Project description:Infective endocarditis is a severe disease caused by the infection of heart valves and endocardium by pathogenic germ. Antimicrobial therapy and surgery remain the basis of treatment, and up to 50% of the patients require surgical replacement of the affected valves to control the infectious source. The objective of this work is to identify the existence of endotypes in a prospective cohort of patients with infective endocarditis. We performed a bulk RNA-seq form peripheral blood to cluster patients according to their transcriptomic profiles at diagnosis and during their follow-up. Clinical data, outcomes and response to surgery were assessed in a cluster-specific manner, in order to identify differences in the pathogenesis that could help to find personalized treatments and improve the outcome.
Project description:Infective endocarditis is a severe disease caused by the infection of heart valves and endocardium by pathogenic germ. Antimicrobial therapy and surgery remain the basis of treatment, and up to 50% of the patients require surgical replacement of the affected valves to control the infectious source. The objective of this work is to identify the existence of endotypes in a prospective cohort of patients with infective endocarditis. We performed a bulk RNA-seq form peripheral blood to cluster patients according to their transcriptomic profiles at diagnosis and during their follow-up. Clinical data, outcomes and response to surgery were assessed in a cluster-specific manner, in order to identify differences in the pathogenesis that could help to find personalized treatments and improve the outcome.
Project description:Mycotic leratitis is the corneal inflammation predominantly caused by Fusarium and Aspergillus species. Corneal epithelium is the earliest cell type encounter the invading pathogen. The innate immune responses of human corneal epithelial cells against Aspergillus flavus is not known. Here we studied the role of human corneal epithelial cells against Aspergillus flavus infection. The results showed that corneal epithelial cells internalized Aspergillus flavus conidia through actin mediated polymerization surrounding the conidia. Further the actin inhibitor cytochalasin D treatment reduced the formation actin ring around the conidia. The engulfed conidia acquired endosomal proteins as revealed by immunofluorescence analsyisis. Mass spectromtery of phagosomal proteins confirmed the recruitment of endosomal proteins and other proteins involved in phagocytosis. These results show the involvement of corneal epithelial cells in anti fungal defense.
Project description:Aflatoxins are carcinogenic fungal secondary metabolites. Levels of aflatoxins in agricultural commodities are stringently regulated by many countries. A cluster of genes is responsible for aflatoxin biosynthesis by Aspergillus flavus and other closely related species. Expression of the clustered aflatoxin genes is governed by a complex network of regulatory mechanisms. To better understand the molecular events that are associated with aflatoxin production, transcription profiling by microarray analyses which compared three independent aflatoxigenic A. flavus strains to individual isogenic progenies that no longer produced aflatoxins after serial transfers was carried out. Twenty-two significantly differentially expressed features were identified. After physical mapping using the A. oryzae genome sequence as the reference, the number of unique genes was reduced to 16. Compared to the parental strains, changes in the aflatoxin gene expression levels in the progenies were not significant, which suggests that the inability to produce aflatoxins is not caused by decreased expression. The only gene showing higher expression levels in the progenies is homologous to glutathione S-transferease genes. Overexpression of this gene, named hcc, at six- to nine-fold in an aflatoxigenic A. flavus did not cause discernible changes in colony morphology or aflatoxin production. Loss of aflatoxin production after serial transfers may not result from a single event but caused by multiple factors. Keywords: Compartiave hybridization toxigenic and atoxigenic lines of Aspergillus Aspergillus flavus NRRL 29459, NRRL 29474, and NRRL 29490 are aflatoxigenic strains originated from soil collection in a peanut field (Terrell Co., Georgia, USA). Strains 459B-20-2, 474A-20, and 499A-20 were nonaflatoxigenic isolates obtained after 20 serial transfers of the parental strains on potato dextrose agar slants (Horn and Dorner 2002). Comparsions in each experiment consisted of one aflatoxigenic parental strain and one nonaflatoxigenic progeny, compared after 48- or 72-hr growth. Each comparison was repeated with duplicate dye-flip.
Project description:RNA-seq was used to compare differential gene expressions for Aspergillus flavus wild type strain and ASPES transcription factor deletion strains.The goals of this study are to explore the aflatoxin regulation pathway in A. flavus.
Project description:Aflatoxins are toxic and carcinogenic secondary metabolites produced by the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. In order to better understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate aflatoxin production, the biosynthesis of the toxin in A. flavus and A. parasticus grown in yeast extract sucrose media supplemented with 50 mM tryptophan (Trp) were examined. A. flavus grown in the presence of 50 mM tryptophan was found to have significantly reduced aflatoxin B1 and B2 biosynthesis, while A. parasiticus cultures had significantly increased B1 and G1 biosynthesis. Microarray analysis of RNA extracted from fungi grown under these conditions revealed seventy seven genes that are expressed significantly different between A. flavus and A. parasiticus, including the aflatoxin biosynthetic genes aflD (nor-1), aflE (norA), and aflO (omtB). It is clear that the regulatory mechanisms of aflatoxin biosynthesis in response to Trp in A. flavus and A. parasiticus are different. These candidate genes may serve as regulatory factors of aflatoxin biosynthesis. Keywords: Aflatoxin, Aspergillus, flavus, Amnio Acids, Tryptophan
Project description:Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus are two of the most important aflatoxin-producing species that contaminate agricultural commodities worldwide. Both species are heterothallic and undergo sexual reproduction in laboratory crosses. Here, we examine the possibility of interspecific matings between A. flavus and A. parasiticus. These species can be distinguished morphologically and genetically, as well as by their mycotoxin profiles. Aspergillus flavus produces both B aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), B aflatoxins or CPA alone, or neither mycotoxin; Aspergillus parasiticus produces B and G aflatoxins or the aflatoxin precursor O-methylsterigmatocystin, but not CPA. Only four out of forty-five attempted interspecific crosses between compatible mating types of A. flavus and A. parasiticus were fertile and produced viable ascospores. Single ascospore strains from each cross were isolated and were shown to be recombinant hybrids using multilocus genotyping and array comparative genome hybridization. Conidia of parents and their hybrid progeny were haploid and predominantly monokaryons and dikaryons based on flow cytometry. Multilocus phylogenetic inference showed that experimental hybrid progeny were grouped with naturally occurring A. flavus L strain and A. parasiticus. Higher total aflatoxin concentrations in some F1 progeny strains compared to midpoint parent aflatoxin levels indicate synergism in aflatoxin production; moreover, three progeny strains synthesized G aflatoxins that were not produced by the parents, and there was evidence of putative allopolyploidization in one strain. These results suggest that hybridization is an important diversifying force resulting in the genesis of novel toxin profiles in these agriculturally important species.
Project description:The experiment consisted of a field design containing two maize inbred lines Va35 and Mp313E. Va35 has yellow kernels and is susceptible to kernel infection by Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus). Mp313E is a white dent maize inbred line and was released primarily as a source of resistance to kernel infection by A. flavus. The test ears were inoculated with Aspergillus flavus and collected two days after inoculation. Non-inoculated ears collected 16 days after pollination were also used as a control. The microarray experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replications. One microarray slide was used for each field plot. Each slide contained the inoculated and non-inoculated sub-treatments. A second slide for one replication of each genotype contained a dye swap for the inoculation treatment and three subsamples (dots) within the slide represented each contig. Keywords: Direct comparison
Project description:Aspergillus flavus first gained scientific attention for its production of aflatoxin, the most potent naturally occurring toxin and hepatocarcinogenic secondary metabolite. For several decades, The DNA methylation status of A. flavus remains to be controversial. We first applied bisulfite sequencing, the gold standard at present, in conjunction with a biological replicate strategy to investigate the DNA methylation profiling of A. flavus genome. Our results reveal that the DNA methylation level of this fungus turns out to be negligible, comparable to the unmethylated lambda DNA we set as the false positive control of our bisulfite experiments. When comparing the DNA methyltransferase homolog of A. flauvs with that from several selected hypermethylated speices, we find that the DNA methyltransferase homolog of A.flavus as well as the other Aspergillus members groups closely with the RID from Neurospora crassa and Masc1 from Ascobolus immerses, which has been reported as DMT-incapable, but it diverges distantly from the other capable DNA methyltransferases. We observe significant depletion of repeat components within the A. flavus, which may possibly explain the lack of DNA methylation in this fungus. What's more, the RIP-index of the repeat of A. flavus turns out to be higher than the fungi without RID-like enzyme, suggesting this asexual fungus may possibly possess RIP process during the obscure sexual-stage which is very evanescent and may potentially related to DNA methylation. This work contributes to our understanding on the DNA methylation status of A. flavus. Also, it reinforces our views on the DNA methylation in fungal species. What's more, our strategy of applying bisulfite sequencing to DNA methylation detection on species with low DNA methylation may serve as a reference for later scientific investigations on other hypomethylated species. Two replicates were subjected to bisulfite conversion independently, unmethylated lambda DNA as a false positive control is added to both replicates.