Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE26981: Responses to ectoparasite salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in skin of Atlantic salmon GSE26984: Responses to ectoparasite salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in spleen of Atlantic salmon Refer to individual Series
Project description:This study investigates sex-biased gene expression between populations of Atlantic and Pacific salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis. Two Atlantic L. salmonis populations were previously used for an array study (GSE56024) while a third dataset using Pacific L. salmonis was novel. Using all three populations, a consensus-based, meta-analysis approach was used to identify sex-biased and sex-specific genes.
Project description:This study investigates host-specific gene expression of the Pacific salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis oncorhynchii, while parasitizing a resistant host (Coho salmon), two susceptible hosts (Atlantic salmon, Sockeye salmon), and a population with-held hosts (starved), over 48 hrs.
Project description:This study investigates transcriptomic responses of Atlantic salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis exposed to cypermethrin, a commonly used antiparasitic agent used in aquaculture. Copepodid L. salmonis were exposed to cypermethrin (Betamax®) at a concentration of 1.0ppb
Project description:This study investigates sex-biased gene expression between populations of Atlantic and Pacific salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis. Two Atlantic L. salmonis populations were previously used for an array study (GSE56024) while a third dataset using Pacific L. salmonis was novel. Using all three populations, a consensus-based, meta-analysis approach was used to identify sex-biased and sex-specific genes. Two separate experiments were conducted, one for Atlantic and one for Pacific salmon lice. As the Atlantic data has been previously published for other comparisons (GSE56024), only the Pacific data is uploaded here. Lice from three populations (2 in the Atlantic and 1 in the Pacific) were collected for in vitro bioassay analysis using emamectin benzoate. After 24hrs, lice were collected as per treatment protocol below. Males and females from all populations were compared separately before forming a consensus probe list of sex-biased genes concordantly expressed across all three populations. Please note that each raw data file contains three or four 'block' data and each block data correspond to individual sample raw data. Therefore, each raw data file contains raw data for 3-4 samples (as indicated in the description field).
Project description:This study investigates the baseline or inducible differences in between populations of Atlantic salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis with differing levels of resistance to the parasiticidal drug emamectin benzoate (EMB), as well as the induced effects of EMB exposure to Pacific salmon lice. F1 generation lice were exposed in bioassays to a dilution series of emamectin benzoate.
Project description:This study investigates transcriptomic responses of Atlantic salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis exposed to cypermethrin, a commonly used antiparasitic agent used in aquaculture. Copepodid L. salmonis were exposed to cypermethrin (Betamax®) at a concentration of 1.0ppb An in vitro bioassay experiment was conducted using cypermethrin exposures on copepodid (larvae) sea lice (F1 generation) collected from BMA-2a New Brunswick, Canada in 2014. The bioassay exposed copepodids to 1.0 μg/L cypermethrin or a sea water control for 24 hours in glass beakers (VWR) at 12 ± 1oC. Each condition had a total volume of 500mL with six replicates and approximately 500 lice per beaker. After 24 hours, pools of ~500 copepodids were flash frozen for RNA extractions. Post 24-hours, lice were assessed for survival similarly to the technique used for staging and enumeratio first
Project description:We investigate the effect of a functional feed for immunostimulation (peptidoglycan extract from bacterial cell wall with nucleotide formulation) on L. salmonis infection levels on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, and on host and parasite gene expression profiles. Atlantic salmon smolts (~95 g) were fed a control diet, or a low or high dose immunostimulant diet, and then exposed to L. salmonis copepodids in three subsequent exposures. The transcriptome of salmon lice late in the infection attached to either the low dose diet or control diet hosts were compared using a 38K oligonucleotide microarray.