Project description:Metabolism of the 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-inhibiting herbicide mesotrione in two resistant vs two sensitive Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) populations analysed via LC-MS based untargeted metabolomics of excised leaf extracts harvested for each population across five time points (2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hrs).
Project description:Background: Glyphosate has become the most widely used herbicide in the world. Therefore, the development of new glyphosate-tolerant varieties is a research focus of seed companies and researchers. The glyphosate stress-responsive genes were used for the development of genetically modified crops, while only the EPSPS gene has been used currently in the study on glyphosate-tolerance in rice. Therefore, it is essential and crucial to intensify the exploration of glyphosate stress-responsive genes, to not only acquire otherglyphosate stress-responsive genes with clean intellectual property rights but also obtain non-transgenic glyphosate-tolerant rice varieties. This study is expected to elucidate the responses of miRNAs, lncRNAs, and mRNAs to glyphosate applications and the potential regulatory mechanisms in response to glyphosate stress in rice. Results: Leaves of the non-transgenic glyphosate-tolerant germplasm CA21 sprayed with 2 mg•ml-1 glyphosate (GLY) and CA21 plants with no spray (CK) were collected for high-throughput sequencing analysis. A total of 1197 DEGs, 131 DELs, and 52 DEMs were identified in the GLY samples in relation to CK samples. Genes were significantly enriched for various biological processes involved in detoxification of plant response to stress. A total of 385 known miRNAs from 59 miRNA families and 94 novel miRNAs were identified. Degradome analysis led to the identification of 32 target genes, of which, the squamosa promoter-binding-like protein 12 (SPL12) was identified as a target of osa-miR156a_L+1. The lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory network consisted of osa-miR156a_L+1, two transcripts of SPL12 (LOC_Os06g49010.3 and LOC_Os06g49010.5), and 13 lncRNAs (e.g., MSTRG.244.1 and MSTRG.16577.1). Conclusion: Large-scale expression changes in coding and noncoding RNA were observed in rice mainly due to its response to glyphosate. SPL12, osa-miR156, and lncRNAs (e.g., MSTRG.244.1 and MSTRG.16577.1) could be a novel ceRNA mechanism in response to glyphosate stress in rice.
Project description:Metabolism of the 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-inhibiting herbicide mesotrione in two resistant vs two sensitive Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) populations analysed via LC-MS based untargeted metabolomics of excised leaf extracts harvested for each population across five time points (2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hrs).
Project description:Using whole genome microarray (Affymetrix ATH1) we studied the transcriptional response of Arabidopsis thaliana to glyphosate (Roundup Original) herbicde that inhibits 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) enzyme and thus disrupts aromaticamino acid biosynthesis. Few genes related to defense and secondary metabolism were altered. Experiment Overall Design: Surfactant (preference 0.25%) treated plants were used as carrier control group and EC50 concentration of glyphosate was used as the herbicide treatment group. Each of the control and treatment group consisted of 3 biological replicates and each biological replicates comprised leaves from 10 individual plants. RNA was extracted at 24h post treatment to study the transcriptional alterations caused by the herbicide treatment.
Project description:This submission contains the RNAseq data from a study of leafy spurge crown buds transitioning through a seasonal dormancy time course following glyphosate treatments where buds transitioned from paradoprmancy to endodormancy and then to ecodormancy. The sequences in this study were mapped to an assembled transcriptome built from sequences from this study along with sequences from : 1) A study of leafy spurge crown buds through a time course for paradormancy release induced by excision of the aerial portion of the shoot (Series GSE71317). 2) A study identical to this study but where leafy spurge plants were not treated with glyphosate (Series GSE71321). 3) A previously submitted study of leafy spurge shoots following treament with glyphosate was also used to assemble the transcriptome (Series GSE56509). This crown buds transitioning through a seasonal dormancy time course following a glyphosate treatment study has 4 biological replicates collected at each of the three dormancy states (paradormant, endodormant, and ecodormant).
Project description:This study aimed to investigate the hepatic transcriptional response of brown trout to glyphosate, and its formulated product, Roundup. We exposed juvenile female brown trout to three concentrations of glyphosate (0.01, 0.5 and 10 mg/L) and Roundup (0.01, 0.5 and 10 mg/L glyphosate acid equivalent) for 14 days and sequenced the hepatic transcriptome of 6 individual females per treatment group in order to determine the global mechanisms of toxicity of this widely used herbicide. We assembled the brown trout transcriptome using an optimised de novo approach, and subsequent differential expression analysis identified a total of 1020 differentially-regulated transcripts across all treatments. Differentially-expressed transcripts included those encoding components of the antioxidant system, a number of stress-response proteins and pro-apoptotic signalling molecules. Functional analysis also revealed over-representation of pathways involved in regulation of cell-proliferation and turnover, and up-regulation of energy metabolism and other metabolic processes. Together, these transcriptional changes are consistent with generation of oxidative stress and the widespread induction of compensatory cellular stress response pathways. The mechanisms of toxicity identified were similar across both glyphosate and Roundup treatments, including for environmentally relevant concentrations. The significant alterations in transcript expression observed at the lowest concentrations tested raises concerns for the toxicity of this herbicide to fish populations inhabiting contaminated rivers. Fish were exposed to 3 concentrations of glyphosate (0.01, 0.1 and 10 mg/L), 3 concentrations of Roundup (0.01, 0.5 and 10 mg/L glyphosate acid equivalent) and water controls for 14 days. Liver mRNA from 6 replicate individuals per treatment was sequenced in an Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. Two control groups (n=6 fish per group) were included. Using a de novo approach, we assembled the hepatic transcriptome for brown trout. Sequence reads were re-mapped to the assembled transcriptome using Bowtie2 and transcript expression profiling was conducted using EdgeR. ERCC spike controls were added to all individual samples, allowing for the assessment of the reproducibility and dynamic range for transcript expression quantification in our experiments. For the group exposed to 0.1 mg/L glyphosate, only 3 females were available to sequence and the variability between individuals was very high with 1 female identified as an outlier. For this reason, data from this treatment group was deemed unreliable and excluded from the analysis.
Project description:Small RNAs have emerged as a promising new type of biomarker to monitor health status and track the development of diseases. Here we report changes in the levels of small RNAs in the liver of rats exposed to a mixture (MIX) of six pesticides frequently detected in foodstuffs (azoxystrobin, boscalid, chlorpyrifos, glyphosate, imidacloprid and thiabendazole), and glyphosate (G50) (50 mg/kg bw/day), or its representative EU commercial herbicide formulation Roundup MON 52276 (R50) at the same glyphosate equivalent doses in comparison to a control group (CON).
Project description:Glyphosate (GLY) is an effective antimetabolite that acts against the shikimate pathway 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase, However, little is known about the genome-scale transcriptional responses of bacteria after glyphosate shock. To investigate further the mechanisms by which E. coli response to a glyphosate shock, a DNA-based microarray was used for transcriptional analysis of E. coli exposed to 200 mM glyphosate. RNA extracted from cells of E. coli K-12 JM109 cells after 4 h of growth to OD600 achieve 0.4, or cells after 200 mM glyphosate shock for 1 h when their OD600 achieved 0.4.
Project description:Glyphosate (GLY) is an effective antimetabolite that acts against the shikimate pathway 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase, However, little is known about the genome-scale transcriptional responses of bacteria after glyphosate shock. To investigate further the mechanisms by which E. coli response to a glyphosate shock, a DNA-based microarray was used for transcriptional analysis of E. coli exposed to 200 mM glyphosate.