Project description:We aimed to reveal transitions of gene expression profile in developing female gametophytes of rice in this study. The developmental process of rice female gametophyte, from megaspore mother cell at pre-meiotic stage to mature embryo sac, was separated into six stages. Developing ovules at each stage were separated from surrounding sporophyte tissues and collected using LMD. RNA samples extracted from them were subjected to microarray analysis. Dynamic gene expression profiles during female gametogenesis were revealed. Comparison of transcriptome in developing female gametophytes with those of male gametophyes revealed both conserved and diverged features between male and female gametogenesis. A lot of characteristic genes, such as a subset of transposable elements, auxin responsive genes and transcription factor genes, which showed dynamic expression profiles during female gametogenesis, were identified in this study. We believe that our transcriptome data will serve as a backbone of further focused biological analysis to understand the molecular basis in female gametogenesis of plant.
Project description:We performed a laboratory experiment with vegetative gametophytes of the kelp Saccharina latissima and exposed the gametophytes to three temperatures (4°C, 12°C and 20°C) by sex (female, male) for 14 days.
Project description:We aimed to reveal transitions of gene expression profile in developing female gametophytes of rice in this study. The developmental process of rice female gametophyte, from megaspore mother cell at pre-meiotic stage to mature embryo sac, was separated into six stages. Developing ovules at each stage were separated from surrounding sporophyte tissues and collected using LMD. RNA samples extracted from them were subjected to microarray analysis. Dynamic gene expression profiles during female gametogenesis were revealed. Comparison of transcriptome in developing female gametophytes with those of male gametophyes revealed both conserved and diverged features between male and female gametogenesis. A lot of characteristic genes, such as a subset of transposable elements, auxin responsive genes and transcription factor genes, which showed dynamic expression profiles during female gametogenesis, were identified in this study. We believe that our transcriptome data will serve as a backbone of further focused biological analysis to understand the molecular basis in female gametogenesis of plant. Gene expression profiles of developing ovules were analyzed according to stage progression. Three or four biological replicates were prepared for each stage, and a total of nineteen samples were analyzed.
Project description:Simple Markov model.
There are 3 disease states: Healthy, Sick, and Dead, where the Dead state is terminal.
The yearly transition probabilities are:
Healthy to Dead: 0.01; Healthy to Sick: 0.2 for Male and 0.1 for Female; Sick to Healthy: 0.1; Sick to Dead: 0.3.
The transition probability now depends on the cohort (Male or Female) and can be expressed as a function of a Boolean covariate Male.
Initial conditions: Healthy = (50 Male, 50 Female), Sick = (0,0) and Dead = (0,0).
Output: Number of men and women in each disease state for years 1-10.
Project description:Shallow targeted sequencing with 462 mRNA and 97 antibodies of AML patient’s bone marrow mononuclear cells from iliac crest aspirations from. Please note raw and integrated gene expression data, cell type annotation, metadata and dimensionality reduction are available as Seurat v3 objects through figshare. Access link is
AMLQ4_SMK1 AML314 male
AMLQ1_SMK2 AML116 female
AMLQ3_SMK3 AML127 female
AMLQ6_SMK4 AML183 male
AMLQ2_SMK5 AML327 female
AMLQ5_SMK6 AML334 male
APLQ5_SMK7 APL124 male
APLQ3_SMK8 APL142 male
APLQ6_SMK9 APL218 female
APLQ4_SMK10 APL147 male
APLQ2_SMK11 APL223 female
APLQ1_SMK12 APL224 female
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to identify the sex differential miRNA tanscriptome between male and female adult (4-6 wk. old) mouse hearts using small RNA-seq. Methods: miRNA profiles of male and female mouse hearts were generated by sequencing, n=4 for each sex, using Illumina HiSeq2500. The sequence reads were aligned to the mm10 reference genome using STAR via the bcbio-nextgen RNA-sequencing pipeline. Differential gene expression was determined by genwiz. Results: 11 miRNAs were differentially expressed between male and female mice [ P value <0.05, |log2(Fold Change)| > 0.5], with 9 more highly expressed in female hearts and 2 more highly expressed in male hearts.