Project description:A comparative profile of miRNAs in pectoral muscle during pigeon development was performed by using high-throughput sequencing. We identified known pigeon miRNAs, novel miRNAs, and miRNAs that are conserved in other birds and mammals.Our results expanded the repertoire of pigeon miRNAs and may be of help in better understanding the mechanism of squab’s rapid development.
Project description:A comparative profile of miRNAs in livers during pigeon development was performed by using high-throughput sequencing. We identified known pigeon miRNAs, novel miRNAs, and miRNAs that are conserved in other birds and mammals.Our results expanded the repertoire of pigeon miRNAs and may be of help in better understanding the mechanism of squab’s rapid development from the perspective of liver development.
Project description:This study identified and compared the bacterial diversity and clinically relavent bacterial strains around a newly developed hospital and university precinct in southern India for a period of twelve months.
Project description:Through transcriptome profiling using RNA-seq, we investigated the mechanisms behind bacterial endosymbiont (Burkholderia rhizoxinica) control over host (Rhizopus microsporus) reproductive biology. By analyzing differential expression across six different conditions, including fungal opposite mates growing independently with or without endosymbionts, as well as opposite mates growing together with endosymbionts (mating) or without endosymbionts (no mating), we were able to identify that endosymbionts control expression of a Ras signaling protein critical for sexual reproduction in many fungi (Ras2). As little is known regarding sexual reproduction in Mucoromycotina, we also used these data to investigate conservation of sex-related genes across all fungi, as well as predict potential genes involved in sensing of trisporic acid, the mating pheromone used by these fungi. 6 different conditions were analyzed, each consisting of two biological replicates. These included Rhizopus microsporus ATCC52813 (sex +) growing alone with endosymbionts, R. microsporus ATCC52814 (sex -) growing alone with endosymbionts, ATCC 52813 growing alone without endosymbionts, ATCC52814 growing alone without endosymbionts, ATCC52813 and ATCC52814 growing together with endosymbionts (successfully mating), and ATCC52813 and ATCC52814 growing together without endosymbionts (failure to mate). In each condition, fungi were cultivated on half-strength PDA and plugs of mycelium were placed at the edge of the plate. After 6 days, approximately 2.5 cm of tissue were harvested from the center of the plate. Each biological replicate consists of 5 plates which were pooled prior to RNA extraction to ensure sufficient tissue was collected.
Project description:A comparative profile of miRNAs in pre- and post-differentiated pigeon SMSCs (SMSC-1d and SMSC-5d) was performed by using high-throughput sequencing. We identified known porcine miRNAs, novel miRNAs, and miRNAs that are conserved in other birds and mammals. Our findings demonstrated that miRNAs are extensively involved in the differentiation of SMSCs in pigeons, and provide a valuable resource for the pigeon breeding.
Project description:Isolation, genomic and metabolomic characterization of Streptomyces tendae VITAKN with quorum sensing inhibitory activity from southern India
Project description:Pea (Pisum. sativum L.) is a traditional and important edible legume that can be sorted into grain pea and vegetable pea according to their harvested maturely or not. Vegetable pea by eating the fresh seed is becoming more and more popular in recent years. These two type peas display huge variations of the taste and nutrition, but how seed development and nutrition accumulation of grain pea and vegetable pea and their differences at the molecular level remains poorly understood. To understand the genes and gene networks regulate seed development in grain pea and vegetable pea, high throughput RNA-Seq and bioinformatics analysis were used to compare the transcriptomes of vegetable pea and grain pea developing seed. RNA-Seq generated 18.7 G raw data, which was then de novo assembled into 77,273 unigenes with a mean length of 930 bp. Functional annotation of the unigenes was carried out using the nr, Swiss-Prot, COG, GO and KEGG databases. There were 459 and 801 genes showing differentially expressed between vegetable pea and grain pea at early and late seed maturation phases, respectively. Sugar and starch metabolism related genes were dramatically activated during pea seed development. The up-regulated of starch biosynthesis genes could explain the increment of starch content in grain pea then vegetable pea; while up-regulation of sugar metabolism related genes in vegetable pea then grain pea should participate in sugar accumulation and associated with the increase in sweetness of vegetable pea then grain pea. Furthermore, transcription factors were implicated in the seed development regulation in grain pea and vegetable pea. Thus, our results constitute a foundation in support of future efforts for understanding the underlying mechanism that control pea seed development and also serve as a valuable resource for improved pea breeding.