Project description:We use mRNA-seq to transcriptionally profile larval fat body and midgut tissues from Drosophila third instar larvae. These data provide insights into tissue physiology and can be used to identify tissue specific transcripts.
Project description:We use mRNA-seq to transcriptionally profile larval fat body and midgut tissues from Drosophila third instar larvae. These data provide insights into tissue physiology and can be used to identify tissue specific transcripts. Fat bodies from wandering third instar larvae were dissected from ~50 male larvae and gonads were removed to eliminate contaminating transctips from the gonads. Larval midguts were dissected from ~50 wandering third instar larvae. Larval tissues were removed to Graces unsupplemented medium on ice prior to RNA extraction with TRIzol reagent. mRNA-seq samples were prepared from 5ug of total RNA and subject to Illumina based sequencing.
Project description:Analysis of the larval fat bodies overexpressing AKH, which activates AKH signaling in the fat body in an autocrine manner. As a homolog of human glucagon, AKH causes dysregulation of carbohydrate metabolism and hyperglycemia. Results provide insight into the AKH effects on metabolic gene expression.
Project description:We used RNA-seq to examine coding and non-coding gene expression variation in the larval fat body of an ancestral African and a derived European Drosophila melanogaster population across three developmental stages spanning ten hours of larval development.
Project description:We compared four transcription factor knockdowns using transgenic RNAi expressed in the larval fat body. FOXO, Tfb1, p53, and Stat92E-dependent gene expression in the Drosophila fat body was quantified on control and high-sugar diets in order to generate expression profiles via RNA-seq. These expression data were used to build a gene regulatory network to predict novel roles for these and other genes during caloric overload.
Project description:We used RNA-seq in a derived European Drosophila melanogaster population from Germany (MU) to examine coding gene expression variation in the larval fat body during the late wandering third instar stage.
Project description:We characterized insulin receptor (InR)-dependent gene expression in the Drosophila fat body using transgenic RNAi. Chronic knockdown of InR in the fat body was elicited via (r4-GAL4, UAS-InRi) and RNA-seq was used to identify potential target genes.