Project description:In order to determine the difference in expression between pancreatic tumors generated from OCM or Oncopigs and wild type pig pancreas, we have harvested pancreatic tumors and normal pancreas from two OCM subjects and two normal pigs, respectively.
Project description:Acute pancreatitis (AP) is acute inflammation of the pancreas, mainly caused by gallstones and alcohol, driven by changes in communication between cells. Heparin-binding proteins (HBPs) play a central role in cell communication. Therefore, we used heparin affinity proteomics to identify extracellular HBPs in pancreas and plasma of normal mice and in a caerulein mouse model of AP. Many new extracellular HBPs (360) were discovered in the pancreas, taking the total number of HBPs known to 786. Extracellular pancreas HBPs form highly interconnected protein-protein interaction networks in both normal pancreas (NP) and AP. Thus, HBPs represent an important set of extracellular proteins with significant regulatory potential in the pancreas. HBPs in NP are associated with biological functions such as molecular transport and cellular movement that underlie pancreatic homeostasis. However, in AP HBPs are associated with additional processes such as acute phase response signalling, complement activation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Plasma HBPs in AP included known AP biomarkers such as serum amyloid A, as well as emerging targets such as histone H2A. Pancreas HBPs are extracellular and so easily accessible and are potential drug targets in AP, whereas plasma HBPs represent potential biomarkers for AP.
Project description:To find which signaling is activated in chronic inflammation, we tried to induce chronic skin and pancreas inflammation compared to normal skin and pancreas.
Project description:Since CNVs play a vital role in genomic studies, it is an imperative need to develop a comprehensive, more accurate and higher resolution porcine CNV map with practical significance in follow-up CNV functional analyses To detect CNV of pigs, we performed high density aCGH data of diverse pig breeds in the framework of the pig draft genome sequence (Sscrofa10.2) 9 Chinese indigenous pig, one Chinese wild boar and 2 commercial pigs were detected using one pig of Duroc as reference. These 12 animals include 1 wild pig, 2 pigs each from Yorkshire and Landrace as the representatives of modern commercial breeds and 9 unrelated individuals selected from 6 Chinese indigenous breeds (2- Tibetan pig, 2- Diannan small-ear pig, 2-Meishan pig, 1- Min pig, 1-Daweizi pig, and 1-Rongchang pig).
Project description:Since CNVs play a vital role in genomic studies, it is an imperative need to develop a comprehensive, more accurate and higher resolution porcine CNV map with practical significance in follow-up CNV functional analyses To detect CNV of pigs, we performed high density aCGH data of diverse pig breeds in the framework of the pig draft genome sequence (Sscrofa10.2) 9 Chinese indigenous pig, 2 commercial pigs, 1 wild pig were detected using one pig of Duroc as reference.
Project description:Cell conditioned medium from human pancreatic cancer cell lines MiaPaCa-2, AsPC-1, primary pancreatic cell lines as well as human FFPE tissue samples from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), chronic pancreatitis (CP), ampullary cancer, non-malignant adjacent pancreas and normal pancreas were analyzed via targeted (SRM, PRM) and/or explorative (DIA) mass spectrometry.
Project description:Since CNVs play a vital role in genomic studies, it is an imperative need to develop a comprehensive, more accurate and higher resolution porcine CNV map with practical significance in follow-up CNV functional analyses To detect CNV of pigs, we performed high density aCGH data of diverse pig breeds in the framework of the pig draft genome sequence (Sscrofa10.2)
Project description:Genome-wide SNP genotyping array can genotyped SNP highthroughly. It can be used in many aspects, such as phylogeny relationships, genome-wide association studies, copy number identification. 9 Chinese indigenous pig, 4 commercial pigs and 1 wild pig were genotyped by PorcineSNP60 array (Illumina) for exploring the phylogeny relationships among them.