Project description:We used wheat as rotational crop to assess the influence of continuous cropping on microbiome in Pinellia ternata rhizosphere and the remediation of rotational cropping to the impacted microbiota. Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology was utilized for this method to explore the rhizosphere microbial structure and diversity based on continuous and rotational cropping.
2016-12-10 | GSE91083 | GEO
Project description:The relationship of rhizosphere fungal diversity and wheat root rot disease
| PRJNA549031 | ENA
Project description:The relationship of rhizosphere fungal diversity and wheat root rot disease
Project description:Background: The soil environment is responsible for sustaining most terrestrial plant life on earth, yet we know surprisingly little about the important functions carried out by diverse microbial communities in soil. Soil microbes that inhabit the channels of decaying root systems, the detritusphere, are likely to be essential for plant growth and health, as these channels are the preferred locations of new root growth. Understanding the microbial metagenome of the detritusphere and how it responds to agricultural management such as crop rotations and soil tillage will be vital for improving global food production. Methods: The rhizosphere soils of wheat and chickpea growing under + and - decaying root were collected for metagenomics sequencing. A gene catalogue was established by de novo assembling metagenomic sequencing. Genes abundance was compared between bulk soil and rhizosphere soils under different treatments. Conclusions: The study describes the diversity and functional capacity of a high-quality soil microbial metagenome. The results demonstrate the contribution of the microbiome from decaying root in determining the metagenome of developing root systems, which is fundamental to plant growth, since roots preferentially inhabit previous root channels. Modifications in root microbial function through soil management, can ultimately govern plant health, productivity and food security.
Project description:Elevated atmospheric CO2 can influence the structure and function of rhizosphere microorganisms by altering root growth and the quality and quantity of compounds released into the rhizosphere via root exudation. In these studies we investigated the transcriptional responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum cells growing in the rhizosphere of soybean plants exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2. The results of microarray analyses indicated that atmospheric elevated CO2 concentration indirectly influences on expression of large number of Bradyrhizobium genes through soybean roots. In addition, genes involved in C1 metabolism, denitrification and FixK2-associated genes, including those involved in nitrogen fixation, microanaerobic respiration, respiratory nitrite reductase, and heme biosynthesis, were significantly up-regulated under conditions of elevated CO2 in the rhizosphere, relative to plants and bacteria grown under ambient CO2 growth conditions. The expression profile of genes involved in lipochitinoligosaccharide Nod factor biosynthesis and negative transcriptional regulators of nodulation genes, nolA and nodD2, were also influenced by plant growth under conditions of elevated CO2. Taken together, results of these studies indicate that growth of soybeans under conditions of elevated atmospheric CO2 influences gene expressions in B. japonicum in the soybean rhizosphere, resulting in changes to carbon/nitrogen metabolism, respiration, and nodulation efficiency.
Project description:In this study, blueberry transcriptomics and rhizosphere fungal diversity were analyzed by simulated potting method to treat blueberries with Cd stress, and the content of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cd in each tissue, soil and DGT of blueberries were determined. , Combined with transcriptomics for correlation analysis. A total of 84374 annotated genes were obtained in blueberry roots, stems, leaves and fruits, of which 3370 DEGs were found, and DEGs in the stem accounted for the highest proportion, totaling 2521. The annotation results show that these DEGs are mainly concentrated in a series of metabolic pathways related to signal transduction, defense and pathogenic response. Blueberries transfer excess Cd from the root to the stem for storage. The stem contains the highest Cd content, which is consistent with the transcriptomics analysis results, while the fruit contains the lowest Cd content. Correlation analysis between heavy metal content and transcriptomics results in each tissue was carried out, and a series of genes related to Cd regulation were screened. The blueberry root system relies on mycorrhiza to absorb nutrients in the soil. The intervention of Cd has severely affected the microflora structure of the blueberry rhizosphere soil. Coniochaetaceae, which is extremely tolerant, has gradually become the dominant population.
Project description:The rhizosphere is a small region surrounding plant roots that is enriched in biochemicals from root exudates and populated with fungi, nematode, and bacteria. Interaction of rhizosphere organisms with plants is mainly promoted by exudates from the roots. Root exudates contain biochemicals that come from primary and secondary metabolisms of plants. These biochemicals attract microbes, which influence plant nutrition. The rhizosphere bacteria (microbiome) are vital to plant nutrient uptake and influence biotic and abiotic stress and pathogenesis. Pseudomonas is a genus of gammaproteobacteria known for its ubiquitous presence in natural habitats and its striking ecological, metabolic, and biochemical diversity. Within the genus, members of the Pseudomonas fluorescens group are common inhabitants of soil and plant surfaces, and certain strains function in the biological control of plant disease, protecting plants from infection by soilborne and aerial plant pathogens. The soil bacterium Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 (also known as Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5) is a well-characterized biological strain, which is distinguished by its prolific production of the secondary metabolite, pyoverdine. Knowledge of the distribution of P. fluorescens secretory activity around plant roots is very important for understanding the interaction between P. fluorescens and plants and can be achieved by real time tracking of pyoverdine. To achieve the capability of real-time tracking in soil, we have used a structure-switching SELEX strategy to select high affinity ssDNA aptamers with specificity for pyoverdine over other siderophores. Two DNA aptamers were isolated, and their features compared. The aptamers were applied to a nanoporous aluminum oxide biosensor and demonstrated to successfully detect PYO-Pf5. This sensor provides a future opportunity to track the locations around plant roots of P. protegens and to monitor PYO-Pf5 production and movement through the soil.
Project description:Elevated atmospheric CO2 can influence the structure and function of rhizosphere microorganisms by altering root growth and the quality and quantity of compounds released into the rhizosphere via root exudation. In these studies we investigated the transcriptional responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum cells growing in the rhizosphere of soybean plants exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2. Transciptomic expression profiles indicated that genes involved in carbon/nitrogen metabolism, and FixK2-associated genes, including those involved in nitrogen fixation, microanaerobic respiration, respiratory nitrite reductase, and heme biosynthesis, were significantly up-regulated under conditions of elevated CO2, relative to plants and bacteria grown under ambient CO2 growth conditions. The expression profile of genes involved in lipochitinoligosaccharide Nod factor biosynthesis and negative transcriptional regulators of nodulation genes, nolA and nodD2, were also influenced by plant growth under conditions of elevated CO2. Taken together, results of these studies indicate that growth of soybeans under conditions of elevated atmospheric CO2 influences gene expressions in B. japonicum in the soybean rhizosphere, resulting in changes to carbon/nitrogen metabolism, respiration, and nodulation efficiency. Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains were grown in the soybean rhizosphere under two different CO2 concentrations. Transcriptional profiling of B. japonicum was compared between cells grown under elevated CO2 and ambient conditions. Four biological replicates of each treatment were prepared, and four microarray slides were used for each strain.
Project description:Abstract Background: Fusarium crown rot is major disease in wheat. However, the wheat defense mechanisms against this disease remain poorly understood. Results: Using tandem mass tag (TMT) quantitative proteomics, we evaluated a disease-susceptible (UC1110) and a disease-tolerant (PI610750) wheat cultivar inoculated with Fusarium pseudograminearum WZ-8A. The morphological and physiological results showed that the average root diameter and malondialdehyde content in the roots of PI610750 decreased 3 days post-inoculation (dpi), while the average number of root tips increased. Root vigor was significantly increased in both cultivars, indicating that the morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses of the roots to disease differed between the two cultivars. TMT analysis showed that 366 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were identified by Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes enrichment in the two comparison groups, UC1110_3dpi/UC1110_0dpi (163) and PI610750_3dpi/PI610750_0dpi (203). It may be concluded that phenylpropanoid biosynthesis (8), secondary metabolite biosynthesis (12), linolenic acid metabolites (5), glutathione metabolism (8), plant hormone signal transduction (3), MAPK signaling pathway-plant (4), and photosynthesis (12) contributed to the defense mechanisms in wheat. Protein-protein interaction network analysis showed that the DEPs interacted in both sugar metabolism and photosynthesis pathways. Sixteen genes were validated by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and were found to be consistent with the proteomics data. Conclusion: The results provided insight into the molecular mechanisms of the interaction between wheat and F. pseudograminearum.
Project description:Crown rot of wheat, caused by Fusarium pseudograminearum and other Fusarium species is an important disease globally. To understand the host response to challenge by Fp, we examined gene exression changes in the stem base of the wheat variety Kennedy, following inoculation with macroconidia using the Affymetrix GeneChip Wheat Genome Array. Induced genes included mainly those with defensive functions such as genes encoding anti-microbial proteins as well as oxidative stress-related proteins, signalling molecules, and proteins involved in both primary and secondary metabolism. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of the wheat transcriptome during crown rot infection and provides new insights into the host processes involved in plant defence against this pathogen.