Project description:To gain more insights into the functional significance of lnc-HLX-2-7, gene expression profiles were measured using D425 (sh-CTRL), D425 (sh-HLX) and intracranial D425 xenografts treated with ASO-CTRL and ASO-lnc-HLX 2-7 by RNA sequencing.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Brucella melitensis delta prlr mutant compared to the wild type strain. The mutants analyzed in this study are further described in A. Mirabella, R-M Yanez, R.M. Delrue, S. Uzureau, M.S. Zygmunt, A. Cloeckaert, X. De Bolle, J.J. Letesson (2012). The two component system PrlS/PrlR of Brucella melitensis is required for persistence in mice and appears to respond to ionic strength. Microbiology A six chip study using total RNA recovered from three separate wild-type cultures of Brucella melitensis 16M and three separate cultures of a prlR mutant strain. Each chip measures the expression level of 3,198 genes from Brucella melitensis 16M with nineteen 60 mer probe pairs (PM/MM) per gene, with three-fold technical redundancy.