Project description:Global gene expression profiles of seven stages representing 29 days of anther development are analyzed using a 44K oligonucleotide array querying ~80% of maize protein-coding genes. Each anther stage expresses ~10,000 constitutive and ~10,000 or more transcripts restricted to one or a few stages. Keywords: anther development, maize
Project description:Agilent oligonucleotide arrays were used to profile gene expression in dissected maize anthers of 3 types of male-sterile plants and their fertile siblings at four stages of development: after anther initiation, at the rapid mitotic proliferation stage, pre-meiosis, and meiotic prophase I. The male-sterile mutants (ms23, msca, and mac1) lack a range of normal cell types resulting from a temporal progression of anther failure. By combining the data sets from the comparisons between individual sterile and fertile anthers, candidate genes predicted to play important roles during maize anther development were assigned to stages and to likely cell types. Keywords: anther development, maize, male sterility
Project description:Transcriptomes from multiple pre-meiotic stages of wild type, mac1, and msca1 maize anthers were characterized by microarray hybridization. The goal was to characterize the developmental progression as the anther specifies five cell types and grows rapidly precedeing meiotic entry. The stages characterized were immature anther primordia (0.15 mm long in maize) containing just stem cells, through somatic and germinal cell fate specification (0.20 and 0.25 mm), mitotic proliferation (0.4 mm), and finally the birth of the middle layer and tapetum (0.7 mm). To obtain cell-type specific markers, at 0.7 mm we also compared whole anthers to collections of laser-microdissected anther cell types including the archesporial cells (pre-meiotic germinal cells), nutritive layers (middle layer and tapetum) and structural layers (endothecium and epidemis) of the anther lobe. keyword: anther development, maize, male-sterile
Project description:Maize LOB30 (Zm00001d036435) is a transcription factor and is specifically expressed in anthers. Our previous RNA-seq data showed that expression of some genes were upregualted in maize lob30 mutant maize anthers. To confirm these genes are the downstrem target genes, we generated proLOB30: GFP-LOB30 transgenic maize lines, collected stage 9 to stage10 anther materials and performed ChIP-seq using the GFP antibody.
Project description:Global gene expression profiles of seven stages representing 29 days of anther development are analyzed using a 44K oligonucleotide array querying ~80% of maize protein-coding genes. Each anther stage expresses ~10,000 constitutive and ~10,000 or more transcripts restricted to one or a few stages. Keywords: anther development, maize 4 replicates of 7 samples (6 anther stages plus mature pollen) were hybridized to a 44K Agilent array according to the A-optimal design recommended by Kerr and Churchill for 7 samples.
Project description:Agilent oligonucleotide arrays were used to profile gene expression in dissected maize anthers of 3 types of male-sterile plants and their fertile siblings at four stages of development: after anther initiation, at the rapid mitotic proliferation stage, pre-meiosis, and meiotic prophase I. The male-sterile mutants (ms23, msca, and mac1) lack a range of normal cell types resulting from a temporal progression of anther failure. By combining the data sets from the comparisons between individual sterile and fertile anthers, candidate genes predicted to play important roles during maize anther development were assigned to stages and to likely cell types. Keywords: anther development, maize, male sterility 3 biological replicates of 3 different male-sterile mutants and their fertile siblings at 4 stages of anther development (36 arrays). Comparisons were done between male-sterile and fertile sibs at the same development stage.
Project description:Evidence from confocal microscopic reconstruction of maize anther development in fertile, mac1 (excess germ cells) and msca1 (no germ cells) flowers indicates that the male germ line is multiclonal and uses the MAC1 protein to organize the somatic niche. Furthermore, we identified redox status as a determinant of germ cell fate, defining a mechanism distinct from the animal germ cell lineage. Decreasing oxygen or H2O2 increases germ cell numbers, stimulates superficial germ cell formation, and rescues germinal differentiation in msca1 flowers. Conversly, oxidizing environments inhibit germ cell specification and cause ectopic differentiation in deeper tissues. We propose that hypoxia, arising naturally within growing anther tissue, acts as a positional cue to set germ cell fate. key words: anther development, maize, male-sterile
Project description:We isolated pre-meiotic and early meiotic cells from 24 maize anthers, covering a week of development from the day after archesporial (AR) cell specification to the early zygotene stage of meiotic prophase I. Starting material was staged by anther length, and anther stages were densely sampled from throughout this period. High quality reads were obtained from 144 cells.