Project description:Schwann cells undergo reprogramming after nerve injury, switching to immature repair phenotype. The goal was to test what genetic perturbations are triggered in Schwann cells with the stimulus from melanoma cell secreted factors. We used microarrays to detail the changes in gene expression of Schwann cells treated with human melanoma conditioned medium.
Project description:To understand the mechanism of action of ILB we have used gene expression analysis to document the changes induced by the drug in Schwann like cells. Human Schwann-like cells (ATCC-CRL-2884) were treated with ILB (0.01 mg/ml) for 48 hours. Control samples were cultured parallel with no drug added. The expression data was used to identify the ILB-regulated genes.
Project description:Analysis of the effect of NF1 second hit mutation to the reading of the whole human genome by comparing the gene expression profiles of neurofibroma derived Schwann cell cultures representing two different NF1 genotypes (NF1+/- and NF1-/-).
Project description:In this dataset, we include the expression data obtained from rat Schwann cells overepressing GFP (control) or Sox2/GFP to identfiy Sox2 tragets in Schwann cells. An in vitro microarray analysis of GFP (control) and Sox2/GFP overexpressing Schwann cells
Project description:In attempt to understand M.leprae interaction with the human host, Applied Biosystems microarrays containing 30,865 probles were used to identify modulated genes in primary human Schwann Cells (SC) infected with live M. leprae at two early time points, 24 and 48 hours. A total of 4 independent experimental samples were prepared which were hybridized to two replicate microarrays each.The four experimental samples included both uninfected and M. leprae infected Schwann cells at both 24 and 48 hours.
Project description:To obtain the dynamic gene expression of myelinating Schwann cells, we have employed gene expression profiling microarray as a discovery platform to analyze the gene expression of Schwann cells in different stages of myelination in an DRG neuron and SC co-culture myelinating model. Rat Schwann cells and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were cocultured and induced myelination in DMEM medium containing 15% FBS, 50 ng/ml NGF and 50 μg/ml L-ascorbic acid for 21d. During the co-cultivation, myelinating SCs at different stages dissected by Laser microdissection (LMD) in myelination model (i.e. co-culture 1d, 3d, 7d, 14d, 21d), the Schwann cells without co-culture as control samples (i.e. co-culture 0d). The results from Euclidean distance matrix, principal component analysis, and hierarchical clustering indicated that 2 nodal transitions in temporal gene expressions could segregate 3 distinct transcriptional phases within the period of DRG/SC co-culture 21 days. The 3 phases were designated as “premyelination”, “myelination”, and “mature phase”, respectively, by referring to morphological observation of post co-culture changes and gene ontology (GO) analysis.