Project description:Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) is known to possess a wide variety of antimicrobial peptides belonging to different structural families. Three novel antimicrobial peptides have been isolated from black cumin seeds. Two of them were attributed as members of the non-specific lipid transfer proteins family and one - as a defensin. We have made an attempt of using proteomic approach for novel antimicrobial peptides search in N. sativa seeds as well. The use of well established approach that includes extraction and fractionation stages remains relevant even in case of novel peptides search because the lacking of N. sativa genome data. Novel peptides demonstrate a spectrum of antimicrobial activity against plant pathogenic organisms that may cause economically important crop diseases. These results obtained allow considering these molecules as candidates to be applied in "next-generation" biopesticides development for agriculture use.
Project description:The resveratrol-producing rice (Oryza sativa L.) inbred line, Iksan 526 (I.526), developed by the expression of the groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) resveratrol synthase 3 (AhRS3) gene in the japonica rice cultivar Dongjin, accumulated both resveratrol and its glucoside, piceid, in leaves and seeds. Especially, ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) analysis revealed that the biosynthesis of piceid reached peak levels at 20 days after heading (DAH) seeds. To investigate endogenous piceid biosynthesis genes (UGTs), total RNA samples of 20 DAH seeds was used for RNA-seq.
Project description:RNAi mediated suppression of MADS29 severely affects seed set; the surviving seeds are smaller in size with reduced grain filling, abnormal starch grains and aberrant embryo development. To identify the affected pathways due to suppression of this transcription factor in the transgenic seeds, transcriptome analysis using microarray was carried out.
Project description:We characterized a rice (Oryza sativa L ssp. indica cultivar 3037) semi-dwarf mutant sd37, in which CYP96B4 gene (Cytochrome P450 96B subfamily) was identified as the target gene by map-based cloning and complementation test. A point mutation in CYP96B4 leads to a substitution of Thr to Lys in the SRS2 region. The sd37 leaves, panicles and seeds are all smaller compared with those of wild-type, and histological analysis showed that the decreased cell number was the main reason for the dwarf phenotype. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying cellularisation and identified distinct classes of up- and down- regulated genes during this process.