Project description:Cells in ectothermic organisms often maintain homeostatic function over a considerable range of ambient temperatures. However, as temperature has pronounced effects on all biological processes, but not necessarily in a uniform manner on each of the myriad of distinct processes, cellular acclimation to ambient temperature change is predicted to involve complex regulation. To assess the effects of temperature change within the readily tolerated temperature range on the transcriptome, we have performed expression profiling with S2R+ cells, which are derived from the ectothermic organism Drosophila melanogaster.
Project description:The histone H2A variant H2A.Z has a crucial role in the regulation of temperature-dependent gene expression in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To evaluate whether the Drosophila homolog histone H2Av has a similar role in the control of the transcriptional response to temperature change, we depleted this histone variant by RNA interference in S2R+ cells and analyzed the effect on the transcriptome after temperature shifts to different temperatures (14, 25 and 30°C). For control, we performed analogous experiments using treatment with lacZ dsRNA instead of His2Av dsRNA.
Project description:Cells in ectothermic organisms often maintain homeostatic function over a considerable range of ambient temperatures. However, as temperature has pronounced effects on all biological processes, but not necessarily in a uniform manner on each of the myriad of distinct processes, cellular acclimation to ambient temperature change is predicted to involve complex regulation, including the transcriptional level. To study effects of changes in ambient temperature on chromatin accessibility, we performed ATAC-Seq with S2R+ cells, a line derived from embryos of the ectothermic organism Drosophila melanogaster. Aliquots of S2R+ cells were exposed to different temperatures (14, 25 and 29°C) within the readily tolerated range before analysis with ATAC-Seq.
Project description:We report the transcriptome analysis of Drosophila S2R+ cells cultured in media lacking vertebrate fetal bovine serum during log-phase of growth. The three media conditions are: (1) M3 BPYE 10% FCS (2) M3 + 10% Fex and (3) M3 + 2.5% Fex.
Project description:Cells in ectothermic organisms often maintain homeostatic function over a considerable range of ambient temperatures. However, as temperature has pronounced effects on all biological processes, but not necessarily in a uniform manner on each of the myriad of distinct processes, cellular acclimation to distinct temperatures is predicted to involve complex regulation. To assess the effects of a temperature downshift from 25 to 14°C, i.e. from the optimal temperature to the lower limit of the readily tolerated range, on the transcriptome in a time-resolved manner, we have performed expression profiling with S2R+ cells, which are derived from the ectothermic organism Drosophila melanogaster.
Project description:Cells in ectothermic organisms often maintain homeostatic function over a considerable range of ambient temperatures. However, as temperature has pronounced effects on all biological processes, but not necessarily in a uniform manner on each of the myriad of distinct processes, cellular acclimation to distinct temperatures is predicted to involve complex regulation. Initially, to assess the effects of temperature change within the readily tolerated temperature range on the transcriptome, we have performed expression profiling with S2R+ cells, a hemocyte-like cell line derived from the ectothermic organism Drosophila melanogaster. To adress the cell-type specificity of the transcriptome change induced by a temperature downshift from the optimal temperature to a temperature at the lower end of the readily tolerated range, we have performed an anologous experiment with cultured Drosophila HB10 cells. These cells with similarities to adult muscle cell progenitors have recently been derived from Drosophila embryos with the method (Simcox et al. 2008. PLoS Genetics 4, e1000142) involving expression of activated ras using Act5C-GAL4 in combination with UASt-ras85D[V12].
Project description:The genomic distribution of a novel transcription factor called M1BP was determined in Drosophila S2R+ cells Polyclonal antibody raised against M1BP was used to immunoprecipitate M1BP-DNA adducts generated by treating Drosophila cells with formaldehyde, lysing the cells, and shearing DNA by sonication. Immunoprecipitated DNA was sequenced using the AB SOLiD system.
Project description:High-throughput sequencing of Drosophila melanogaster small RNAs from S2R+ cells. total RNA, ~18-26nt RNAs isolated using PAGE, ligation to adapters requires 5' monophosphate and 3' OH For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and Small RNAs were sequenced from D. melanogaster S2R+ cells. Raw sequences were clipped by 3' linker sequences recognition, and select clipped sequences longer than 18 nt.