics is mainly based on lymphatic or skin metastases derived data, whereas data from distant sites is rather limited. Therefore, an autopsy-based visceral metastasis biobank was established and an array-based CNV analysis was performed focusing primarily on major organs (brain, lung and liver) on a total of 38 samples (10 primary and 28 organ metastasse). A unique picture emerged about organ specific CNV type distributions or gene alterations including the frequent loss of DNA damage error genes in brain metastases, the presence of HGF/MET autocrine loop in brain and lung metastases, the traces of immunogenic mimicry exclusive for lung metastases or the correlation of BRAF copy number and mutant allele frequency especially in lung metastases. All these above phenomena have a great influence on therapy efficacy or resistance.
Project description:RATIONALE: Studying samples of blood from patients with cancer in the laboratory may help doctors learn more about changes that occur in peptides and proteins and identify biomarkers related to cancer.
PURPOSE: This research study is looking at blood samples from patients with malignant melanoma, metastatic breast cancer, advanced lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, or colorectal cancer.